Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

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As this is the time of year so many of us reflect on the what we are thankful for, besides the obvious like family, pets and that $5,000 a week for Life from PCH that we ARE going to win this year, I'd like to make special mention of y'all.

Thank you ULC and its membership of fine people.

Everyone here has given me something. Whether we agree or not with every detail of our topics and debates I have learned something from every exchange. I am deeply moved by the overwhelming support of, inspirations and thought provoking assessments of the many exchanges and topics that have been posted to.

This forum, and the membership that flocks together here has been more of a life changer than I can put in words. Whaaat? RevAl short on woooords? What??? Without gettin' all mushy and slobbery and so forth.....

Thank you ULC Members for a wonderful past couple of years worth of insight and exchange that has become so important to me. Thank you for being here when I've been up, down or somewhere in between. Thank you for listening and responding when you felt the urge. In short, simply Thank You for being a very important part of my Life's Journey and Growth in Belief in what is Right in this world.

Blessings of Peace,


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