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Posts posted by Fawzo

  1. It is because both good and evil are so abstract and difficult to pin down; that traditional symbolism is used. The symbolism of Light and Darkness. The terms can be misleading, but they are easier -- at least for me -- to wrap my mind around them.

    There are three "items."

    1. Light: . Self explanatory.

    2. Shadow: The absence of Light.

    3. Darkness: The only example of true darkness that I can think of is a Black Hole. It's gravity will not allow Light to escape. Then again, what is a black hole but ultra dense light?

    I am starting to look at evil and good in the light of flow and thermodynamics. Good would be anything that allows love to expand and flow dynamically so that it does not become static. The opposite of Good then would be anything that restricts this energetic flow and causes it to become restricted.

    A thought such as "I am" would seem to an attempt to retain this energy into one point and therefor cause an impediment to the natural flow causing a distortion. The more thoughts of 'I am" or self that occur the more distortions and ripples that occur obscuring good.

  2. May I ask what topping was on the pizza Smurf Dreamon delivered.

    Al can we forgo the pot this time and break in the smoker....for some reason I'm having an urge for snake jerky :)

    Welcome to the forum Rev'd Rattlesnake!!!! I have to ask first off do you have any allergic reactions to any spices?

  3. My beliefs are that everything came form a state of love and pure potential and one of sheer bliss and beingness. This state is ever expanding further and further away from the core. At some point in eternity within some fringe outer element of consciousness arose the conscious thought of "I AM" and the false belief in separation from the whole. These thoughts of separation led to fear and thoughts of punishment and then an ego developed which then in an attempt to hide creates the ever changing dimension in which we have our focus.

    This belief is not written in stone, or at least I haven't found written in stone, silver or gold in any tablets buried in my back yard as of yet :)

  4. Faith, Hope, and Charity were the children of St. Wisdom, a Roman widow. the children were beheaded at ages 12, 10, and 9, respectively. Day of celebration is August 1st.

    Most of the time Faith, Hope, and Charity pendants are combined. Most believe that a heart symbol is that of St. Charity. In the absence of a specific St. Charity pendant could you settle for a heart pendant?

    Thanks for the info Dorian. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school and never remember hearing that story before,

  5. I was just also thinking that being successful in such a law suit would entail intent. If the people proclaimed the Bible was perfect out of ignorance from past programming and did not maliciously set out to cause anyone harm or gain their money then I'm thinking the suit would fail.

    One might have to prove the people who made such claims knew and intended to receive money from the congregation under that guise.

    Darn it!!!! :)

  6. Did he read one of my posts where I would like to file a class action lawsuit against every church that advertises the Bible as the perfect inerrant word of God and collects tithes based on those teachings.

    He would have a tough time proving it ruined whatever career he may have had, but he may just have a case about the psychological damage. Thanks for posting this Pete and if you hear more about this please keep me updated.

    Might give me the confidence to go ahead with my lawsuit against the churches I attended and payed tithes to. I would have little trouble proving psychological damage :Jumpy: