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About ChristLight

  • Birthday January 22

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  • Title, Name/Nickname
    Rev. Linda M. Hourihan
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    married to the most wonderful man in the world
  • Location
    Blooming where I am planted

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  • Interests
    Life, writing books and blog, art, painting, music, guitar, flowers, gardening, beach combing, star gazing
  • Grateful For
    Life, Love, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Cosmic and Ascended Masters, ULC Ministry, Family and Friends
  • Your Motto
    With God, all things are possible.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    I am Interfaith.

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  • Occupation
    Enlightenment Mastery minister, blogger, author, New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher
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  1. I love the Universal Life Church for many reasons. Gone are the prerequisites of having to follow indoctrinations of "Christian" religions that claim to know the Life of Jesus, that is, his first 12 years as a child, and ONLY the 3 years, from his ages 30-33, while daring to call his 18 adult years, from 12-30, and his lived experience post crucifixion apocryphal because what Jesus taught in those years does not agree with their human religious teachings. Most people today are not aware of the cult-like indoctrination that has taken place prior to the Old and New Testament writings. Jesus taught that there are 2 "Gods." Read John 8:44 without the usual spin most ministers, priests and rabbis usually spin to agree with their own comprehension, where verse 44 says: "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." I know, this passage is usually followed by the manipulated truth twisting with which most faith believers are indoctrinated. I decided to take Jesus at his own words rather than follow popular understandings of most, if not all, bible teachings. When I realized that what I have read in the Old and New Testaments were changed, under the influence of fallen angel and Nephilim spirits, a different history comes to light. One look at what happened during the Crusades shows that the hijacking of religion for human greed and conquering of Jerusalem for supposedly holy purposes, shows just the opposite. Upon further investigation, I discovered that humanity combined the Almighty God of Creation, who is the Father of the Christ - Eternal Universal Life Force Energy within the person of Jesus; with the "god" of the Old Testament, who Jesus is calling "the devil" in John 8:44. Think of what the "god" of the Old Testament wants people to do in the Temple Scrolls, if they provide him with cooked bulls, goats, sheep, and birds, and saving the blood, he will kill all men, women, children, and animals in the land of Cannan. What good "God" would agree to kill the precious human creation that is animated by his Eternal Universal Life Force Energy within each human Spirit/Soul? Furthermore, what need would the Almighty God of all Creation have for food of any kind, or a Temple? Look at the size of the Temple as well as all ancient huge buildings, like at the Temple of Issis entrance. Who would need such mammoth structures? That would be the fallen angels and their huger than life Nephilim children. My husband, who is also a Universal Life Church minister, in writing his The Mustard Seed 2154 in his four-book series, (The Mustard Seed 2095, The Mustard Seed 2210, The Mustard Seed 2130, and The Mustard Seed 2154, which is currently being written) has an insightful thought. One of the lead characters is Michelle. "Michelle remembered when her friend Sophia had told her the words from the King James Bible. "Then the Lord said, 'My spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.' The spirit began to die at the outset of the twenty-first century," her friend had told her. She knew that humans were losing the spirit imbedded in them so long ago, the DNA of the gods. Its absence left a vacuum to be filled by no one knew what. She knew that when it was gone, humans would have returned to what they had been in the beginning, so much like the other animals. Instinct without empathy. Wisdom without love. Sophia's mistake." The belief in two "Gods" is not new, as some of our studies in the ULC Seminary explain. I am so glad the ULC is still here.
  2. Yes, Jesus handed his kingdom power to us. I like where Jesus tells us in Luke 17:20-21, when asked when and where the kingdom of God will come, he answers that the kingdom of God is WITHIN us. Some bible translations had changed that to among us, but most all modern bibles are now going back to the original understanding, which is WITHIN us, as the Hebrew-Greek-English Interlinear Bible says. The older interpretation of among us, has a footnote, which at the bottom, says WITHIN us. Why do I share this, or even bother to mention this? It is my understanding that this is the very reason that Jesus died. He equated himself with the Divine Christ Light that was within himself. The Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees simply could not have that. Jesus was telling everyone who would listen that the kingdom of God, this Divine Light also animates everyone through our Spirit, without which we would be dead. That is why we are the body of Christ, the living kingdom of God here on earth. Thanks for the opportunity to share. It's nice to be back.
  3. In reading your feed here, you ask for ministers who have dropped away to again say hi. Hi ! I am back, but never really left. I have been in the ULC from 2004 to 2014, dropped out for two years, and missed it so much I got reinstated in 2016. I am picking up where I left off now in the seminary, picking up half-finished classes (Comparative Religion and Spirit Quest), and plan to get both the Master of Ministry and Doctor of Ministry. The ULC feeds my soul. It seems my ego has been bigger than the size of Mount Everest. I was so very Christian, then took a few classes, painfully allowed myself to learn past my lifelong indoctrination, dropped out, came back, and still continue the process. I love sharing with all people of all belief systems. I just wanted to take the opportunity to reconnect and say Hi, I AM still here. My blog is my ministry, which must have taken my worldwide readers on quite the journey. Today I have 113,184 hits globally. I share what I learn along the way. I am glad you are still here with an open mind and invitation to say hi.

  4. Acknowledge the ChristLight WITHIN you. I AM THAT I AM.

  5. True. I think our hearts are restless until we find God, the Father of Jesus. I say it that way because as humans, we tend to worship many "gods." The quest is noble. Never give up the quest I say. The bible says God is love. I believe that. I also think we all have a God particle within us, no matter what our belief system is. I think that has to do with the light within us. I think we all find God, if we ever really do, in our own ways. So much of how we explain our beliefs is semantics.
  6. I can understand that point of view. I've even questioned these things myself. I question everything. But one thing I cannot deny are my personal experiences in prayer and at other times when I feel God's presence. There really are no words to describe the indescribable.
  7. Sorry for the delay in my response. The only people that I read of who did speak against Jesus were the Jewish Pharisees and the Sadducees of his time, pretty much saying that he was a fraud. I have read stories handed down through the Jewish oral tradition, that the back wall of the tomb was a movable stone, that Jesus body was stolen, and that story has been told to this very day. I took a class from an energy teacher, whose mother was of the Jewish faith. The teacher told this story in the process of teaching something else. I was surprised it was still being promulgated today. Many New Age people think Jesus was merely a prophet. For me, there are simply too many miracles noted, for me to dismiss them. I think it is always good to keep seeking.
  8. So glad you are back. May God bless you and your ministry. You have a lot to share.
  9. Love your motto! Wisdom dispelling ignorance.

  10. After a long break, I am back. I am looking to reconnect with past friends and find new friends here in the ULC. I welcome all new ministers here in the ULC. Since we are interfaith, I am hoping to add friends and communicate with people of all beliefs. I am so thankful for the ULC. It is the perfect place to connect with others, continue education, share experiences, and in the process possibly be of help to others.

  11. That's OK. Since then, I have posted another couple posts on the Secret Book Of James, which I divided into two parts. I should also post them here in the ULC forum. They are also on my website: Let me get them on the forum too.
  12. I can understand that. My next thought addresses your first question, of one covenant or two. Lately I have been studying the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, many of which describe that initially God first created Jesus, being love, and Sophia, being wisdom, and that all the rest of Creation was to be made through them, from love and wisdom together. But Sophia creates on her own and creates Yaldaboath, who then creates 7 archon. Yaldaboath then looks around and seeing no other greater than himself, stands up and says, "I am the lord they God ..." and proceeds with how all creation is to revere him. It never says he was evil, but Sophia, seeing the snake-like form that he was "like an aborted fetus," casts him down to earth. Yaldaboath was created out of wisdom, without love, these books say. It goes on to say that Yaldaboath created humans. The Good God of heaven, Father of Jesus, then had compassion on us humans, after being created and having to deal with the fallen angels of Genesis 6 fame, and sends Jesus to show us the better way we should live, so that we could become adopted sons and daughters of the Good God of heaven. If this is the case, that we were made from there good seed of Sophia, but with the bad seed of Yaldaboath, I could understand why Jesus would be sent to us, as the new covenant. It also makes much more sense that we are the field sown with both good and bad seed. This thought, new to my thinking, if it is at all true, makes much more sense to me, how the God of the Old Testament is such a blood thirsty God, requiring numerous animal sacrifices, and sanctioning the death of every man, woman and child in the numerous cities he wants conquered. I have always wondered, "Wasn't there one innocent eight year old girl in Sodom and Gomorrah, or any of the other lands conquered? Were one hundred percent of the cities and towns conquered with any redeeming people in them?" More and more I am reading the things Jesus said in a new light. I have also been researching different Bibles, because I notice that some of the newer translations actually change the intent of the verse. Take Luke 17:20-22 for example. The newer translations say that "the kingdom of God is among you." But the older translations like the Tyndall translations, the King James version, and the Holy Bible from Aramaic with the George Lamsa translation, as well as the Interlinear Bible with Hebrew, Greek and English says that "the kingdom of God is within us." That is an entirely different thing. I keep seeking because so much, like the Nag Hammadi Scriptures for so long were hidden from us. I think this sheds new light on the topic of one covenant or two.
  13. I have been looking very closely at all of this, and the promises and threats from the "God" of the Old Testament. More and More I see that Jesus in John 8:44 really meant what he said, when Jesus specifically says his Father is not our Father, that our father is the devil and the father of lies. I can better understand, that God, the Father of Jesus had compassion on us, because he IS Love, and not a vengeful god. No wonder we have to go through Jesus to get to the God of LOVE.
  14. I know. For this very reason, I have been taking a much deeper look at which "God" is saying this. I seems that the "God" of the Old Testament is not a very loving "God," but a violent and blood thirsty "God." This is making me take a better look at the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, when they say that we were not made by God the Father of Jesus, but by Yaldaboath, who was made out of wisdom, but not love. I dismissed this years ago when I first heard it. But then I came across John 8:44, where Jesus specifically says that his Father is not our father, that our father is the devil and the father of lies. Interesting.
  15. The first thing that comes to mind is when God says he will never again send a flood to kill all mankind. Could that be considered a covenant, a promise between God and man?