Our Living Environment And How It Effects Our Spirituality

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Do you believe the places and people around you effect how you are spiritually? I think it does. Let me explain.

I live in a small 900 sq foot apartment. Everything is clutter because we have too much stuff and not enough space. When we moved here, I put my alter things away for two reasons. One, Sierra was still a toddler at the time and I knew I wouldn't be able to sequester the alter things like I had done in our previous house. Second, because of space issues and I didn't want people walking in on my rituals.

So several years later and here I am. I don't do many rituals. When I do, they are not done with as much energy as I once had. I don't feel like I can go outside and do them because I live in town, and I'd rather not be a target of religious hate tyvm.

Another words, my spirituality has become stagnant because of my environment. So, we've decided to change a few things. First thing is to de-clutter! Second thing is to surround ourselves with other pagans. We are going to attend circle meetings with a local friend. She's also the High Priestess.

(Got to work. I'll add more in a bit)

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Now I forgot what I was going to say this morning. Anyway, I think you should get the point of my post. Environment plays a major role in how we think and feel. When our environment is bad so is our moods and our energy level. So how has the environment you live in effected your spirituality?

Edited by SalemWitchChild
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Do you believe the places and people around you effect how you are spiritually? I think it does. Let me explain.

I live in a small 900 sq foot apartment. Everything is clutter because we have too much stuff and not enough space. When we moved here, I put my alter things away for two reasons. One, Sierra was still a toddler at the time and I knew I wouldn't be able to sequester the alter things like I had done in our previous house. Second, because of space issues and I didn't want people walking in on my rituals.

So several years later and here I am. I don't do many rituals. When I do, they are not done with as much energy as I once had. I don't feel like I can go outside and do them because I live in town, and I'd rather not be a target of religious hate tyvm.

Another words, my spirituality has become stagnant because of my environment. So, we've decided to change a few things. First thing is to de-clutter! Second thing is to surround ourselves with other pagans. We are going to attend circle meetings with a local friend. She's also the High Priestess.

(Got to work. I'll add more in a bit)

Hello Salem Witch Child.

I read what you wrote here and my heart just leaped out toward you. How can I be of some assistance? I really felt your frustration and pain.

I used to do quite a bit of work with the Tarot but have not consulted that oracle for some time. All at once it dawned on me that the best way I could be of any assistance to you would be to do a reading. Then it came to me that, no, instead of ME doing a reading, I would simply choose two cards at random and let YOU do your own reading in the way of self inquiry. It is really a synchronicity that these two cards came up because in the part I highlighted above, you are already taking some of the necessary steps. Although, I suggest meditation to dive deeper into all the implications.


So, two cards came up. The first represents your condition. It is the SEVEN OF SWORDS.

The second represents the answer to your question. It is the KNIGHT OF WANDS.

OK. First the SEVEN OF SWORDS. There are many nuances to it and only you can know which ones are relevant and which ones are not and that can only come through your meditation of self-inquiry.


running away

shirking responsibility

sneaking off


avoiding obligations

being afraid to face the music

taking the easy way out

hiding from the truth


being a lone wolf feeling you don't need anyone else

wanting independence

deciding not to help

keeping something to yourself

preferring solitude

staying aloof

wanting to go it alone

holding people at arm's length

choosing hidden dishonor deceiving or being deceived

covering your tracks

maneuvering behind the scenes

being two-faced

seeing others take the rap

controlling without appearing to

avoiding a shameful secret

lying or stealing


The second card was the KNIGHT OF WANDS and represents the answer to your distress. It shows both the positive and negative side of the issue.


is physically attractive..........focuses on style and appearance

disarms opposition with a smile..........can be thoughtless and insensitive

is sexy and seductive..........pursues sexual conquests

generates glamour and excitement..........avoids deep or serious matters

is honey-tongued..........may say or do what's expedient


totally lacks self-doubt ........overestimates abilities

has a can-do attitude..........may boast and brag

is convinced of his or her talent..........exaggerates accomplishments

is self-assured at all times..........is brash and nervy

doesn't sweat the small stuff..........is sometimes presumptuous

Daring..........Foolhardy will risk anything without fear..........is reckless and rash

will tackle what others avoid..........will endanger self and others

is the first to volunteer for danger..........doesn't give danger due respect

loves being a hero..........is impetuous

boldly goes where no one has gone before..........is a daredevil


loves travel and new experiences..........is never content to be still

seeks novelty and change..........can't set down roots or make ties

makes things happen..........lacks inner peace and serenity

rises to every challenge..........won't stop to smell the roses

is footloose and fancy-free..........must have constant stimulation


is easily roused to action..........angers easily

feels strong loyalties..........is too ready for a fight

feels everything powerfully..........lashes out when riled

takes a vocal stand..........often acts without thinking

jumps in with both feet.........may have a chip on his or her shoulder


I send you all the positive energy I can and hope this is of some help. :shift:


Edited by nestingwave
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Thankyou Nestingwave.

Though I've never used that kind of deck before I think its pretty clear change is in order. Which is why I say start with the basics.

But you didn't answer my other question. I appreciate your offer of help, but that wasn't the purpose of the post. How has your envioronment made an effect on your spiritual life? It can be positive or negative.

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Thankyou Nestingwave.

Though I've never used that kind of deck before I think its pretty clear change is in order. Which is why I say start with the basics.

But you didn't answer my other question. I appreciate your offer of help, but that wasn't the purpose of the post. How has your envioronment made an effect on your spiritual life? It can be positive or negative.

I am learning to put my spirituality first and from that creating my own environment. It is a matter of priorities. If environment is overwhelming, it is time to re-think. Since you are a person who is one with Mother Earth, enhance that. Living things, for example, help you to strengthen that interface. If you cannot do your rituals inside, go outside to an isolated spot. That's even better anyway for one attuned to Nature.

Oh, and with the Tarot, what deck it is does not matter. The archetypes are the same, that's why they are archetypes. Only the point-of-view in approaching them is more creatively individualized according to the person making that approach.



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Could it also be that your spirtuality affects your environment? They perhaps could be an equal reflection of each other.

Yes you are correct. However, one must pick up their own power and exercise their human will for the next step to their highest joy. Getting disconnected from ones spiritual life will cause a forgetfulness and an attempt to try and fulfill oneself through materiality, which always brings increased suffering because the human heart is naturally hungry for spiritual reality.


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I've always maintained that you could see inside my head by peeking into my closets..

and I remember my small apartment and the lack of space leading to confusion and more than a bit of organized chaos, my sympathies, sister!

Now you can enjoy the high that comes when the job is done, and well

I think my "environment" in the last few years has definitely affected my spirituality: a case could be made that I, too, am stagnating a bit. The manifestation is not a physical one as you describe, but an emotional one - I think the effects are often the same though

For me, I think it's that I've lost access to some very important people in my life - some have gone to the other side and some have just gone to the other side of the planet - I have changed, not having them here

I definitely think that environment affects one's spirituality (while agreeing that one's spirituality also reflects one's environment) I'm going to work on both of mine, I think..thanks for the inspiration

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When my room gets so cluttered that I can no longer see the floor, I realize that I've been in a funk and need to clean up.

Its my Spirituality that affects me and whether I put everything where it belongs originally. The more times I go hiking and spend time reading the more Spiritual I feel as well. Too much television seems to really drag me down.

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When my room gets so cluttered that I can no longer see the floor, I realize that I've been in a funk and need to clean up.

Its my Spirituality that affects me and whether I put everything where it belongs originally. The more times I go hiking and spend time reading the more Spiritual I feel as well. Too much television seems to really drag me down.



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I know just what your talking about. We used to live in a 900 sqft apartment, and with two adults and two teengagers, things got crowded real quick. Also, because we were moving from a 1500 sqft apartment, and had tons of stuff we enheirited from our parents and grandparents, we just had alot of stuff. I try to practice my meditation every morning, but being so crowded, and people moving around getting ready for school, it became difficult. I could, however, go outside and meditate without too much interference or herassment. Needless to say, we have moved into a bigger apartment, downsized(de-cluttering is out of the question when you have teenagers)and I must say that my energy level is much higher than it has been. I have many places to just sit, so things are doing well.

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I think this is a Christian saying but honestly I only heard it in a movie. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". When our environment is not healthy, then neither is our mental, physical, and spiritual selves. I'm the worst when it comes to cluttering up our home. I hate to clean. But I think this is a good lesson for all.

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I think this is a Christian saying but honestly I only heard it in a movie. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". When our environment is not healthy, then neither is our mental, physical, and spiritual selves. I'm the worst when it comes to cluttering up our home. I hate to clean. But I think this is a good lesson for all.



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I think this is a Christian saying but honestly I only heard it in a movie. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". When our environment is not healthy, then neither is our mental, physical, and spiritual selves. I'm the worst when it comes to cluttering up our home. I hate to clean. But I think this is a good lesson for all.

CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS - "This ancient proverb is said by some to have come from ancient Hebrew writings. However, its first appearance in English - though in slightly altered form - seems to be in the writings of Francis Bacon. In his 'Advancement of Learning' (1605) he wrote: 'Cleanness of body was ever deemed to proceed from a due reverence to God.' Near two centuries later John Wesley in one of his sermons (1791) indicated that the proverb was already well known in the form we use today. Wrote Wesley: 'Slovenliness is no part of religion.'Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness.'" From "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins" by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988).



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You're welcome. And thank you for starting this thread Salem. It's encouraging me to do a good tidy and reorganizing of our apartment. I do find that my mind works better in an uncluttered room and I find it easier to be goal oriented in an aesthetic environment.

Feng Shui anyone?

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I much prefer house calls when giving Reiki treatments. I even bought a travelling table. The added insight provided by a glimpse at a persons living space makes a good deal of difference at times...

I have never taken the time to study Feng Shui, however I personally suspect that there is much useful about it, from what little I do know... At times I will recommend changes to the spaces people spend the most time in....

I suppose I should look deeper into Feng Shui.... seems would be the responsible thing...

I have noticed a difference in the energy of a place which has a tidy appearance... and clear open spaces....and as a result, the person's energy is at higher levels... a person with higher energy levels is more inclined towards spiritual exploration.( well, exploration which isn't born of desperation...)...

As a general statement addressing the topic, I would say that Yes, a person's environment plays an important part in their well being... Spirituality included...

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You're welcome. And thank you for starting this thread Salem. It's encouraging me to do a good tidy and reorganizing of our apartment. I do find that my mind works better in an uncluttered room and I find it easier to be goal oriented in an aesthetic environment.

Feng Shui anyone?

Thanks for looking it up darlin. You know I've never studied Feng Shui either. perhaps I should. Anyone here study it?

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