Jonathan H. B. Lobl

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About Jonathan H. B. Lobl

  • Birthday 03/13/1953

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    New York City (Jackson Hts. in Queens)

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Qi Gong, Meditation,
  • Grateful For
    I'm on the right side of the grass.
  • Your Motto
    Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all your self. ---------- Live forever, or die trying.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Apathetic Agnostic and Atheist

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    Jonathan Lobl

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Mythic Legend

Mythic Legend (17/17)

  1. On this your point is well taken. That was a poor choice of words and I apologise.
  2. I accept that you are sincere and well intentioned. Not sane. Just sincere and well intentioned. No.
  3. Don't play with words. Fear based content. Terrorist threats. Perdition. Hell Fire. The meaning is clear enough. I'm not having it.
  4. I have a friendly nature, much given to amiable discussion. What i'm not looking for is a religious argument or disputation. I have never seen anything good come from that stuff. I tell you that our basic understanding is not compatible. I regard the Bible as mythology. Not the inerrent Word. I am an Agnostic. Nothing about God is objective and verifiable. I am also an Apatheist. Some version of God could possibly exist. It's not worth arguing about. I ask again. Are you sure you want to do this? Nothing good comes from religious arguments. I think it's a mistake.
  5. The invisible assumptions are clear enough. The Bible is referenced as the Word of God. Are you sure you want this discussion?
  6. I'm back on line after a few months. Where to begin? No to fear based content. No to the stories about Hell. Lying for Christ is definitely a thing. Perhaps if there was less lying about other things - death bed renunciation and conversion and such. Seriously, Lying for Christ seems to be a Christian hobby. I remain Agnostic. Nothing about God is objective and verifiable. Nothing at all. I still know bovine flatulence when I'm exposed to it. I have read the Bible. It's too late to tell me about the inerrent word. It's too late to tell me about the Old Serpent. It's too late to tell me about Christians. (I've met a few) Much joy may your faith bring you. I find it as convincing and persuasive as the Flat Earth arguments.
  7. The whole thing stinks of pious fraud and **. Lies. All lies. For some reason, fraudulent last words are considered good lies. The disdain for honesty is horrible.
  8. I don't know where to begin. I read the Bible. It is mythology. I do not believe in God. I do not believe in Jesus. I am not afraid of yoga or meditation. I'm all for friendly conversation. I am not looking for an argument.
  9. I expect you mean death? Yes. We will all die. I choose to not be afraid.
  10. Only if it's real. I am committed to rejecting fear based content.
  11. Fear is at the heart of Christianity. Take out Hell and damnation - what's left? What is the first question an evangelist asks? "Have you been saved?" Of course the whole body of Christian doctrine. God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself for something that we didn't do - because God is incapable of forgiveness without pain and blood. The appeal is lost on me.