Hyper Real

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Everything posted by Hyper Real

  1. For all Abrahamic faiths Israel is a place where there are many important (historical) sites and theist or atheist alike the surroundings are simply lovely. Did you visit Israel and do you have stories to share, what made you go there, what was your impression? I visited Israel twice and both visits were very memorable. I remember meeting my later girlfriend biking through Israel, I remember this guy who was about to make a big decision and he wanted to get inspiration from God by climbing both mount Carmel in the north and mount Sinai in the south. I remember seeing the awful face of racism, or getting stuck because of a bomb threat. My favorite locations are the Dead Sea area, tranquil, colorful and the lovely Galilee area And going on a bus to climb the 'seven' mountains of Jerusalem is also very nice.
  2. OK here is junior, and I had to look good as I thought I saw a bunch of ye old US senators singing in the background, but alas it's my eyes:
  3. I figured you were more into the Hank Williams types, not sure if it is senior or junior yet, you know conservative, values, morals, the works: Did he teach his children well? Here is junior: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eF6vCv13bw
  4. You like guitars? How about Mr David "teach your children well" Crosby the die-hard liberal, criminal, druggy, alcoholic who made millions and achieved to lose it all on God knows what?
  5. I really wonder how can anyone believe in the existence of a real and living God if they accept such a God can be defined.
  6. The Dao De Jing is a great work but unfortunately obscure at times. It is written in classical Chinese which is very hard to translate.
  7. I think the most important thing is to meet the expectations of the couple, you should sit together and discuss the ceremony, I would advice at least two sessions one to gather information and give ideas and a second one, at least a week later, to agree on it. Some items to discuss and go over with: - Does the couple have a faith and how important is it to them? - Do they want to see a favorite quote or verse either from scripture or perhaps contemporary writings? - Do they have a story to share, for instance how they met, how they got to the point where they are now? - Do they want other family members involved in the ceremony? - Do they like it extremely formal or less formal? - Do they want you to talk much about the importance of marriage or 'get it over with quickly'? - Are there live musicians who will be part of the ceremony or is there recorded music or no music at all? After you understand what they expect you can make a plan. Then have them 'sit on it' and then on the follow up visit make the final plan. Just some pointers not a final list, perhaps some other members can add to it as well.
  8. Rio de Janeiro "And I probably won't......but then again I just might" Nesmith's whimsical Rio is just funny: Now the question is did he or didn't he? Well with his money he probably did.
  9. Nice round, and yes get rid of the speckles. However, I do not like the font, it reminds me of a font of some old Bible. Furthermore the contrast with the modern font in the middle is kind of anachronistic stylistically speaking.
  10. How did you do it? Even tools like Microsoft Powerpoint has curving options.
  11. Basically I agree with Dorian Gray' comments. Also I feel the text is not perfectly round. An alternative for perfectly round would be to use a very Mexican hat shape for the text.
  12. How about Massachusetts, the Bee Gees songs with the same title and in support of Robin Gibb who is currently in a coma fighting for his life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL1WnbA1Hss
  13. My son's current favorite song, sung by the late Davy Jones:
  14. For a person to realize and accept his mortality to me is a healthy thing. I noticed you are 64 years old, I find it rather worrying that you at 64 years of age believe you will never die.
  15. New York, of course there is Sinatra's "New York New York" or Christopher Cross' Arthur's Theme but what about "A Night in New York": Here you go Stephanie, only one person in the world can so "Ooooaaaw" like you do:
  16. I believe you are seriously deluding yourself if you think you will never die. How old are you?
  17. Five years old, plenty of mistakes but way to go!
  18. It is a fact that every person eventually dies.
  19. Well if would have you bothered to read the rest of the thread you would have found out my position on this matter. But it is clear you only read the first posting and then you assumed what I thought about it and you put your questions accordingly. That is the truth is it not?
  20. Yes I am interested what people think not what people guess what I think about it.
  21. Not sure why all those counter questions, looks like you are jumping to conclusions. Take a deep breath my friend, I think you need it.