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Posts posted by Fawzo

  1. Okay, I did some research and this is what I found.

    What I proposed is that only one thing was in existence, Energy. The one casual item in my theory is the fact that energy works alone and happens by chance. Energy has the ability to act on its own without the help or accompaniment of another force or aide.

    Vibration is the natural state of energy for vibration is a wave of shaking, quivering, fluctuation, pulsing, reverberating motion caused by a force of power.

    Electrical phenomena does not need another primordial force to exist. When I speak of energy I speak of the electric currents in the universe. Electricity is made up of subatomic particles composed of nucleons and atoms. These are what determines the electromagnetic interactions in energy.

    The movement or flow of these electrically charged particles is what is vibrating. This vibrating energy influences all other particles that come in contact with it.

    I don't believe that Electrical phenomena could recognize what is was, nor do I feel that it could have any awareness of "its own" or the ability to rebel; "I am."

    Energy is power, it cannot comprehend, therefore it cannot be aware of its own existence, sensations, thoughts, or surroundings. In order to comprehend there must be a mind. To have a mind, there must be a brain so it can process, formulate, think, perceive, judge, grasp and understand.

    Energy does not have a brain. There is no center of thought or central nervous system displayed in energy.

    To explain my theory I will start by saying many of the particles that are found in all living things came from the energy of the stars. A star is a massive, self luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity.

    The sun is considered a star. The sun is also the Earths largest energy source. When thinking of energy and how life came into being, we can use Einstein's famous equation mass in to energy: E=mc2.

    In the beginning of creation subatomic particles assembled into atoms creating Hydrogen atoms which then vibrated into clumps under the force of gravity.

    Once these clumps attached to each other and grew in size, the rapid speed of their vibration started a nuclear fusion which heated to such an extent that helium formed and began releasing large amounts of light into the sky; this light is now called a star.

    A star glows because the fusing atoms are releasing energy and creating iron. As a star gets hotter in temperature, the heavier elements like carbon and oxygen are formed. As a star ages, it then fuses the helium with hydrogen to form lithium.

    Once a star has created enough iron it will burst inward with enough energy to immediately fuse some of the atoms into higher elements like Nickel, Krypton, Gold, Uranium. This quick and violent implosion releases an enormous amount of energy called a supernova.

    The exploded remains from a supernova travel throughout the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe: one energy source vibrates into another energy source until new life is formed.

    It is said that besides water, about 93% of the mass in a human body is stardust. water, H20, whose molecule structure contains one part oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70% of the planet's surface.

    This info came from the book, Cosmos: By Author Carl Sagan.

    Physics of the Human Body (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) By Author Irving P. Herman

    Made from Stardust: Exploring the Place of Human Beings within Creation. By Author Denis Edwards.

    http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=27757, http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask-an-astrobiologist/question/?id=1477

    P.S. This energy is what I refer to as Source Energy, IMO this is God, The unconscious creator of life.:smart:

    Your head will hurt after reading this lol


  2. I would have to concur with the yes and no theory.

    As someone with PTSD, I have periodic bouts of high anxiety and chronic depression which produce hellish nightmares where I actually witness gruesome murders. bodies mutilated and dumped in trash can kind of stuff.

    YUCK! It is completely terrifying. They are so graphic and "real" I have even wondered if I was having visions of actual events.

    I seem to be able to manage such dreams on the meds I'm taking though.

    I also believe that having alot of negative emotion bottled up in me was a contributing factor. (I tend to hold on to grievances, rather than expressing them and letting them go).

    If it weren't for the meds, I would surely be writing this from the Arkham Asylum.


    I know what you mean about having bad thoughts, Fawzo. I have been plagued with those too and wondered if I were

    under the possession of some demon.

    Luckily, the meds also help in that area, and yes, RevAl, I have been told it is a chemical imbalance too.

    My sanity went first, then my thyroid I wonder what I'll lose next?

    I hate to be a smart aleck in this instance, but maybe some good ole cheeseburgers was what you needed. Your illnesses will lead a vegan skeptic as myself to think your diet was responsible.

    Do you think that is a possibility?

    I use to eat peanuts and drink orange juice before I went to bed because I would have the greatest sexual dreams. Sometimes though dreams such as you mentioned above would invade my psyche which I hated, but the sexual dreams were so fantastic I had to take the risk.

  3. We do have access to the answers of life, but the problem is, no one believes the answers. People seldom accept what they can't intellectualize for themselves. God explaining the intricacies of creation to us is tantamount to us explaining algebra to a cat.

    We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing thing is God. God is the uncaused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

    I just hurt myself falling out of my chair because I find myself agreeing 99.9% with Dan. :coffee:

  4. You both seem to suggest that we haven't complete control over our minds, but should we?

    Also I have to ask who is in control, the same chaotic forces which seem to rule our Universe?

    While a part of me wishes to believe that our minds are the only kingdom we can have complete control and rule over, if the source for some of these thought forms is external as is the belief in some faiths then the only thing I can control is the amount of focus I allow myself to give to them.

    If these entities are the product of the grey matter solely within my brain case then its not possible that anyone but I as their creator should be responsible don't you think.

  5. I would like to hear everyone's opinion on whether they believe they are responsible for their thoughts and dreams.

    Many times it seems as if just random stuff starts entering my mind, and I wonder about the origins of thoughts and dreams and emotions. Some times the thoughts are of the most vile and evil nature and I question if whether these thoughts are creations of my own mind or are they being projected into it from some external source. On the other side of the coin there are times when information enters our minds that we have no reasonable explanation for being aware of.

    So my question is should we be held responsible for traffic that passes through our awareness in our waking and dreaming states or should our responsiblities rely on how much focus we place upon individual thought forms?

  6. Vibration would have to be the natural state of energy much like an ungrounded wire would spark. Energy as a force and not an object wouldn't need anything to act upon it if it were naturally active itself.

    The sparks that would be created from the vibrational effect would be life creating.

    It is said in metaphysics that everything is vibrating, we can't see this because the frequency is pitched beyond our visual perception, but we know that vibrational waves create life because we know our heart is beating. This heartbeat is also a vibration. When this vibration ceases, the body expires.

    The brain also emits frequency waves, and though we can live without full function of these waves, we are reduced to a vegetative state.

    Energy is defined as I understand it, to be "the ability a physical system has to produce changes on another physical system" light, magnetism, heat and gravity are all composed of particles such as gravitons, electrons, magnetrons, and in the quantum realm leptons, quarks etc etc etc.

    gravitation works because of the attraction between particles with mass, electromagneticism works between particles with charge/magnetism, the strong nuclear force works between quarks, and the weak nuclear force operates between neutrinos and electrons.

    Your underground wire comparison is invalid, because you would have to have a wire and electricty with a whole bunch of electrons and something else nearby which is going to atrract the electrons and cause the spark. You would need three eternal separate items to start your primordial spark.

    All your analogies are based on more than one causal item being in existence at the beginning.

    Electricity can keep a heart beating. One can merely hook it up to a battery to get it to pump. that is not evidence of any kind of "vibrational waves creating life"

    I still would like for you to show me how anything physical or energetic can vibrate without another force acting upon it by attraction or repelling

    Metaphysics says a lot of stuff and a lot of it is sheer rubbish, however one doesn't need a soothsayer to tell you that everythiing in the universe is vibrating on elementary particle levels, this is called Modern Science.

    So unless there were more than one primordial entity that was eternal, my assumption is that it would not be vibrating. It would merely be "being" "beingness" In my model of reality vibration or frictions didn't start until the concept or thought form of "I am" arose. For there to be an "I" then there must be an "other"

    Then it seems natural to me that the the "I" and the "other" began to be attracted or repelled by one another and then maybe your secnario stands a chance after the fact.

    The primordial "beingness" aspect probably would be the attrractive property since it recognized or had awareness of "its own" while the rebel "I am" property was trying to repel and get away as fast as it could trying to retain its independence.

    My model seems quite reasonable to me and some form of consciousness would have to be the primordial basis for that to hold true.

    The 4 basic forces of nature would then be based on this conscious game of hide and seek and then "your vibrations" might come into play after the fact :smart:

  7. The way I suppose it to be, consciousness arose from an increased vibrational frequency.

    Looking at energy and assuming that each frequency is resposible for the creation of something, then it could also be responsible for the creation of awareness which would indicate that consciousness evolved just as life did.

    For energy to vibrate there must first be something to act upon it to make it vibrate. What makes it vibrate?

  8. How would consciousness form without evolution? Awareness may be present but wouldn't it have to be limited to awareness of opposite frequencies?

    Intelligence comes from knowledge and knowledge requires experience, without the physical formation of life, where would "God" get his experience?

    How would consciousness arise from non-consciousness?

    Awareness is a sure sign of consciousness !?!?!

  9. No more irrational that the universe was created in some kind of unconscious organized chaos that "just" happened, IMO. Interesting about choice. if God chose to create, then man had no choice to exist, but was later allowed a choice between God or Self. Or, if it were all happenstance with no choices and merely complex randomness, how did man wind up with an ability to comprehend the possible existence of a Creator? How did humankind obtain what no other life form on this planet with a brain has - God-consciousness?

    My reasoning is that something had to be always be, because nothing can only come from absolute nothing, so somethig had to always exist in some form whether it be energy or consciousness.

    RevRainbow I do have to question your assumption that no other life form on this planet has God-consciousness? I don't think that is something that can be verified one way or the other, unless you obtained that information from one of your squirrel chats :)

  10. If it makes you pray for your teams, then, I guess, it's a spiritual endeavor.

    I've have been known to audibly yell out Jesus C multiple times during the game when Flacco holds the ball too long.

    I presume you mean my friend the llama and my friend the multicolored one because as we all know I am always serious without any sense of humor.

    I know just how scary those Ravens t-shirts are!

    Are those things called terrible towels from the smell of sweat and fear they soak up from Steeler fans when the Ravens are headed to Pittsburgh

    Llama, now you're hitting below the belt and thats a 15 yard penalty!

  11. Really interesting thread here, and I hope you don't mind me back tracking in a way to some of the comments made earlier.

    I can see what is meant by there is nothing before the beginning, but for the beginning to begin there had to be something, so effectively there is a high probability there was Everything before the beginning chose to begin. What intrigues me is why did the Everything that was nothing chose to become something? And does that choice to create, indicate a consciousness?

    If we postulate further, the 'Everything that chose to become something'; by so doing did it create a reference for itself so it 'knew where it was', because a solitary point has no reference to position without a second reference point to connect to? For these two points to create time and space they would require a third point to triangulate distances and positions and further points of reference to create a time before movement and time after.

    Each point created gives more detail to the 'original choice made' and the Everything becomes many things. Does this give us the various states of being, the parallel states alluded to in earlier posts?

    At any one time we have opportunities to do many things, the probabilities of us doing certain ones carrying a higher degree of probability than others purely because we 'tend that way' out of habits formed in any one lifetime of experiences. Why should we not be living out all those probabilities enriching our Self with the outcomes created? Would it benefit us in this life to know of the experiences of other lives? If so, in what way?

    Lastly, at the point where Everything chose to be something, why did 70% (approximately) choose to remain hidden? We still explore dark matter and as yet really do not have much of a handle on it. So where does the intelligence lie?

    I like to live my life in a space which is open to doubt, open to reviewing beliefs and expanding the possibilities. I am intrigued therefore in your comments.

    On Dark matter if we exist within a white hole which is the result of a Black Hole then the 95% of matter which they can't find could merely be surrounding the Black hole from which we sprang. Just a thought

  12. ♫ Harrrummm ♪ Aw Lordy, Lordy ♪ give me an amen Brother! Harruumm♫♪ ohhhh IN the light of the Lord! ♪ Can ya GIVE me a hallelujiah!?♫ ♪ Harruuum♪ Give me a Thank YOU Jeeee-sus!♫ ♪♪♫ ....somehow I just heard the sequence from the "Blues Brothers" when the brothers go see their old boys school nun and the "Lights Go On" when Elwood and Jake get their "Great Idea". Somehow it just seemed to fit.

    <lights dimming as Choir signs shearing Bringing in the Sheep> Ushers passing the collection plate

    Of course, it's just a TV show, but Fringe is exploring this phenomena when it returns in January. Walter, Olivia and Peter have been and returned, well Olivia 2 did and...well followers know the story line. Again, just a TV show, but I think having "Spock" (Leonard Nemoy) play the grand puba was most interesting.


    Serendipity...621 = this post, just got to 621 wins "0" losses on Free Cell and got a 621 last night on Yahtzee! Hmmm I better play 6-2-1 on Lotto today!

    The Oversoul Seven Trilogy by Jane Roberts who channeled Seth were great. They were written as a novel surrounding the scenario of an oversoul and how the seven souls within it met in an adventure.

    If my reading for the ULC book club weren't longer than my arm I would reread them again

  13. So what if parallel universes really do exist?

    I think the possibilty of their existence is extremely rather high myself, almost guaranteed. Just don't get your big toe stuck in one and you wont even notice. Unless there is some connection with parallel "yous" in those dimensions and those feelings and emotions that hit us out of the blue sometimes are coming from our other selves.

  14. i am also looking. I feel there is something I need to hear and something I want to hear....I can almost hear it in my mind, but it is barely audible and there is so much interference from the physical world..........

    The interference I do believe is from our egos and physical sense perceptors. Sit quietly and slowly allow the energy to flow away from these areas and be not afraid of losing your sense of self within the blissful stream of consciousness of All that Is.

    Then you will surely know of what RevAl and Brother Michael Sky speak. It is a Universal Experience people have encountered throughout time and across the globe despite their personal belief system. It can change your world.

  15. I have often contemplated the design of the universe and wondered if it is random and chaotic, if there is some divine purpose that cannot be known, or if, perhaps even a combination of all three could be involved in its creation.

    One thing I do believe, is that conscious awareness came about through a process of evolution, just as life came about through evolution.

    I believe conscious evolution began when the atom was split into dual polarities. The first inkling of awareness was the awareness of opposites experienced by the two poles.

    Awareness is exhibited throughout creation, experienced on different levels in proportion with a particles evolutionary progress.

    I see no evidence of a universal intelligence. I see chaotic creation which often brings about beauty, but that also ultimately and eventually destroys everything it created while simultaneously also creating more and more.

    Energy is constantly creating through vibrating frequencies, but I do not believe energy itself is conscious of what is is creating, nor do I believe it is creating from intelligence. It creates because that is its natural condition, but it did not design, plan or construct the universe, whose source is perpetually fluctuating energy waves.

    I believe we create the idea of an omnipotent creator, and that we imagine a higher intelligence as the architect of creation and that it is through the vibrations of our ideas that these theories seem to take on solid, factual existence, but these ideas are actually illusions.

    Our world is subjective to our individual interpretation of it. We believe what we want to believe and through our belief it is real.

    Beyond this, beyond our individual illusions of reality, I believe there is no reality and our existence as we know it will cease to be as soon as we cease to believe in it.

    According to your beliefs then consciousness must have arose from non-consciousness and I just don't see that happening. I see consciousness using chaos as a tool, much like a programmer does in gaming to keep the game from getting repetitive and boring.

    In my model of reality consciousness preceded evrything is what is eternal and has always existed.

  16. What do you think of the war Fawzo?

    I like the allegorical aspect thinking that yea the war is family but that family is closer than we think, it is our emotions and the battle the self does everyday against the ego. I need to get further in the book before Sunday.

    The cmomentary I'm reading explains that each of the Pandavas stands for one of the five chakras. Pretty darn cool and I missed all the symbolism and was clueless when I read this as a young man.

  17. Having just begun this topic, I'm not sure what protocol is, but I'll jump first....

    I would have to think that the confusion and heavy heart held by Arjuna....

    Gita Chap. 1 "Arjuna, the mighty warrior, sees his intimate relatives, teachers and friends in both armies ready to fight and sacrifice their lives. Overcome by grief and pity, Arjuna fails in strength, his mind becomes bewildered, and he gives up his determination to fight"

    ...is very human. Having been on battlefields in Viet Nam, it is certainly one thing to be opposing faceless, total strangers, but had I seen cousins and past acquaintances on the opposing side, I don't think I would have the gumption to fight either. Seeing people close to you, aligned with an opposing viewpoint is one thing, but so aligned that one is willing to die for that belief, now that puts quite a different spin on things, for sure.

    This opens the Gita, perhaps, with a formal wisdom concerning war and why it should be a very last resort. If we humans could see every conflict as Arjuna, as possibly being against someone you care about deeply, it would indeed make war an obsolete. It seems to me that this drastic opener brings insight more clearly into our conscious thinking about how we use conflict in our lives.

    If we make peace our dharma, or personal "law", conflict whether between family or strangers becomes impossible.

    Blessings of :Peace:

    From the commentaries I've read so far the war is an allegorical explanantion of the war within ourselves. The explanation of and meaning of the indivuiduals named on each side show on one side negative connotations and the other side positive. One represents the rising kundalini force and the other side the forces which cause the kundalini to descend.