Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have. Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding! Blessings of Peace,

  2. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have. Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding! Blessings of Peace,

  3. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have. Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding! Blessings of Peace,

  4. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have. Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding! Blessings of Peace,

  5. Absolutely. I'm so sorry to hear Scotty, I just got in from early services at VFW hall, I will call them and there will be a whole group of 30+ more who will add him to their prayers list. As a veteran, these are prayers that are difficult for any vet, however, we feel such a sense of comradeship between the living and those who gallantly gave their all. May healing and blessed peace be with you and you brother's family Scotty. Prayers of healing,
  6. Central Valley, California...Interesting event last night...a huge sonic boom around 12:45 a.m. RATTLED house and neighborhood, cats came a runnin'...No rockets from Vandenberg AFB and zero in news this morning on local outlets. You ridin' that super-sonic broom again Fawzo?! Blessings of Peace,

    1. Fawzo


      Sounds like the Auroroa to me or you've been mixing eye of newt and goats horn in your glogg again :)

    2. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      GOATS HORN! :doh: One must always add a pinch of "hair of frog" to counter the goat's horn!.. :kick: My bad! I fergitted!

  7. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come Home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace, Atwater Vitki

  8. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come Home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace, Atwater Vitki

  9. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come Home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace, Atwater Vitki

  10. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come Home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace, Atwater Vitki

  11. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come Home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace, Atwater Vitki

  12. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours, Atwater Vitki

  13. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours, AV

  14. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours, AV

  15. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  16. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours, AV

  17. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy our little family of friends here! Would you please contact me for some info? Thank you, Blessings, AV

  18. Love the torti's...our Me Shell has an identical "scowl" and does she know how to use it! She, of course is our Princess! Of course, I'll let you guess which one is her and not Moki or Hemet! Blessings of Peace,
  19. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

  20. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

  21. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

  22. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

  23. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  24. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  25. Oh my goodness, the kitten got out! Ut oh, looked for hours, called and called, where can she be??? These got sent to us by one of Kay's friends....simply too cute!