Bro. Hex

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About Bro. Hex

  • Birthday 08/28/1944

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Dayton, OH & Tucson, AZ

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  • Interests
    Old Iron (American Automobiles 25 years old and older)
    Nag Hammadi Library and other Gnostic texts
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Episcopalian, Unitarian, Nag Hammadian,ULC

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Priceless Being

Priceless Being (14/17)

  1. Hey Pete!   I guess this forum is still alive. (I think it could use a transfusion !) I was just casting about for an alternative to Face Book (I am a bit weary of all the politics there, and especially weary of the lack of civility).


    1. Pete


      Hi Sam, I understand. I am lucky with the forum on because I am a moderator and the admin don't stand nonsense. I have always been a political animal.. However I have left some forums because of some of the posters. Others I just said I don't agree and walked away from them. There is no point with arguing with stubborn political views. I don't know if twitter is any better. Have you been there?

  2. Does anyone mind if I go off-topic for a moment? I have just logged-on after an absence of several years, and am wondering who is maintaining the forum site. In order to log-on I had to enter both my user name and password, and at each of these steps I was warned that the site was insecure, and that anyone could see what I was entering. Is anyone else troubled by this? Is there a way to see who is still active ? Thanks for any and all replies to my inquiry.
  3. Actually, No, I don't "know who", Brother Kevin. Could you please educate me ? ( private message OK)
  4. Thank you, to the Hensleys, both past and present, to our moderators, to our forum members (current, past and future), to all who are members of this fine organization, and to all those who simply wish us well
  5. Did your quest include the Church of the FSM* ?? Infinitely more attractive, IMHO, than any of those just mentioned above!! *(Flying Spaghetti Monster,... Blessed Be His Name !)
  6. Would Murph really do that?? I haven't posted in a long time.
  7. Well, that depends upon your understanding (btw, I would be the last one to uphold any bible verse "as a prediction", but nevertheless). Consider logion 113 from the Layton Translation of The Gospel of Thomas (my favorite gospel, and one which is at least as old as Matthew): (113) His disciples said to him, "When is the kingdom going to come?" <Jesus said>, "It is not by being waited for that it is going to come. They are not going to say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
  8. I see this a bit differently. I "believe" that evil exists, but not as "an article of faith". I don't think that I have any articles of faith, in religious terms, that is. I have, of course, many secular articles of faith, such as "the sun will rise tomorrow" for example. I see "belief" in good and evil as more a matter of philosophy.
  9. I think we have already seen this, at least twice that I can readily think of (in addition to the ULC, of course!) : the Unitarian Universalist and Quaker paths.
  11. Coolhand, I want to affirm what all the other well-wishers above have said to you. I am glad that you still feel "welcome and not put-upon" here in the ULC. Congratulations on having made a difficult decision. Your friend, Hex
  12. . I guess then, that CATS and TEENAGERS fall into the "animal" classification!
  13. Interesting post, Pete... Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the background information on Barrie Wilson. I was not familiar with him.