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Posts posted by Fawzo

  1. When you used the word "ineffectual" what did you mean by that?

    I definitely could have used a better word. What I meant was that most scriptures of all faiths fall far short at attempting to define what God and his Love is like. It must be experienced just as an orgasm must be experienced. Someone telling you about their orgasm is about as helpful at conveying the experience as someone telling you about the experience of God.

  2. What do you mean by inneffectual?

    And, what sepcifically is ineffectual about a text that was written over 1,900 years ago and has remained unchaged regardless of the language the manuscript or translation is in?

    After one reads a book before their first sexual experience what good is the book after one has the experience?

    Same way with the Bible after one experiences the Agape Love of God firsthand the Bible can rest on the shelf alongside the sex book. I do understand the enjoyment of rereading publications for enjoyment and inspiration. I don't need to reread other peoples perceptions about God's personality, I've met him and can make my own assessments. My views aren't tainted by an environmnet where blood scarifice is an everyday perception to appease a God set in a barbaric late Bronze Age and early Iron Age constant war zone.

    The Gospel of Thomas and Gilgamesh epic have been "unchanged" as well for the same period. What is that any type of proof of, though I think many would challenge your claim of unchanged. How many versions are there? If Codex Sinaiticus is any semblemce of the original autograph it would seem as with most things in this life change is constant.

  3. That whole exercise made me realize how ineffectual written language and scripture is at all when compared to direct experience of God himself. Just like a child reading a medical book on sex pales in comparison to the actual experience.

    RevRainbow I think I would say though that The illumination of the Holy Spirit makes scripture seem like one of those dust covered sexual medical books in comparison.

  4. Daer Heavenly Father God teach us your ways. Let us love one another and not be judgemental, violent or send evil feelings to our family. LOve one another!


    I wouldn't want anyone behaving in ways similar to the Old Testament God.

    Love one another now thats the way to go no matter what deity one serves, or even if one serves no deity at all. Love one another and treat all sentient beings with respect, kindness and compassion.

    Can I get an Amen?

  5. Dear Heavenly Father God we come as one mind with yours and pray that the leaders of our world you gave us to live on will rule with wisdom and love. May your peace become ours. May the holy spirit indwell lead us in the path of rightousness. May we all bless and love one another as Jesus commanded us to and as He did.

    In Jesus holy name we pray.


    Nice thought but I feel your prayers would have been more effective and likely to occur if you prayed to hit the Powerball and to see a Zebra with pink stripes.

    I totally agree with this last request "May we all bless and love one another as Jesus commanded us to and as He did." , but we don't need to pray to some external force for it to happen, we need to JUST DO IT !


  6. Because I believe that if you believe in God no matter what you call him or what religion you follow it is right. Because I think all religions are the same they are just different interpretations by people who each believe in their own way of understanding. When you look at all religions they all say "Do what is Right".

    What about those who do not believe in God?

    Welcome to the forum!!!!

  7. What purpose and effect do the ignoramuses who are going to burn the Koran hope to achieve? They are just feeding the fires of fear, hate and negativity that led to the problems which led to problems which justified the fears of those who flew into the Twin Towers.

    Jesus would be so ashamed of such behaviour.

    I think Barack was givien a large pile of crap from the previous regime when he took over office and everyone expected miracles. I personally feel he has done an fair job trying to make something out of a humungous pile of fecal matter that Bush and Cheney left behind.

  8. Brightest Blessings for all on Bhagavan Krishna Janmashtami day!!!

    I will have to pay extra attention to the Divine within everyone this day. I will not only try to watch for it more closely but I will listen for its music so that my soul can dance inside to the beautiful music within us all and that the notes I may produce this day may be on cord and not out of tune with the symphony of love which vibrates throughout the Universe.


  9. Still.... At the end of the day, He IS my Father... And more. He is also my King and my Commander. And like it or not, He is the only God I have. I may be an insubordinant soldier, but a soldier non the less.... And I suppose, in the end, I really HAVE no choice but to settle down and accept the beatings He so continualy hands out to me... I mean... Its not as if there IS another game in town.... Cant just jump ship and find a new God can I? Some may be able to make up nice fairy tales about this god or that one, but at the end of the day even most of them have to admit they are all ruled by ONE highest GOD of God's... And since that is the one I follow, just WHERE else would I turn ya know? ~shrugs~ it is what it is....

    I'm very glad to hear your daughter seems to be on her way to recovery.

    Maybe trying to see God as a friend and companion instead of some type of strict disciplinarian.

  10. I would like to ask how you arrived at that conclusion.

    Well its simple first you have a brain fart and think 21st century BC is 21,000 b.c. instead of 2100 b.c. and then you hope nobody notices.

    So if the majority of scholars are correct and the OT was written somwhere in the range of 900 - 600 b.c. with most placing it closer to 600 b.c. then the Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta text only predates the Biblical text of the story of Nimrod by 1500 years.

    And I was in error about it predating Adam and Eve and apologize for "pontificating in this thread".

    Side Note: Found this web page about theories of Historical Jesus someone may be interested in http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/theories.html

  11. Yes, I list them as dependents on my income tax return. And I had them get their ULC ordination. We have more clergy here than a monastery.

    Are pet ordinations still allowed? I thought they stopped that?

    Can I get one of my rocks ordained, so then I can stand over my altar and state "upon this rock I buld my church"

  12. I would rather be under the wings of the Almighty than under the thumbs of egoistic leaders. Peace.

    I was going to respond with something along the lines that God is not the author of confusion in reference to the myriad number of translations and denominations of Christianity that exist. Then I recalled the tower of Babel Myth and his seeming delight in sending strong delusions for multitudes to be deceived and I had to recant.

    He seems to love chaos and confusion as much as the next Divinity and since all powers are put in place by His Sovereignty he may have placed those Poops in office himself to add to the fun

    Of course the Tower of Babel myth is just a reworking of the much much earlier Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta (a legendary Sumerian account, of preserved, early post-Sumerian copies, composed in the Neo-Sumerian period (ca. 21st century BC).

    21st century BC thats a whole 1700 years before Adam and Eve were even created!!!

  13. Also makes one wonder to what lengths such reprobates would have gone when they were in control over the scriptures.

    Do you think such cretins would hesitate for one second to destroy any documents which may have been written by the original followers of Christ if those writings contradicted or opposed them, or if these creeps would hesitate to get the scribes to modify a line or two here and there, if it so pleased them.

    One of my contentions with those who claim that God protected whichever version to which the believer adheres, is that why would a person believe that if God was incapable of or apathetic to protecting the other versions which exist and are thought to be in error by said claimant.

  14. Well Larry is onto the next leg of his adventure and I don't blame him for deciding to do so before he had to try and digest those hospital chicken croquettes.

    I hope your sister takes comfort in thinking that his departure on the scale of eternity is less than a quick bathroom break during a TV commercial and that they'll be reunited at some time in the future, or already are doing so in another realm.

  15. I'm enjoying it so far. I've read 1-1/2 chapters.

    I was a bit saddened by the all too familar cosmological statements, which one would think a Holy Spirit Filled person would know better, but I am loving the debate with SImon Magnus.

    Some of the arguments I would like to go over here, as I have seen one or two where Peter (allegedly) just fails miserably and others where he shines and has given me some new insights in old tired arguments.

  16. http://www.compassionatespirit.com/Recognitions/Intro-Rec-translator.htm

    Hilgenfeld says: "There is scarcely a single writing which is of so great importance for the history of Christianity in its first stage, and which has already given such brilliant disclosures at the hands of the most renowned critics in regard to the earliest history of the Christian Church, as the writings ascribed to the Roman Clement, the Recognitions and Homilies."2 The importance thus attached to these strange and curious documents by one school of theologians, has compelled men of all shades of belief to investigate the subject; but after all their investigations, a great variety of opinion still prevails on almost every point connected with these books.

  17. 3. "God is always new, always young and always 'in the beginning'."

    I consider this third thesis to be very revealing, for in many ways to those of us who follow the contemplative side of the Sanatana Veda Dharma God is alway new.

    The great Rishis of antiquity understood that God could never be defined. In the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Arjuna tells Sri Krishna (God), "Indeed, you alone know yourelf, O Supreme Spirit" (Gita 10:15). Nevertheless the great spiritual ideal of the Sanatana Veda Dharma (Hinduism) is finding God. The sages of India have said that God can be found in our lives, but never defined.

    Even though God can not be defined these great sages insist that there are certain things that can be said about God. God -- they say -- is the Essence of existence; so God is called SAT, Pure Existence. God is the essence of consciousness; so God is called CHIT, Pure Consciousness. God -- the great sages insist -- is the source of all ss or Joy; so God is called ANANDA, Pure Happiness or Joy or Bliss. Based on this fact, many Hindu traditions call God SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, Pure Existence-Consciousness-Joy.

    Hindu mystics tell us that the greatest manifestation of God in our lives is ANANDA. Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) called ANANDA Ever-New-Joy. God is ever new, for God is infinite. We can never exhaust God. As we submerge ourselves in the love of God, it is as we are always finding God for the first time. In Hindu iconography, God is always presented with a youthful face. God is always new. :)

    Hermano Luis

    Moriviví Hermitage

    Your post reinforces the belief that CHIT HAPPENS!!

  18. I am sorry your having a rough time friend. Life can be very hard sometimes. I have had a few experiences I would not want again recently but I am sure I will.I agree it is not easy friend. I guess faith is not believing when all goes well but persevering when things are not so.

    Maybe the tip is if you feel good in the morning, stay in bed and take the day off, but even that is not so easy sometimes.

    If you want to talk in private, I am here.

    Thanks Pete. I'll be fine though, my faith helps me through everything.

    It is odd but I have learned to let so many things just simply slide down my back now, that once would get me to fly in a rage, quit my job, get depressed and get drunk when I was younger.

    I guess the Universe decides since I let the little things often slide now its time to ramp things up from time to time. It's not the things that happen to us, but how we react to them. Judging from my reactions today I have evolved some and while stressed I am quite pleased with the way I behaved today.

  19. I personally agree. For me God is both female and male and neither and I like you do not think that ever changes. I guess the thesis emphasizes the female because it seems so sadly lacking in the perception of God both today and in the past (IMO). The Beloved One is a nice title. I like that. thumbsup%281%29.gif

    No matter what I call God whenever I meditate first thing in the morning with praise on my lips and love in my heart and devotion on my mind and get so calm and peacefull I promise that not even armageddon would get me upset, I actually have the worst days imaginable like today.

    It actually seems like forces mount up to fiercly attack and come against me whenever I do so.