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  On 11/27/2019 at 12:35 AM, Cml said:

I just learning an all the advise is greatly appreciated, don't give up John ,so what other things do you think I should work on 




I find it difficult, trying to understand your stream of consciousness style of writing.  You lack focus.  You don't come to a point.





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When I write as if to start at a beginning , then give examples,to further develop an understanding issues at hand as well as authors,experiences,so readers becomes familiar an relatable to me ...... so write style change no more examples??? An ---Only focus on facts of issue,

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(So like this)

                    Anti-Christ fact or fake? (Topic) 


Ive been chasein a representative of the anti-Christ an lost him in China after the Mark of the beast chip was installed in first recipient, -what do you think of marketing chip an its architect?

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  On 11/27/2019 at 5:02 AM, Cml said:

(So like this)

                    Anti-Christ fact or fake? (Topic) 


Ive been chasein a representative of the anti-Christ an lost him in China after the Mark of the beast chip was installed in first recipient, -what do you think of marketing chip an its architect?




Do you know how to make a simple declarative statement?  You're drifting.






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  On 11/27/2019 at 5:02 AM, Cml said:

(So like this)

                    Anti-Christ fact or fake? (Topic) 


Ive been chasein a representative of the anti-Christ an lost him in China after the Mark of the beast chip was installed in first recipient, -what do you think of marketing chip an its architect?


Ok, now I'm lost. What does this have to do with the topic of this thread?

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  On 11/27/2019 at 6:05 PM, Key said:

Ok, now I'm lost. What does this have to do with the topic of this thread?




I think he's conflating the Mark of the Beast -- 666 -- with modern chip technology.  Maybe not.  He keeps drifting and it's more trouble than it's worth.





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No I don't I only know how to write in sich a why everythings detailed contractual,story ,parable style poetry, so no I dont,

  As for the Mark of the beast statement,people are trained by others to view things in the box in witch they are put,well this subject has no box so here's the truth ,from 2007 An til 2018 cause of certain experiences/credential I've was requested to do religious investagarie. type work ,666 a misdirection,in sorts let's say a new plan was set in motion for the time your in 

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In 2010 I met 2 reps of the anti-Christ witch lead my to a den of money worshippers witch lead me towards bigger and bigger contributers,toward there money God a-c ,,when I truly found out how many. Factors was play I.was one step behind behind ...its  public info but media brushed over it fast a man.charlie had received the first implant named by the technology company (Mark. Of the beast) many companies have there hands in when it was brought to the light ,Google jumped up in fear an admitted they're involved with production with out questioning ,Charlie had been supplied with credits uploaded he jumped on to the media bragging on money at the wave of his hand,I was to late all the tricks thrown at me tracking down Charlie ,the implants was giving the. Green light as ok an now china,Sweden, as well as Yugoslavia, have majority Mark of the beast chip.

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When to much light was shed an peaple begun to ask questions the technology company, closed down an vacated with in 12 hours after a the first agent of religious affairs was sent ,him an I entered the building spoke with a p.r person an a chairman  herd such a weird story we alerted homeland security by the time the search warrant came they vanished 

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After that... I continued my search for the person I'm tracking each time I got close I missed by only moments,all the things that are in written in this  form is considered to be a living document an feel free to look in to accounts recorded here are 100percent truth.futher more technology is great when used properly ,but for the uses that I/ we believe  the anti-Christ has planned for well that's a different story... so far all the other companys with strange working that have appeared ...i have come to believe  if they are in league with a no name silent financial backer an vacated when questions arise it was funded  by the a-c ,

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When the savior spoke about the anti-Christ spirit living in there in his time ,,creeping around.. it took a little over 2000years before it found the right time to breathe in to existence the idea of the  designed genetic host made up of best sciences has or have to offer ,,upon this taking place the living embodyment  created  will take the grand stage...we are ready for this, for the most part,such as when is first act as pretending to be God comes I'm the first he meets,an when we do I believe he will take to heart our convo an  no proceed with a failed chore made by idol worshipper of material,

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The Mark of the beast chip,was an is just another attempt at control,attempt before this one was trying to prove that human beings affection for each other is wasted energy,an artificial intelligence, robotics is the way of the future,then had artificial intelligent females,put in brothels,in Ireland an for 120.00 an hour you got your,a.i.hooker,it didn't work the way they wanted it to  they company vacated,ideas ,heaven put a end to that 

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  On 11/29/2019 at 12:54 PM, Cml said:

Jon why didn't you just say use punctuation?. Yes I can do that so from here,I'll writes like a columnists .thanks again 




Punctuation would be a good start.  What I find more troubling is your stream of consciousness.  I was thinking you might have schizophrenia.  


I can see from your statement that you are capable of coherent thought.  Really.  I was wondering.



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  On 11/29/2019 at 2:08 PM, RevBogovac said:

I like the concept of Apatheism; a god that is not able to make himself known, nor is able to intervene is - by definition - irrelevant. 


Saves us all a lot of useless arguing.


Hi Dan!  :bye:




I'm always pleased to hear from you.  I'm surprised to see you on this thread.  A mistake?  Well, here you are.


When I identify as Agnostic, it sets up expectations.  That I take the idea of God seriously.  That I am striving to come to a decision.  That I actually care.  The big question.  Does God exist?  I don't care.  It comes down to basics.  We have no objective, verifiable facts about God.  There is nothing that can be demonstrated.  With no objective facts at all, there is nothing even to debate.  With no objective facts at all, what are we even discussing?


When I identify as Atheist, I find that I attract silly arguments.  Arguments of philosophy.  (The first mover and such)  Arguments of morality.  (Is murder wrong?)  Arguments of science.  (Evolution vs. Creationism -- Cosmology vs. Genesis)  Arguments about the burden of proof.  (Prove that my God doesn't exist.)  Arguments about post death existence.  (Like anybody actually knows)  Arguments about Bible reality and history (:birgits_giggle::lol::rofl:)  Pascal's Wager, Etc.  The really silly part.  It's always the believer who get to define the god, that I don't believe in.


So, where are we?  A god that can't be defined.  That may or may not exist.  That can't be detected or discerned.  That doesn't intervene in the affairs of Humanity.  That does not protect anyone from natural disasters.  That does not prevent birth defects.  About which we have no objective, verifiable facts.  I don't care about such a god.  Even if it exists -- so what?  That is Apatheism.




I suspect that Apatheism was the thread you had in mind.  I've done that mistake myself plenty of times.  It happens.     :drinks:





Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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