Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum. We look forward to hearing more of your perspectives on things!

    Blessings of Peace,

  2. It's always a shame to have to kill any life in order to save another and the cycle never seems to be in balance when man gets involved. Nature does it has to to keep the cycles of life continuing, but when people get involved, even those with good intentions, something always gets the "friendly bears" in Yosemite...HA! The wolves in Montana and beaver in Michigan...all failed attempts by Hu-mans to intercede where we didn't belong in the first place. Blessings of Peace,
  3. Oh WOW! What an intense Now. Just got a phone call, awaited for years, one most pleasent to my ears. Shall reunite with one of the past, much,much to catch up on at last!! Doesn't matter if trout or bass, shall enjoy whatever I bring home to me lass. But while there on lakeside edge, old dear friend and I will make a pledge. To n'ver again keep voices unheard, for such lengthy time is absurd! So with haste onward to journey I make my way, shall say "Blessings" ...

  4. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have.

    Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding!

  5. Sometimes it is the simple things that give us the most pleasure, insight and enlightenment! Blessings Be,
  6. Well gang, even if our ritual was a night late, we had a good turn out last night. We expected only about 8 or 10 but had an amazing 27 people...also a very good "sacred" number. Unfortunately our "honored guest" had a previous committment and could not be with us on the 21st. However, ancient traditional runic rites often lasted 2, 3 even four weeks culminating on the Solstice, the longest day of the year and the official start of Summer. After giving the rites we had a long "Bard Session" and our old timer Braggsson was in full attitude and wardrobe, as was everyone except one fellow that came straight from work. Many horns of mead were drunk, even though our brew-master did make it light on alcohol content..almost N/A! Makes for a much more pleasant gathering. At an hour before sunset we did our usual governance Blessing to Sunni, the sun, for continued good blessings of growth for our crops etc. We also did Manni's Rite, at midnight, which is full on ritualistic Blessings to and from the Moon for continued good tidings. I was pleased to see that our hof (my personal group) all showed up and represented. Brand, from the So Cal EAUQ's...and the one who gave me my sword scar on my chest, made a surprise appearance and was acting as Hagarth's personal escort (security) who was our esteemed honored guest. We had a lot to catch up on as it's been nearly 12 years since seeing him! All in all..a great night, even if my physical condition pays greatly today! Blessings to all for wonderful, enlightening Summer! Blessings of Peace,
  7. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and ...

  8. Since you posted this Tamarack, I've done a bit of research on this seems that just about everywhere that feral cats and dogs have been allowed to roam free, or released by "concerned citizens", the ecological impact has been greatly noticed. Sometimes to the negative end. I had no idea that a major brand of orange grower had converted one of its 35,000 acre groves, in Georgia, into a cat sanctuary, that after 12 years closed it's doors to "dumping" of cats. While the cats did well, gophers and other small burrowing ground animals went on decline causing the fruit trees to require more fertilizer and care. The little "ground aerators" seemed to be beneficial to the trees, once they were gone the tree diminished in quality of fruit and expenses went up. Any regular OJ drinker might remember the huge jump in costs around 04' 05' and it wasn't just due to the late freezes that year. That's just one example and the US ASPCA web-sites has numerous articles for those who may wish to look into this further. For me, the bottom line is anytime Hu-mans get involved in anything the world seems to go to ...well....less than it was before. Not much we can do about domesticated cats and dogs now, but dang those Neanderthal's for taking in wolves and those wily Egyptians for keeping cats as a sacred pet! Blessings of Peace, .
  9. Many good thoughts and pleasant memories to our now passed little friend. Cheerio! to you small creature of the Creator, may your journey be filled with nothing but the best there is!! Blessings of Healing to your daughter in her loss if this was recent, many smiles of the good memories brought back if it was a while ago! Blessings of Peace, oh btw, regular Cheerios 4-5x's per week and "Honeynut" in between for a treat of sweetness as I use no sugar. ...and as a matter of note, generic "wheat wheels" "toastie o's" etc...are NOT the same. Cheerios is a whole grain the generic are grain, floor sweepings and what-ever else one might find in the dust bin. A person could get quite disgusted with reading the FDA reports from the 70's when "generic food labeling and nutritional content" was introduced. It is NOT the same standards as "Name Brand Labeling/Content"... (I'll split that check with ya about 99% to you 1% here!?) ,
  10. Welcome to the forum. I hope you'll join us in our many discussions as we are always seeking new perspectives.

    Have a wonderful visit.

    Blessings of Peace,

  11. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  12. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  13. Welcome to the forum! However, you will need to decide on one member name or the req's but glad to have ya! Blessings of Peace,

  14. Well a howdy to George IV from our gang and I see you're now in Kentucky? You mentioned Mission Springs and walking home to, what a trek! Argh that place gave me the chills as a kid..we'll have to reminisce one day!

    Blessings of Peace,

  15. OMO! You just explained "WHY" "We had to" go to Mission Springs just before Christmas in 1963 when taking my brother to Treasure Island...long, long day for me...and yes my Mother did mail a whole box of cards from there. I was too young to realize any connection to the "Holy City of the Evangelical Covenants" also now reminds me of why Mum always went to Bob and Ann Anderson's in Ripon (Bethany Covenant) supervisory they went up to MS every year over Christmas...Mom would take a cake, dinner (something special) to them every Dec, week or so before Christmas and her hand made, big red and green box she kept all her Christmas cards in...hmmm. Rev. have solved a family mystery for me...of course one that I never thought about much until now, reading your post, but now solved none the less as me Mum was always "one upper" "had to be proper" etc...the UK show Keeping up Appearances...Hyacinth...That's my Mother to a tee...except far more oriented around the church!!! Have a good one, enjoy, and I'd like to hear more about your Mission Springs experiences some day...I still have nightmares about that place.... literal nightmares, same 2 or 3 for close to 50 years. Blessings of Peace,
  16. Gonna "convert" ya yet RR!! TY and many Blessings to you and yours,
  17. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and ...

  18. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and ...

  19. Turbo and Herbie having the cats special "pouch" din-din of tuna, cod and of course Turbo being the "Gentleman he is" lets his sister go first while he parades around in the card from my Sis! ...and yes, "I AM this dang cute!! " Turbo last month while in my lap.
  20. hmmm....always pointing the finger at the pointy hatted one eh? But, once again you are correct, I thought I could upload some of my wife's wonderful fudge for y'all to share in the festivities and well, it got through my unit okay, but then something terrible and dark (chocolate) happened...I got an error message: # 21708 that said: "What the frick you doing idiot? No nuts! Server allergic!!" So beings that happened and the Windows Update mandatory download thing, well... it turned out to be a frustrating mess! I hope everyone is back to nermal today and have reset their settings to de fault...good of place as any to blame! Blessings of Peace,
  21. I have refrained for a couple of months, but I just can't hold it back any longer... should start a "Choir"...called, but what else...."Gun's n' Moses" I hope you see the humor there and not meant as insulting in any manner..just came to check posts and well...the refrain thing! Blessings of Peace,
  22. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  23. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  24. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,