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Posts posted by Fawzo

  1. I'll have to try a Quaker service, it sounds interesting.

    I think a big problem for this concept of Trinity and the Divinity of Yeshua is that the four Gospel writers and Paul aren't delivering to us the same personality. Just compare the suffering human like Jesus in the Gospel of Mark who is capable of being tempted, prays for the cup to pass him by and cries out in agony and abandonment in his final moments, with the super human and Divine Jesus who is beyond being tempted always in control, and scoffs at asking the cup to pass him by. he even is in control up to the final moments on the cross when instead of crying out in agony and abandonment he simply states "it is finished"

    The Four Gospels do not paint for us one homogenous Jesus. There is the more human Jesus in Mark, the teaching Rabbi like preacher in Matthew, the mediator in Luke and the super hero ultra Divine man in John.

    I think the Jesus in the Gospel of Mark would barely recognize the Man in the Gospel of John.

  2. Your putting your faith in your own deductive reasoning by doubting God's ability to preserve his own written word. No offense intended, its just puzzling to me. Its never been about educated or uneducated opinions, real wisdom comes from understanding His Word.

    Dan I do not doubt God's ability to preserve His Word. He need not write it down as it is written in the heart and mind of every sentient being.

    What I do doubt is your abilty to objectively decide which one of the tens of thousands of alleged written words of God and their variants that exist on our planet are closest to the one written in the mind of Christ Consciousness. Lets face it the odds are at least 1 in 100,000 that you have selected correctly and the odd thing is everyone is making the same bet with their life. Why is your wager a better bet?

    Did God really mean there are storehouses in the sky for the wind. Is the firmamnet a hardened shell with windows for the rain to come through, Did God really mean that it is ok to kill adulterers, disobedient children, people who work the Sabbath. Is it ok to sell your daughter off or to beat a slave to death as long as he lives for two days because he is your property. Is it ok to kill 30 cities full of people because you and your family need a place to stay.

    Was the earth created in 6 days. Are bats birds and man only exist here for 6 thousand years. Are women turned to salt and men live inside fish under the sea for 3 days. Didn't rainbows exist before there was an alleged Great Global flood.

    Sounds like a lot of superstitious nonsense to a lot of people and yet you and a lot of other people are betting all your chips on it.

  3. I just hope we are big enough to remember the critical thing of love for each other.

    Nice post Pete!

    Yep I think if a writing comes from the Spirit of God, then it should be only about love and compassion for God and our fellow man. Maybe we should judge whether all scripture is of God or man by that criteria.

    If a scripture instills love and compassion within our hearts than it meets the Golden Standard for being God Inspired. If It instills judgment, condemnation and fear than we can be sure it must come from the egoic projections of anthropomorphism of man.

    We only need two or three to agree on this for it to be so, can I get an AMEN?

  4. How about this? Can either of you point specifically to an altered biblical text? Put your theology and and philosophy aside and show me a text that was altered and the proof that it was altered.

    That should not take take 30 pages of sectarian discourse; it should take about 2 paragraphs or less.

    If I find time later this evening Brother I'll dig out my copy of Misquoting Jesus and find a few that Bart D. Erhman mention in his book "Misquoting Jesus" Another major problem is in the original translations from Hebrew and Aramaic into Greek them self as I am sure you are aware of in your studies and as our beloved RabbiO has shown on quite a few occasions.

  5. Bro......I am currently reading 8 books for school, 1 for work, and 2 for church. The point is not about me having the "fortitude" to wade through what appears to be about 30 pages of text that may or may not state your points of support for your arguement, it is about you actually having a case to state or not. The burden of proof is yours, not mine.

    I'll give you the short version from above:

    The very assertion of Christian Church Authority that either the Church or the scriptures must be preserved in order for man to obtain salvation not only demonstrates a total inability to perceive the essence of the Gospel message -- but perhaps more importantly, has already been historically disproven and demonstrated to be in error.

  6. Just wanted to add my sympathy towards your loss. Sounds like your Dad struggled with some vices, but I reckon we all do to some extent. Losing family members isn't always unexpected, but it had to be somewhat traumatic to see him go the way he did.

    Thanks Dan!

    Yes that is one memory my Step-Mom did not deserve.

    The last few months have made me reconsider the idea of assisting those who wish to suffer no more and leave this plane of existence. Should we really be forcing all those folks like my grandmother who prayed every day for seven months that her Christian God would come and save her from her suffering.

  7. They want to hear God made me this way, it is not my fault, it is someone else’s fault, and that this is all just fairy tale.

    Coolhand isn't that exactly what the Bible claims?

    Whose fault was it that I was born with a sinful nature and into a world of sin......surely not mine as an infant I thought poo was a plaything!

    Who saved me from my sins......surely not me!

    Exactly what the Bible teaches if you ask me.

    Who did create the genetic code which was born into the world and became Coolhand. Why do so many of these such codes fail or are defective?

  8. Fawzo,

    I said a prayer to God for you and your family.

    My impression was that this was going to hit 'emotionally' at a later point.

    Please know that people do care about you, even from the other side of the globe.

    Please, if you feel it's getting too much, please pray.



    Thanks Dave!

    I think my Buddhist studies and personal metaphysical experiences with what I believe to be the other side, makes these events less traumatic for me. I fully comprehend the Buddhist teachings of the impermanence of all things and that it is our clinging to things that causes much of our pain. I think of the thousands of children who died horrible deaths because of malnourishemnet from the time my Dad passed and yet I shed not one tear for any of them and that my dad had a full life and caused much of his own suffering and pain from a life of alcohlism and heavy smoking.

    Yes I still mourn and am saddened and will miss him, but I realize that self pity does me little good.

    My experiences with what I believe to be the otther side leave me to believe it is nothing short of fantabulous and that my dad is way better off now. I hope he gets the chance to learn from mistakes he made during his last focus and gets a chance to make things right for himself.

    One of my personal short falls in this life is that I've always been overtly cerebral compared to emotional. I think I've missed out on many wonderful experiences in my own focus in this life by over thinking things. The recent passing of my family members has given me a chance to reflect on this.

    I thank you all for your well wishes. They truly helped me make it through the day by kindling a warm spot in my heart with each response posted.

  9. ((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers for you...

    Thanks for the hugs and prayers!

    Much appreciated today.


    מי ייתן ואלוהים להביא שלום לך, לכל מי להתאבל

    מאי את הנשמה של אבא שלך עכשיו יודע שלום

    May G-d bring peace to you, to all who mourn

    May your father's soul now know peace.

    The community that is this forum reaches out to you with all its love and support.

    Thank you friend your kind words have helped bring that piece to my heart!

    I will send good vibrations his way. My condolences to you and yours


    Thank You!

  10. Fawzo......

    I am sorry, my friend.......

    My heart reaches out to you and your family....

    I will send prayers and much positive energy towards you , your family, and your Father....

    This is an action that brings a cold knot to my heart... I will pray for assistance for him in his despair...

    And for support and guidance for your thoughts...

    you are Well Loved here my friend, anything I can do, you need only ask...

    If you desire someone to talk to, I will be available for you....

    Thanks my friend!!!!

    I wish he could have found another way to leave this plane of physicality and end his suffering. I wouldn't want anyone to hang around and suffer just to please my selfish whims though.

    He lived in Florida and while we weren't the closest Father and Son combination, we did keep in touch. I was the only one of his children who ever forgave him and would speak with him.

    Hopefully he finds some rest now from the demons that haunted him his whole life.

    Thanks again my friend!!!!!

  11. I think I would worry more about the television programming and the video games many children watch endlessly instead of a yearly date on the Gregorian Calendar where they get to to have some ghoulish fun.

    Maybe from a psychological viewpoint allowing kids to act out some of their darker side once a year is better for them. Even as an adult practicing Pentecostal in an Assembly God church I felt the substitute type celebrations were rather lame.

    The idea that this "veil" gets thinner on this one specific Gregorian calendar day seems rather suprstitious to me as well.

  12. I wonder what effect if any drugs that are contained and ingested in such things as coffee beans have played in the evolution of man. It amuses me to think that the reason some of our common ancestors evolved a bit farther along then the Neanderthals was because of an addiction.

    Maybe a small group of hominds lived near some field of coffee beans or some hallucinogens and their addictions led to the genetic changes that led to we humans.

  13. Thanks BroMSky and RevAl

    I like the latter version a lot better than what I was taught. Even though what most of us were taught woks pretty good as well. I had an ineteresting event occur while praying the Lord's Prayer for two friends of mine this past Saturday.

    While meditating and praying the Lord's Prayer for them I saw two streaks of white light leave my body on slightly different paths. When I opened my eyes after I finished the prayer I noticed I was facing North and it just so happened that both parties were North relative to my position. One was in Pennsylvania and the other in a hospital nearby north of me.

    I felt assured both would be fine and I actually got the pleasure of taking the one home the next day.

  14. Referential language gives the reader a straight forward assessment or a report of facts. In this text reader is given an accounting of method in which sin and death entered and also how it is remedied. The effect is that the reader has a simple and easy to interpret explanation of what could be a rather mysterious and confusing subject.

    I keep seeing and hearing about "facts" and I'm not sure whether your article is mentioning facts about the exegetical annalysis or in the statements of Paul.

    In either case I'm not seeing any facts. Death existed before sin came into the world as it is a vital part of creation itself. The statements that the writings we have are copies of the original autographs seem a bit misleading as well, as what I have read most often is that what we have are considered copies of copies at best and many have been editted.

    Work buzzzer going off in 5 minutes will have to stop short here.

  15. In essence, you are saying that this apple is not a good apple because it is not an orange.

    I think in essence what I am saying is that what you hold in your hand isn't an apple at all, but rather a 2-D colored crayon rendition of one. It lacks the texture, smell and taste of an actual apple altogether.

    It may be useful in helping you to recognize an actual apple when you finally encounter one, but. once you find the apple and feel its texture, smell it and taste its sweetness what value does Paul's crayon markings have.

    Thats the way I see it.

  16. Would you agree that defining God's love and the comparison of God's love with orgasms is beyond the limits of this Scriptural text and the scope of this essay as described in the introduction of this essay?

    From my viewpoint no. Paul making such statements that SIn entered the world through Adam and that all sentient beings suffer and die for justice to be served in the eyes of the Divine, tells me he has never personally encountered the Love and compassion of a sophisticated God unbiasedly without projecting his own preconditioned Pharisee concepts onto it.

    He was a Pharisee of Pharisees and so he was enculturenated even more than most before he had his encounter. It is odd though that in Corithians he could write that agape love bears all, endures all and never fail and yet make statements that everyone suffers and dies because of the disodbedience of one.

    The comparison of experiencing orgasm and God's love was used in answer to your question of what I meant by my use of the word ineffectual.

    Every bit of Paul's writings were most likely influenced by his Zealous nature as well, He even had others killed becuase he was so fanatical about things.

    How much do you feel his writings were influenced by the blood sacrificial system for appeasement that he was immersed in. Would Buddah have conveyed his personal experiences with the Divine Love of God in the same manner having not been indoctrinated in the bloody barbaric system of Levitical Law? Methinks not.

    For me most of Paul's writings except the mentioned vesres in Corithians are ineffectual at conveying God's Love and compassion.

    We may have had other opposed viepoints such as that of the Martry Stephen if Paul hadn't eliminated him first before he began his campaign.

    Did Yeshua die for my sins or merely because he and the Baptists were foolish enough to challenge temple authority at a sensitive time and when tensions were at their highest. Those who caused problems were crucified by the thousands in those days and many of those suffered worse fates, what made his death any different than that of a trouble maker.

    If someone were going to pay for the sins of all mankind how could he suffer less than anyone else . Wouldn't those that suffered on both sides of him have paid for their own sins if suffering and pain and death was the solution. So it would seem that death and suffering are not part of the retribution process at all.

    So if suffering, pain and agony and death are not the key to forgiveness of sins what is?

    Sorry for going off on a tangent. I just feel as if an exegetical annalysis of the Movie Avatar would be more beneficial for mankind.