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Posts posted by Fawzo

  1. A question that might mainly interest Gnostics but others are of course most welcome to give their thoughts.

    The sacrament of redemption from Yahweh, the final step in freeing our imprisoned souls, could we call it baptism?

    My soul is only imprisioned by the illusions I create and ignorance. Redemption for me comes from simple knowledge and understanding. Sacraments are merely tools to help one focus their minds more pointedly towards a single focus.

  2. Something i have wondered about, maybe someone here can shed some light on this?

    Genesis chapter 1, par. 26.

    God is making all 'things'...

    Now It says, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...?


    Then It seems to go back to speaking in the singular, only saying US in the one paragraph...?

    Someone I know says, "GOD stands for Guardians Of Dimensions...?

    Some Biblical textual scholars will point to the J, E, P, D Hypothesis as the reason for this. Two different source texts the J and the E which were combined. In the portions where God is pluralized the word for God was Elohim and in the other portions the word for God is Yaweh.

    The flood story is a perfect example of where these two sources were merged from the two disctinct kingdoms of Judah and Israel to form one text when the Jews were in captivity in Babylon. Up until the captivity the Jews were not a book based religion. Everything was centered around the Temple. After the temple was destroyed they needed something and hence writings were all they had to go with what probably was a myriad of differing oral traditions.

    RabbiO can correct me if I am wrong :)

  3. Being a bit skeptical, hearing the speaking entity use the name "Jesus" instead of correcting and using Yeshua's real name gives me even more pause.

    In Karen Armstrong's book "Great Transformations" she goes through great depths to show that almost all those religions mentioned branched off from the area of the Russian Steppes, if I am not mistaken.

    So while i don't discount the information you posted there seems to pratcical Earthly explanantions for the one source as well. Of course we both know that anywhere on the planet almost any mystic who encounters the Divine is going to walk away with the concept of 'Oneness" firmly entrenched in their mindset.

  4. :beach: Happiest of Days to ya Kevin. May all your wishes come true, your mind be at ease and your heart be gladdened by friends and family.

    Blessings of Peace and Contentment on this wonderful day! :coffee:

    Blessings Be,

    What an evil thing to do!

    Wish that all someones wishes come true, do you know how much heartache that can bring :) That's why you only get one wish on your Bday :)


  5. One thought that has entered my mind since first hearing of these texts is how spiritual or in tune with All That Is could the writer of these texts be, seeing as the text are written in lead.

    Whoever worked with the lead codices probably suffered lead poisoning to some extant and maybe even died as a result or suffered brain damage. If they were highly in tune with The Source of all phenomena, one would think they would have written the material or a more suitable and less toxic source.

  6. The early Catholic establishment pretty thoroughly did away with the female aspect of the Divine... undoubtedly because her role as comforter and supporter was at odds with certain messages of hellfire and immanent danger... and the things they got up to in fertility temples was troubling, to say the least, to stodgy old geezers preaching hellfire... how are they gonna intercede for you there? :devil:

    Holy Mary Mother of God, how could they do such a thing !!!! :)

  7. Yes it would seem that each tribal community would need their own invisible secret mojo God to help lead into warfare against their neighbor and the ones who won out not only would have become more popular by outcome but because the losing mojo would have lost many and sometimes all of their followers in the fray.

    Each group or tribe would have been considered special in the eyes of that Mojo as well which would be only natural thinking if the Mojo was going to help you kill and conquer other peoples. The Mojo couldn't love all peoples equally or why would he help you at al against your neighbor.

    One look at the Middle East and one still sees these barbaric ethnocentric tribalistic Bronze Age concepts in full swing.

  8. Thanks, Fawzo. LOL over 9000 sins!

    Yea the wole conversation was funny to me, I would have loved to had been the moderator.

    I once had a fellow Pentecostal member come over and lay her hand on my shoulder and tell me she saw 99 demons come out of me. A few days later I saw her again and said "Rita someone knocked on my door today and you'll never guess who it was" she responded seriously "Who was it Frank" I then told her " It was the Demon of Lust and I asked him whered he'd been the last few days and that I missed him and to come on in!" lol

    One thing I do find a bit scarey is that those people don't seem as downright ignorant and uneducated as one would expect. Fred Phelps did get admitted to West Point and earned a law degree before he got disbarred.

  9. I know it is a very nice intent behind the parayer, but without my blights how am I going to learn anything and why did I punch my ticket to get on this darker version of "It's A small World After All" in the first place!

    Don't take away my blights, just pray that I learn everything I need to know from them the first time unless I consider them fun and want to ride the Karmic wheel repeatedly.

  10. This reminds me of a time I found my two daughters sitting on the couch texting each other. I asked them why didn't they put the phones down and just talk. My oldest told me they didn't have anything to talk out. It left me completely dumb founded.

    Sounds kind of like my nephew and me playing chess against each other on-line in two adjoining rooms.

    We're both watching seperate channels on TV most the time while we play.