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Everything posted by Zequatanil
God speaks to us always. He always has--always will. We often fail to listen. You chose to listened! Not long ago I asked Our Lady--` Why did God speak to man in the Old Testament--why has He stopped?` Her answer was,``I never have never stopped, except man fails to listen and hear me``--you have listened and have.heard. Thank you for sharing your heart. I shall remember your aunt Linda in my prayers tonight. God bless and walk with you always, S
With this link I am closing the subject http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=hu&u=http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/hmult1/konyvek/summ11.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmelyik%2Begyettem%2Bsumir%2Bmagyar%2Btanulmany%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DwgV%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26prmd%3Dimvnso&sa=X&ei=sp0iUJvxE5ON6QGCtYDoBA&ved=0CDwQ7gEwAA peace, S
I am not going to debate this--the Fin connection is gone with the wind. Please don`t comment before you do some serious research about the language. I would also seriously check out whom the members are in the below institute. http://www.magtudin.org/index.htm http://www.szabir.co...y-of-hungarian/
??? They are facts--there are studies all over the world including US about this. Read the sites below! I have more for serious reading Ancient Magyar /Sumerian connection .Fact! Ancient religion. Fact! Taltos. Fact! Actually we have a Taltos, he is the 7 son, of a 7 son. of a 7 son , of a 7 son going back many, many generations--his name today is Andras Kovacs. Fact! He is the living legend of the ancient religion. Fact! --today and a serious school to study the methods. Fact! There are certain pre-requisites to be taken to attend. Fact! The site below is very interesting! http://www.eaus.ee/JuditKis.pdf There is a picture in that site of the Taltos. The modern Magyar language is 99% ancient Sumerian--we understand it. Fact! That is why there is so much interest in it linguistically all over the world. Fact!. It is the only language on earth that has not changed.Fact! Check out the Cassiopaea blog, the article there--especially the references at the end! http://www.imninalu.net/myths-Huns.htm http://sms.zrc-sazu....MS_03_Kurti.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_prehistory http://ancientmagyarworld.tripod.com/ http://hungarianhist...nspir/hsp04.htm http://hungarianhist...nspir/hsp08.htm http://www.federatio.org/mi_bibl/AlfredToth_EDH_5.pdf http://users.cwnet.c...lenia/myths.htm http://www.hunmagyar.org/tor/index.html http://cassiopaea.or...p?topic=13148.0 An interesting forum http://forums.skadi....ead.php?t=11315 Blessings and peace, S
??? They are facts--there are studies all over the world including US about this. Read the sites below! I have more for serious reading Ancient Magyar /Sumerian connection .Fact! Ancient religion. Fact! Taltos. Fact! Actually we have a Taltos, he is the 7 son, of a 7 so , of a seven son going back many, many generations. Fact! He is the living legend of the ancient religion. Fact! --today and a serious school to study the methods. Fact! There are certain pre-requisites to be taken to attend. Fact! The modern Magyar language is 99% ancient Sumerian--we understand it. Fact! That is why there is so much interest in it linguistically all over the world. Fact!. It is the only language on earth that has not changed.Fact! Check out the Cassiopaea blog, the article there--especially the references at the end! http://www.imninalu.net/myths-Huns.htm http://sms.zrc-sazu....MS_03_Kurti.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_prehistory http://ancientmagyarworld.tripod.com/ http://hungarianhist...nspir/hsp04.htm http://hungarianhist...nspir/hsp08.htm http://www.federatio.org/mi_bibl/AlfredToth_EDH_5.pdf http://users.cwnet.c...lenia/myths.htm http://www.hunmagyar.org/tor/index.html http://cassiopaea.or...p?topic=13148.0 Blessings and peace, S
This has to be cutest ever--a friend of mine in Sweden took the photo. book!! Now this is a mother`s love. blessings and love, S
blessings , S
I agree with you totally-- When I was in my early twenties I was introduced to the philosophy as the person that suggested I read the books as he thought that I was far too altruistic. I admired him greatly, what he said I considered gospel--so I read all the books. Then being young and stupid, especially being totally full of myself and thinking I should do more for myself. I tought that he was probably right about his observation regarding me. However, as time went, actually a very short time I have to add, I found it less and less appealing as I found out whom I really was, and above all what is important in life. The philosophy was totally against my nature, and I soon became rather disenchanted--but it was a good exercise for self examination. The problem is, that she is right about the ways of the world--especially about the movers and the shakers of the world, most of them anyway. It is the human consciousness that needs changing, but as you say we are slowly moving towards that position. Maybe as we become more spiritually oriented we can make changes by changing one soul at a time. I don`t know if that is possible at all. I suppose I am an altruistic pacifist This makes me feel I am doing my thing for the planet--but I don`t own a billion dollar yacht like the Russian billionaire--but come to think of it, I don`t really want to--`there is no luggage rack on a hearse`,as my grandfather used to say . peace, S
``Men have been taught that the ego is the synonym of evil, and selflessness the ideal of virtue. But the creator is the egotist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge or act. These are functions of the self. Here the basic reversal is most deadly. The issue has been perverted and man has been left no alternative—and no freedom. As poles of good and evil, he was offered two conceptions: egotism and altruism. Egotism-- was held to mean the sacrifice of others to self. Altruism—the sacrifice of self to others. This tied man irrevocably to other men and left him nothing but a choice of pain: his own pain borne for the sake of others or pain inflicted upon others for the sake of self. When it was added that man must find joy in self-immolation, the trap was closed. Man was forced to accept masochism as his ideal—under the threat that sadism was his only alternative. This was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.`` http://www.nasonart....untainhead.html The above exert is from Roarke`s courtroom speech from the Fountainhead. How do you feel about objectivism of Ayn Rand? Life seems to be based on one or the other for each of us according to her--is she correct in that assumption? Which path is correct for us to follow as humans? The saints I think would follow the altruist way, but great leaders follow the egotist way--there are exceptions ofcourse. Is there an in between for today? What does our choice depend on? What determines it? Looking at the world of money and power one gets to think that perhaps the lines are drawn--in my view. blessings and peace, S
Pacifism is not against self protection or self preservation. Ofcourse I would march into battle to fight to protect my family, my country if all options were exhausted. Your examples are self preservation, self protection--the term pacifism refers to war in my opinion. Your temple example of Jesus was simply act of anger not an act of war--nobody was killed. Jesus absolutely was the personification of a pacifist in all his actions and words. I doubt very much he would support war.Even David got scolded by God for being war like: But this word of the Lord came to me: 'You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight. (1 Chronicles 22:8) Jesus appeared to teach pacifism during his ministry when he told his disciples: You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matt. 5:38-39) Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-28) Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matt. 5:9)http://en.wikipedia....istian_pacifism peace, S
Seeing Happy mentioned Atlas Shrugged--I went and re read `The virtue of selfishness`, maybe because it is very short and the philosophy is in point for almost. I re-visit the philosophy now and then. Each time I see it differently, however now that I am older `objectivism` dosn`t do much for me. However some of the speeches in many of her books does have much wisdom--maybe I just like powerful men that are her protagonists. blessings and peace, S
Yes! Being a pacifist to me dosn`t mean I would allow my family to be slaughtered, but I would try every possible way to come to an other solution--to me it seems we do not try at all, especially when we think we have the upper hand. I suppose it sounds very naive to be wanting peace, but life is far too short for anything else! Is it worth for any one`s child to lose their life in Iraq. What is the reason? It is easy to send someone else`s child--but I do wonder those that do the sending , out of those--how many of their children have seen battle or have died. It is easy when it is not your child--pain is pain whether you are an American mother, Iraqi or an Afghan. It is all senseless especially when one is not defending anything but attacking often simply for political reason. I know many here don`t agree with me, but is any life worth losing?? An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi peace, S
they are sooooooo cute! Thanks for sharing!! woof -woof and a meeow too! S
When I was younger one of the very first philosophies I was introduced to by my mentor was objectivism by of Ayn Rand.The first book I read was `The virtue of selfishness`, but The Fountainhead is my favourite--I prefer it to Atlas Shrugged, maybe because it is shorter. She has many ideas that I agree with, however though the years it dosn`t appeal to me as much as it did. Too much of the ego is involved for me these days, maybe the idea stems from her Russian roots.Though Roarke`s speech is always very inspirational to a degree--maybe it is just Gary Cooper -- but all her protagonists project much wisdom to live by, however I have learnt through the years that there is not much virtue in selfishness. The speech below is still a favourite monologue of mine.. http://www.nasonart.com/personal/lifelessons/fountainhead.html blessings and peace, S
Thank you for your wise advice Al--I have relayed it to my mom, she sends her thanks I am sure this will help and the kids will be just fine. Blessings and meeow, S
Thank you Br. Hex--most appreciated. blessings and love, S Thank You very much also, Gratefu! peace and love, S
I always considered myself as a dog person and since I was a child I cannot remember myself without a dog. The first one was when I was about three, a Hungarian Puli named Tucsok, which means cricket, then came an sheepdog named Maxi. Then there was my little mix terrier of some kind named Danny, --one day he simply ran off and never came back, I was ten--that was my very first heartbreak, I cried for weeks.Then followed a English pointer, Diana,--sadly she died of a disease very soon after we got her. Then came a great Dane named Pluto, that we had for only two months, as he was huge and we coudn`t keep him in the apartment. Then came my beloved Tinnike, an Airdale terrier when I was eleven--she was my constant companion as I was growing up, --she was with me day and night . She wasn`t a dog but a person--and she only spoke Hungarian . Lassie was a German Sheep dog, she was my sister`s constant shadow . Both Lassie and Tinnike immigrated with us from South Africa, Tinnike was 17 when she died, and Lassie was 12. They are both buried in our garden in Montreal under a huge Maple tree, that is where they used to love to lie during the lazy days of summer. Then I there was Dennis-named after my first boyfriend . He was a small little spaniel that I had found wandering amongst traffic on Yonge Street, one of the busiest streets of Toronto. I had him for almost 18 years. When my old boyfriend came from South Africa to visit me in Canada 8 years ago he thought it most amusing to know that he had a namesake, and his picture was gracing my bookshelf. Then there was Shaka, --named after the great the Zulu king--a beautiful , gentle Doberman that was rescued from a garage--I had him for 8 years with Dennis at the same time. It was David and Goliath when we went walking . Shaka sadly was killed by a car as my brother-in-law took him off the leash, --it was on a Good Friday. Soon after that tragic incident Dennis walked off on Victoria day and I never found him. Many people who knew him said that he walked off to die because he was 18 , and they said he didn`t want to die and make me sad. I was heartbroken anyway. Then I had little Blanche--the little Westie I had rescued from my daughter`s father-in-law. However for the past years it has all changed, I now consider myself as a cat-woman . Not out of choice, but fate, or perhaps they chose me.--I inherited Evie and Frederick from my daughter, who had a baby at the time and they kept peeing in the crib. I had them for many years. Frederick walked off into the sunset and Evie lived a very happy life with Dennis, later with Blanche and died in my living room 4 years ago. Now I have two beautiful fur kids Felix and Alice. All of these souls have always simply showed up in my life--but the latest tale unfolded was last December. My mom who lives alone in a big house close to me, has had two cats the past 3 years, that my brother brought to her for companionship,--they are Armand and Fonzie, both rescues, after her beloved kitty had an accident. Sadly we found out when we took Armand to the vet that he had feline aids, and also had some serious problems due to an accident--He seemed healthy apart from teeth problems that needed to be removed. My mom simply adored them both, especially Armand knowing that he was ill. Last December who should show up on her doorstep--on her verandah in fact , but a little ginger kitten about 4 months old. He was very wild, you couldn`t get close to him at all--a stray. My mom was in trouble because she also feeds a raccoon named Bruno and we were afraid that they would get into a fight--so Bruno`s plate was moved to another place, off the verandah. My mom, because she had two cats, insisted that even if she wanted it she couldn`t let kitty in because Armand was a very aggressive cat, and not healthy. So--after a few weeks the Canadian weather started to set in--it was getting really cold, we had to do something--I got a raccoon cage from my brother to catch him--he has many raccoon visitors at his house, as they live on the edge of an urban national park and at times he has to relocate them back to the forest as they often take his garage apart, even his garbage cans are bolted down. Imagine, they have at times come into the house though the kitty door and one was found under my niece`s bed. Anyway--we named the stray kitty Sylvester --and it was old year`s eve when we decided to name him, and Sylvester in Hungarian means `old years eve`. We decided that because he was so wild to wait a while before catching him. We made a very warm , comfortable, padded house for him on the verandah. It was like a comfortable nest. He had food, lodging and love from a distance. My mom fed him 3 times a day--he came and went and was very happy. This went on for the next few months. The problem was , that Sylvester , though he was fed was a biter, as we found out. He bit my mom 3 times in a short while because she wanted to befriend him and kept trying to get closer to him. My mother was upset momentarily, but then love took over, all was forgiven. Life carried on for the next week or so without incident. Then came an other bite on mom`s arm, a deep one. It became a very serious infection, she was put on oral anti-biotics, but that didn`t help. Then after 3 days --we had to go to emergency to the hospital. We were there all night and my mom had to be put on intravenous anti-biotics and she was seriously ill. For the next week a nurse came to the house daily to administer the antibiotics. Finally she was better--I have to add through all this time she was still feeding Sylvester. Then--all of a sudden Armand became very ill--we had 2 weeks of hell--feeding and taking care of him, until sadly he passed away quietly just over a month ago in the dinning room--we buried him in the garden. Believe this or not--from that day onward, Sylvester, still outside from one day to the next became as gentle as a lamb. Three weeks ago he moved into the house--he has become the friendliest, loving cat that ever existed--he already sleeps on my mom`s bed. He is like my mom`s shadow-- where ever she goes, he goes. He does not want to put a foot out the door alone. He only goes out with my mom when she waters the garden,--like a dog. He stand next to her and walks step by step with her.His head is always on mom`s foot, or he lies on her--and purrs like a steam engine. We have truly never seen anything like it, in such a short time--Fonzie is rather jealous--and is certainly not a very happy camper, but he has a great personality and we are hoping that they will eventually love each other. Sylvester is going to the vet to be neutered in a few days--and then I hope life will continue to be happy without further incidents. My mom is in love--truly in love--she said to my brother --`I would not give up this kitty for anything in the world`. Imagine.--For some reason I know that he came because he knew, or felt that Armand was going to leave soon and he knew that in this house he will be truly loved. blessings and peace, S
Seeing we are perhaps back to fractals--I have a few questions . If a fractal has the tendency to resemble the whole in a microscopic aspect--the microcosm and macrocosm, then wouldn`t it also resemble that of creation? A small piece of a leaf will resembles the entire leaf- a detailed breakdown in structure reveals a design of the entirety. The organism resembles itself, entirely within that tiny bit--no matter how much it is magnified. This being the case, are we perhaps then not a fractal of God? Perhaps of the Creator`s thought? Is maybe the universe a cell of Source? Are cells, bodies, societies, galaxies, and possibly universes fractals? Does the fractal pattern provide a metaphor of how what seems impossible, actually be possible? Do fractals perhaps provide a connection between all and everything--including ourselves to God/Source or whatever higher power which may exist? Are we separate or are we actually one? Do fractal imply anything philosophically, spiritually or are simply material expressions of creation? How would Darwinian theory come into this? --I know all questions , no answers form me. blessings and peace, S
This reminds me a quote from Orwell`s Animal Farm-- “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Isn`t this really the bottom line blessings, S