Proud To Be A Pervert

Lord Occultis

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Anyways, to make it simpler for those who just think of people such as myself as evil, depraved perverts, I will refer to my lifestyle as a sick perversion so those who prefer this point of view can feel sufficiently justified and righteous.

Anyways, the story of the depraved, perverted Lord Occult starts real early. You see, Lord Occultis was born on March 9th, 1973. He grew up in the typical white suburb, with the typical white fence, two brothers and a dog. Life was not easy for the fledgling pervert, because sadly God in His infinite wisdom decided to give Lord Occultis A.D.D, a bad disposition and a whole slew of emotional problems that led little Occultis to crack the normal, decent youth of his suburb in the head with his fists.

So while Lord Occultis was assaulting the decent, freshly scrubbed and superior normal people who properly refered to him as a retard for being in Special Ed, not including assaulting little Occultis's older brother who God blessed with Dyslexia, little Occultis was trying to make his way in life.

Anyways, to the not so salacious stuff (sorry, we don't let Jerry Springer use us for his freak show for you to righteously mock and laugh at us, sorry)..When little Occultis was reaching the age of, oh 4th grade, his strange and sickening perversion popped up. See, since we were all grouped together in Special Ed together, unfortunately some of the physically disabled students unfortunately were incontinent. Hence diapers. Hence the growth of the strange, disgusting and depraved perversion that I am writing about. Anyways, since I was prepubescent, I just ifgured in my infinite ignorance this strange interest was that, a strange interest.

Alas, Lord Occultis hit puberty (sorry, they don't sterilize us anymore or castrate us anymore, so yes, we are breeding, my apologies). Suddenly, his strange interest took on sexual and emotional aspects. Suddenly, in the full blossom of burgeoning hormones, our erstwhile youth suddenly started saving his lunch money for Depends. Alas, little Occultis's parents, who naturally wished to dissuade the pervert's interest, began their campaign of shame and punishment. Again, because he was an evil seed (one of the unwashed, unbaptized masses that are naturally Hellbound) this did not dissuade little Occultis.

Many psychiatrists later, still unable to root the perversion from the demented, depraved, sick, disgusting and amoral psyche of young Occultis, his parents decided to "ignore' it. Things became better when Occultis could flee the home of his parents and run into the loving arms of the Scarlet Lady of Mystery Babylon.

What, may you ask, has this to do with my title "Proud to be a Pervert". Thank you for asking, gentle readers.

I finally realized it was allright to be a pervert. When you strip away your social conventions and the fact that you have created a diety that is the simple apothosification of yourselves, in effect diefying yourselves, you realize that the Emperor wears no clothes. Indeed, for every upstanding citizen of the community, you usually find a hypocritical, self-rightous drone who hasn't the guts, fortitude or honesty to be anything other then a well trained drone. So yes, I am immensely proud to be a pervert, because otherwise I'd join the milling armies of faceless drones who are so brainwashed they don't even know their drones.

This is Lord Occultis and I endorse this message. Say no to conformity, or end up a mindless drone like the masses of drones that squirm like mindless, sightless maggots on this hypocritical continent we call the United States of America!

Edited by Lord Occultis
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I'm a bit mystified that people would think wearing diapers is evil or depraved. I have a list of reasons why I would choose not to and none of them are moral. Among my reasons would be diaper rash, holding moisture (I don't even like the feeling of a pad on a monthly basis), and vanity - my trousers and skirts wouldn't have the slimming look I was aiming for.

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I think we all have our little fetishes which might seem perverted compared to what society deems as normal acceptable behavior in public. Most of us don't see the need to exhibit them in public. We're not clamoring for attention. When walking the streets of Baltimore, the least attention one brings to themselves the safer they are.

A wise spy doesn't run around telling everyone their a spy, and a man with a growth on his tallywacker doesn't run around publicizing it either (unless it looks like Jesus or the Virgin Mary).

Your Diaper fetish seems like an extension of your childhood ADD to me. You're certainly not a drone, but just because one doesn't climb to the rooftop and proclaim their fetishes to the world doesn't make them drones either. I think the whole diaper thing makes you feel special and thats the whole point of it. You can learn to feel just as special without them and wear what normal men do..grassskirts.

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  Lord Occultis said:
Anyways, to make it simpler for those who just think of people such as myself as evil, depraved perverts, I will refer to my lifestyle as a sick perversion so those who prefer this point of view can feel sufficiently justified and righteous.

Anyways, the story of the depraved, perverted Lord Occult starts real early. You see, Lord Occultis was born on March 9th, 1973. He grew up in the typical white suburb, with the typical white fence, two brothers and a dog. Life was not easy for the fledgling pervert, because sadly God in His infinite wisdom decided to give Lord Occultis A.D.D, a bad disposition and a whole slew of emotional problems that led little Occultis to crack the normal, decent youth of his suburb in the head with his fists.

So while Lord Occultis was assaulting the decent, freshly scrubbed and superior normal people who properly refered to him as a retard for being in Special Ed, not including assaulting little Occultis's older brother who God blessed with Dyslexia, little Occultis was trying to make his way in life.

Anyways, to the not so salacious stuff (sorry, we don't let Jerry Springer use us for his freak show for you to righteously mock and laugh at us, sorry)..When little Occultis was reaching the age of, oh 4th grade, his strange and sickening perversion popped up. See, since we were all grouped together in Special Ed together, unfortunately some of the physically disabled students unfortunately were incontinent. Hence diapers. Hence the growth of the strange, disgusting and depraved perversion that I am writing about. Anyways, since I was prepubescent, I just ifgured in my infinite ignorance this strange interest was that, a strange interest.

Alas, Lord Occultis hit puberty (sorry, they don't sterilize us anymore or castrate us anymore, so yes, we are breeding, my apologies). Suddenly, his strange interest took on sexual and emotional aspects. Suddenly, in the full blossom of burgeoning hormones, our erstwhile youth suddenly started saving his lunch money for Depends. Alas, little Occultis's parents, who naturally wished to dissuade the pervert's interest, began their campaign of shame and punishment. Again, because he was an evil seed (one of the unwashed, unbaptized masses that are naturally Hellbound) this did not dissuade little Occultis.

Many psychiatrists later, still unable to root the perversion from the demented, depraved, sick, disgusting and amoral psyche of young Occultis, his parents decided to "ignore' it. Things became better when Occultis could flee the home of his parents and run into the loving arms of the Scarlet Lady of Mystery Babylon.

What, may you ask, has this to do with my title "Proud to be a Pervert". Thank you for asking, gentle readers.

I finally realized it was allright to be a pervert. When you strip away your social conventions and the fact that you have created a diety that is the simple apothosification of yourselves, in effect diefying yourselves, you realize that the Emperor wears no clothes. Indeed, for every upstanding citizen of the community, you usually find a hypocritical, self-rightous drone who hasn't the guts, fortitude or honesty to be anything other then a well trained drone. So yes, I am immensely proud to be a pervert, because otherwise I'd join the milling armies of faceless drones who are so brainwashed they don't even know their drones.

This is Lord Occultis and I endorse this message. Say no to conformity, or end up a mindless drone like the masses of drones that squirm like mindless, sightless maggots on this hypocritical continent we call the United States of America!

.............welcome back...............

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  mark 45 said:
and just when your posts started to make sense...

try :mellow: returning to those type.please?

Mark, I did that for the sake of those who hold that view. I of course disagree. I am God's Chosen, since I was made in His image more then they. However, they choose to rebel against the Holy Infant, and unfortunately won't repent.

I am sure if you pray to the Divine Infant, he may be in a mood to have mercy on them and help them overcome their lifestyle and join God's Chosen People. I am praying for it, and eventually i plan to go door to door to save them from their sins.

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  Lord Occultis said:
Mark, I did that for the sake of those who hold that view. I of course disagree. I am God's Chosen, since I was made in His image more then they. However, they choose to rebel against the Holy Infant, and unfortunately won't repent.

I am sure if you pray to the Divine Infant, he may be in a mood to have mercy on them and help them overcome their lifestyle and join God's Chosen People. I am praying for it, and eventually i plan to go door to door to save them from their sins.

I'm still thinking....."Crusty the Conservative Clown" guessed it......Rev Snuffy the Hedgehog......................

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  Coolhand said:
I'm still thinking....."Crusty the Conservative Clown" guessed it......Rev Snuffy the Hedgehog......................

Repent of your wickedness and be saved! Thou shalt confess that the Holy Infant is Lord, or thoust shalt be casteth in the pit.

Expect us to be knocking on your door soon.

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  Fawzo said:
Is anyone getting the same notion that I am, that sometimes it is quite acceptable to throw the baby out with the bath holy water :inno:

But aren't you dying to hear our doctrine? I mean, wouldn't i be evil if I didn't bother you at every chance I get, lest you miss the True Path and fail to make it ot the Celestial Nursery? i would be a very bad man if I deprived you of your chance to an eternity spent in the Celestial Nursery.

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Wasnt there someone around here doing this same type of rambling about the spagetti monster a few years ago?

So who was LO, the JWs or the Mormons? Because the Baptist would only visit if you have visited their church or an event they held and you left information with them.

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  RobinD69 said:
Wasnt there someone around here doing this same type of rambling about the spagetti monster a few years ago?

So who was LO, the JWs or the Mormons? Because the Baptist would only visit if you have visited their church or an event they held and you left information with them.

Just random Evangelicals who bug me on the street and of course the Mormons.

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  Lord Occultis said:
But aren't you dying to hear our doctrine? I mean, wouldn't i be evil if I didn't bother you at every chance I get, lest you miss the True Path and fail to make it ot the Celestial Nursery? i would be a very bad man if I deprived you of your chance to an eternity spent in the Celestial Nursery.

Well with that reasoning how could I resist. First I must test to see whether it be so that you follow the true path.

Convert RobinD69 first and I will gladly follow thee to thy Celestial Nursery.

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  Fawzo said:
Well with that reasoning how could I resist. First I must test to see whether it be so that you follow the true path.

Convert RobinD69 first and I will gladly follow thee to thy Celestial Nursery.

Thanks alot Fawzo. :kimmy:

LO, as I said normal evangelicals wouldnt bother you at your home unless you visited their church or an event and left your information. As for on the street, well that is open territory and all you have to say is no. As for Mormons, we have alot of them around here but they have learned to avoid my house.

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  RobinD69 said:
Thanks alot Fawzo. :kimmy:

LO, as I said normal evangelicals wouldnt bother you at your home unless you visited their church or an event and left your information. As for on the street, well that is open territory and all you have to say is no. As for Mormons, we have alot of them around here but they have learned to avoid my house.

Thats the point. They won't take no for an answer.

The point is that NONE of you should be bothering me unless I ask you to. If I don't know you, then don't approach me on the street. If I tell you no, then stop bugging me.

Bother someone else. I am not another notch for you rBible Belt.

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  Lord Occultis said:
Thats the point. They won't take no for an answer.

The point is that NONE of you should be bothering me unless I ask you to. If I don't know you, then don't approach me on the street. If I tell you no, then stop bugging me.

Bother someone else. I am not another notch for you rBible Belt.

I havent and dont approach you, if you say something I either agree with or dont agree with, I respond. Clumping us all in the same group is wrong for so many reasons. I dont wear special underwear like the Mormons and I dont believe in their book of Mormon. I dont go door to door or approach someone on the street. I have been known to preach in public, but it is your choice to listen or leave. Those I have talked to about the word person to person, are usually those who have asked me first. If not and we are having a conversation I ask them if I can ask them a few questions. i do not seek any notches in my Bible Belt, any notches belong to God.

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  RobinD69 said:
I havent and dont approach you, if you say something I either agree with or dont agree with, I respond. Clumping us all in the same group is wrong for so many reasons. I dont wear special underwear like the Mormons

that's TMI, Robin-- Too Much Info.!!! :rolleyes::tease:

and I dont believe in their book of Mormon. I dont go door to door or approach someone on the street. I have been known to preach in public, but it is your choice to listen or leave. Those I have talked to about the word person to person, are usually those who have asked me first. If not and we are having a conversation I ask them if I can ask them a few questions. i do not seek any notches in my Bible Belt, any notches belong to God.

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  Lord Occultis said:
Anyways, to make it simpler for those who just think of people such as myself as evil, depraved perverts, I will refer to my lifestyle as a sick perversion so those who prefer this point of view can feel sufficiently justified and righteous.

Anyways, the story of the depraved, perverted Lord Occult starts real early. You see, Lord Occultis was born on March 9th, 1973. He grew up in the typical white suburb, with the typical white fence, two brothers and a dog. Life was not easy for the fledgling pervert, because sadly God in His infinite wisdom decided to give Lord Occultis A.D.D, a bad disposition and a whole slew of emotional problems that led little Occultis to crack the normal, decent youth of his suburb in the head with his fists.

So while Lord Occultis was assaulting the decent, freshly scrubbed and superior normal people who properly refered to him as a retard for being in Special Ed, not including assaulting little Occultis's older brother who God blessed with Dyslexia, little Occultis was trying to make his way in life.

Anyways, to the not so salacious stuff (sorry, we don't let Jerry Springer use us for his freak show for you to righteously mock and laugh at us, sorry)..When little Occultis was reaching the age of, oh 4th grade, his strange and sickening perversion popped up. See, since we were all grouped together in Special Ed together, unfortunately some of the physically disabled students unfortunately were incontinent. Hence diapers. Hence the growth of the strange, disgusting and depraved perversion that I am writing about. Anyways, since I was prepubescent, I just ifgured in my infinite ignorance this strange interest was that, a strange interest.

Alas, Lord Occultis hit puberty (sorry, they don't sterilize us anymore or castrate us anymore, so yes, we are breeding, my apologies). Suddenly, his strange interest took on sexual and emotional aspects. Suddenly, in the full blossom of burgeoning hormones, our erstwhile youth suddenly started saving his lunch money for Depends. Alas, little Occultis's parents, who naturally wished to dissuade the pervert's interest, began their campaign of shame and punishment. Again, because he was an evil seed (one of the unwashed, unbaptized masses that are naturally Hellbound) this did not dissuade little Occultis.

Many psychiatrists later, still unable to root the perversion from the demented, depraved, sick, disgusting and amoral psyche of young Occultis, his parents decided to "ignore' it. Things became better when Occultis could flee the home of his parents and run into the loving arms of the Scarlet Lady of Mystery Babylon.

What, may you ask, has this to do with my title "Proud to be a Pervert". Thank you for asking, gentle readers.

I finally realized it was allright to be a pervert. When you strip away your social conventions and the fact that you have created a diety that is the simple apothosification of yourselves, in effect diefying yourselves, you realize that the Emperor wears no clothes. Indeed, for every upstanding citizen of the community, you usually find a hypocritical, self-rightous drone who hasn't the guts, fortitude or honesty to be anything other then a well trained drone. So yes, I am immensely proud to be a pervert, because otherwise I'd join the milling armies of faceless drones who are so brainwashed they don't even know their drones.

This is Lord Occultis and I endorse this message. Say no to conformity, or end up a mindless drone like the masses of drones that squirm like mindless, sightless maggots on this hypocritical continent we call the United States of America!

I think it all lies in the eye of the beholder. I don't think you should be judged. Judgement is not anyone's place. May you be blessed and happy in what you choose to do with your life as long as you harm nonoe including yourself. :thumbu::rolleyes:

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