Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. ...thank you Br. Kaman for the parable...I think I heard that one, or similar, long ago as well. But isn't it funny, we have to teach kindness? I wonder what this world would be like if kindness was an instinct like licking our eye brows?!? Blessings,
  2. Ahh...the mighty Yew tree must be it. Good for bows for hunting, wood for crafts, boats and other things. Even your wood is good for burning to keep us warm! We must have ONLY yew trees in the forest! Right? Blessings,
  3. Unfortunately no, I don't have it...shall we just say it was a "settlement" with the ex. I didn't mean to side track the topic so I guess we should get back on track.... Another unfortunate in our day and age is people simply do not see the "forest for the trees". Nobody is willing to step back and take a look at what really matters for them to fit into things....themselves. Like the young man above they are so hell bent on destruction of things, relationships, property, ideals, morals etc etc that they don't even see how their own actions effect others or themselves for that matter. We have become a blame everything and everyone else society for the problems we create. What these types refuse to see, yes refuse to see, is that when pointing at these "other things", three fingers are pointing directly back at Self. Blessings Be,
  4. Ya know, reminiscing about my place up there today brings up another point about the environment and how resilient it can be. Every place there were leaky engines and trannys, I marked with flags so the next year I could clean up the spills with the back-hoe. On everyone of those spots the oil or fluid had only penetrated maaaybe a foot into the ground. I dug out everyone and used the oil soaked dirt to line the ONE new fire pit/burn pile for the property. It cost me $125 per 20 yard dumpster for the haul off ($1,250.00 + about another $100 dump fees for the p-truck loads), but I made nearly $800 off the recycling of the junk left so a major cost reduction there. When I called the County to get the occupancy permit, they inspected nearly every square inch of the place, including soil samples because one of the inspectors had shut the place down when the "animals" (prev. tenants) lived there and knew about the engines etc. Not one spot showed so much as a point on the test strips or in the report from the State the property was given a clean bill of health of course and something the neighbors should have been glad to have come in...but noooo...I still had one, across "Bloody Nose Creek" that carried on about the ceremony we held ...even years it was insulting to his "better senses" and how did he know some of "their voodoo" didn't cross the creek onto his land? Hu-mans! First they call it superstitious "voodoo, then they are worried it "might" do them harm. Fickle, insulting to my better senses, hu-mans! Geeesh! This would be such a great Planet of it weren't for about 90% of all the danged people on it! Blessings,
  5. Being a little over 3% teflon, 2.5% keflex mesh, 4% 313LVM stainless's difficult for me to choose!! ...and battery pack? Well, it's a bit personal where they inserted that! I do know I never got my $6M settlement though!
  6. Back in 1993/94...when I first got my property up in Willow Creek...of more than 400 trees on my 7 acres, yes very thick...I had to thin out about 80 dead and dying spruce, 6 oak and 15 redwood. I cleared about a dozen spruce before I would even think about occupying the house due to proximity/fall. The neighbors thought we were "some sort of weirdo's" (and boy did they let us know) as I had my friends from Hupa* (Indian rez) come and do a "tree clearing/property cleansing ceremony" was after all... Native Land long before I held claim to it...several elders and about ten younger members came with their full dress, flutes and drums, feather fans, sage, baskets etc etc....AMAZING thing to witness! They did the drumming part, then a long dance and then a flute offering...I get chills now just was nearly an all day process of which we ate, sang and danced amidst the trees...and ate some more! A day I hold dear to my heart and will never forget. They not only asked the trees permission for this to heal the land, but "turned it over" to our care. I did a full on Runic/Nordic cleansing of the house before we moved in 9 months later and even incorporated several aspects of what Gray Eagle had taught me. Not only did I procure about 35 cords of burnable wood for our wood stove (only heating in winter) the land came back with a vengeance. Our garden produced at least double what the neighbor "expert" (he had every bag of stuff available from the plant/feed/hardware store) did with our using only nominal, organic fertilizers/mulch, lady bugs for aphid control etc. Thick corn rows fence to keep deer to the corn, not garden! The forest, about 5½ of our 7+ acres was greener, fuller, far more vibrant than the surrounding properties. We might have been "weird", but our land was the center piece of Trinity road in a mere 2 years. Yes, respect the land, and as importantly others, and it's amazing the results, the future and the Continuum that comes from being a part of it All! Blessings of Peace, *These are the good folks I met and grew to love through my studio...working with the kids/courts to cover crapola tattoos so they could find work...that I mention from time to time. edit: I should also mention...the "people", if one could call them that...left 5 cars, about 8 or 9 engine blocks and trannys, leaking oil etc, piles of metal, over 200 bags of trash strewn the end 10 twenty yard dumpsters of trash and junk on the land. Dirty hypo-needles and ramen noodle cups were as thick as a carpet around the house....they had started fire-pits over nearly every inch of about 2 acres filled with trash and cans and...and....absolutely disgusting....but also why I got 7.5 acres along the Trinity River for a mere $30k...the owner did not want to have to clean it up so me played "Let's Make A Deal"!!!...Monty would have been proud, but not as proud as we were when we got to enjoy the land, fish from the back deck and eat from our garden. My 6 years there are only eclipsed by the years I spent on Maui and both are a tough call as to which had more impact on my Spirit.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. I suppose I should have said "all tape measures" are only 12' instead of "my" and that in our world nothing larger existed. Perhaps mis-stated, but my point was if we use the "measure" as defining all we know and something falls out of that parameter, then either the measure is incorrect or the basis of our entire, inclusive knowledge is incorrect. As to "how" or "why" I believe in the processes of runic divination is the known effect it has had on others. That is why I allow others who believe that "God" or "Buddha" or "Shiva" or"?" is the crux or driving force behind the path they follow, to do so. Is it the object of our affection and passion that makes something "right" or "wrong" or is the passion itself that proves the emotional and what many term "Spiritual" value of believing? The bottom line, to me, is if a person believes that eating a PBJ every morning will make them live to 100 and they do so, is it really the PBJ or genetics or "?" ? The end proof is they lived beyond 100 and some will follow suit and others will decry the "science" behind the does any of that have to do with the 101 year old PBJ eater?? The fact that no one can disprove the existence of "God/Creator/All/Collective Conscious/One" any more than a religious or divinic person can prove it, is no proof for either side. Just because someone, with a mind far more brilliant than my own, like Dr. Hawking says "God" did not create the universe" does not make it necessarily so any more than those who've chemically altered their mental state and stated "I saw God".....did they? I guess for me, it's all about allowing. Allowing people to believe in what they will regardless of my personal feelings about it. Allowance and tolerance will have more positive affect on our species than control and intolerance, and that's what I'm after more-so than any other thing in this world. That we each face our fears with dignity, stretch our imaginations to the limit and let our creativity lead us into the future with the courage and strength to fully comprehend and understand what we have created for ourselves. Greed, power and war mongering are far more important issues to work on doing away with in my mind than hypothesizing the probable direction of future technologies, regardless of how much I enjoy the subject and prospects. As far as the proposition of an MI ever having the ability to lead a congregation of believers, perform rune-divination or calculate the next level of humanity...until there is MI with far superior ability than the current state of mechanics and science behind them, you, me, the rest of us are really just speculating. That is not basing our presentations on facts, just speculation. And that can only lead us into a round robin of theoretical proofs and disproofs until the proverbial cow comes home. It's like all the limitations we put on space travel, the current thinking is a physical piece of equipment traveling within the limits of "light speed" is not well suited for interstellar travel, true. We need to think outside the box, or brain bucket or physical and begin to explore the realms of "astral travel" as we've coined it. But that is yet another thread for another day. Blessings of Peace, Al
  9. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al (great ordination date btw!)

  10. I take it you are a piercer? artist and piercer for 35+ years here! Yes, even folks like us are welcome around here! So WELCOME to the forum hanna7! And another inetresting common, my g'ma's name was Hanna! :) Blessings of Peace,

  11. There is an option of having a "ulc" e-mail addy, but it requires that you make at least 100 posts before requesting to ward off spammers. We've only had one go thru the trouble since I've been here and he was hopping mad when he didn;t get his addy...100 posts in a few hours sort of tells its own story eh? Blessings,, looks like we answered at almost same time
  12. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to the forum! Hope to hear more from you in the future! Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. Rev. Troy Natereli

      Rev. Troy Natereli

      Thank you sir. So very sorry I hadent responded. Peace and many Blessings to you my friend.

  15. IMHO, it is also like saying we have nothing bigger than 12' (twelve feet) because the tape measure on my tool-belt only goes to 144". The mere fact we have not observed, found evidence of or have the capacity to comprehend something, by no stretch of the imagination does that conclude it doesn't exist. In no manner or form can I object to that. Blessings of Peace,
  16. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  17. You can listen to the whole thing here....enjoy...
  18. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  19. "Claire, if I 'cation" I'll be sure to send ya pictures!!! sentience = the ability to perceive sensations; elementary or undifferentiated consciousness.... a slug or snail for instance would have the ability to perceive "sensations", "consciousness" would be thinking, rationalizing, hypothesizing about those sensations....rudimentary, but how I differentiate the definitions YVW Blessings of Peace,
  20. Von, I would like to suggest we send your above response out for Gold Plating! Wonderful words, thank you. Blessings of Peace,
  21. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  22. "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", but then that's prob not what you had in mind now was it? As far as traditional ones, I'd have to agree with "Little Drummer Boy", it's sort of like "Amazing Grace" to me, ballad-ie with a message....but then I've been known to annoy neighbors with bagpipe music as well...go figure! Blessings of Peace
  23. Hyper, Accepting Demented Norwegian Agitator's (and/or other assorted "A" words ) would fit on the list....I think... Blessings of Peace,
  24. Welcome to the Forum purple1. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  25. If only everyone could just accept everyone else, eh? Wouldn't it be a wonderful world? Blessings of Peace,