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Everything posted by Crzyme

  1. nope it is like food, clothing or art, it is all about personal taste My husband and I make wine we like it and so do others I also happen to love a "mojitos" (mixed drink made with mint, rum, sugar, lime, and club soda) now and then
  2. The eclipse was great, even as it was cold and we kept having to retreat inside for a bit then return to view the changes, happy you had a great Yule, solstice
  3. as a preteen it was always Marsha Brady, then as a very young mother it was Princess Dianna, then as I got older it was Trisha Yearwood now I guess it is just me LOL or Grandma
  4. Oh Yes! I am happy with my self, my life, my husband, my children, my grandchildren I am often content, such as when snuggled in fluffy covers with a good book to read and a nice glass of wine... however I am not content to just sit back and let life happen, I am always awash in delightful anticipation for what life will bring next as it is ever changing and such an exciting ride on this molten centered spinning rock we call home.
  5. I find the history of Halloween fascinating and love that it has hung on for so long. I love this holiday and have from childhood on. Over the years we have hosted many a haunted house (some very elaborate in 4000 square foot of space and many "monsters" on hand to help with an entrance fee. We have had lavish parties and simple celebrations. I do not observe it as a religious experience or as part of my religious beliefs in any way. For me it is simply fun to go about in public out of our usual dress, attitude and even faces if we choose. Maybe we reflect the inner self, or the opposite of the inner self; maybe we choose to go grand and be a queen/king, god/goddess, devil, angel or famous human; or go scary or gory, or we choose sexy or even trampy; maybe we want pretty and many ways to go from current to historical, realistic or total is all so open. I never put restraints on my kids choices and would help make any costume they desired, my youngest once went in apparently no costume at all dressed in his "normal" clothing, when questioned about his lack of costume he would say he was a serial killer, and that they looked like everyone else. I hate that here in the deep bible belt of Alabama most towns did TOT on Saturday because Halloween fell on Sunday, that just isn't right, I believe at times that belt cuts off circulation to their brains. Life should be fun and I have always viewed Halloween as the ultimate let yourself go have fun (and be rewarded with candy) holiday we in America celebrate.
  6. My sister died from cancer god didn't give it to her, or allow her to get it Cancer is an illness, a freak cell that mutates into a monster It has no heart, no brain, no choice of victims It is not a being just a thing Science/doctors are working very hard on treatments and cures and I do hope your daughter falls into the group that walk away from this terrible disease with her life. Humans tend to want to have something to be angry at when bad things happen, I can understand that, I was there tending to my sister until her final breath, I see her two children living without her in their young lives. I want something to rage against but their is nothing there, it is a waste to rage against fate for cancer like this is just a random thing in most cases. She did nothing to cause it, it has been found and she can fight against it taking her, but it didn't choose her. ' I send my well wishes and hope you will be here one day talking about her being a survivor.
  7. I am not sure if this thread was started by a person just looking to stir the pot or a lost soul who is likely to never find their way, but I love how the topic turned to silliness and boobies
  8. Living the good life

  9. Short answer is Yes of course it does. It may be clutter that weighs heavy upon a person or another person in their lives, bills, pollution, the town attitude where one lives, the color of the walls, etc... anything from ones environment (life) and intrude upon ones well being and effects our spirituality. I live in two worlds that are very different from each other, I have a renovated commercial building built in 1891, with a 4000 sq ft apartment on the top floor and a bar, restaurant and art studio on the ground floor (and plans for a winery in the basement) it is artsy, decorated, painted and different from everything around it. The small rural town is 90% white southern Baptist and not very supportive to say the least, yet they like the tourist $ and are mostly content to leave religious tracks in the mailbox and benches outside. I also live in a college town in a 130 year old farm house that we are still rehabbing, where some of the floors are still "soft" and there is no insulation, here I work at beating back the overgrowth to discover all the great things those who came before me have planted and placed. I have very old fruit trees and newly planted vineyards, a newly dug lake from a very old spring, and buildings bursting with things people left behind. I love both places but they each give me vastly different things, the farm town is multi cultured, open and free, but the commercial place let me truly turn it into a huge art piece and it finance's the "new" farm. I have had to learn to be myself in both environments and that was a struggle. Each place recharges me and my spirituality in a different way and I am happy they are only an hour apart because I enjoy being able to leave one for the other when I need to. So many times in my life I have had to conform to my environment and the people around me, to have the freedoms I do now has taken hard work, a vision, and some great peoples help along the way. I have had everything but my life taken from me before and I will never go back to being the person I was when I allowed others views to dictate my behavior or beliefs; even if I lost it all again I would simply pick myself back up and focus on a new goal. Just as we dictate how others are allowed to treat us, we are ultimately in charge of our own environment, if we do not like how it is then it is up to us to change it, and change it we can, but it takes much more than sitting around wishing or praying, it takes getting up and doing. I am messy and often have a cluttered space around me (especially in my bedrooms) but that is not a bother to me, when it becomes one I will fix the situation
  10. I agree, money is the subject I don't talk about anything else I am an open book
  11. I made this one for and this one for they love them. I put the originals on DVD's for them and they love to play them (drives their parents nuts they want to watch them so much) YouTube is fun
  12. None all of them got me to where I am, made me understand who I am and life is just what I want to have and a heck of a lot more days of it.
  13. good to hear he is home a hospital is not a place to recover or rest
  14. wonderful news hope this puts him on the road to recovery still in my thoughts and prayers
  15. these days so often the doctor has no idea of the scheduling problems people face when they are in need, a person is in charge of appointments and most have no medical training nor do they schedule on a "Need" basis, it is a sad state of American doctors offices. My Dad was given a feeding tube (surgically implanted in his stomach and there was an external port, hidden under his shirt and he hooked it up a few times a day. If your son gets too malnourished due to this problem this might be a temporary solution while they find the permanent solution, so he can regain some strength. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers
  16. I would like to live forever, and i would also not like to live forever yes the aspect of never dying, of never loosing the organic part of being alive, feeling, experiencing, and living life would be fantastic, the things you would learn and see and do, the people you would meet, know and love would be awesome, yet at the same time those people would die and leave you still living and that would be the part that would make me say no, so it is a balance of yes and no not sure I could choose either answer, but the answer is already chosen. We will live forever, only in spirit form, nothing organic only energy but it will never be as good as living in the physical world, able to touch and be touched, hear and be heard, see and be seen.
  17. My father had Achalasia with his esophageal cancer, I know the horror of watching the struggle, My heart goes out to you and your son, I do hope the doctors find a solution for him soon. I assume he has a feeding tube in place by now and i hope he is keeping his weight up. Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. I would like to have the Grateful Dead playing as I give up life on Earth, and at my funeral as well I think "So Many Roads", "The Wheel", "The only time is now", "The music never stopped", and "To lay me down" would be good ones I think among others
  19. anything can be used as a tool and for a large percentage of the population, thanks to the dumbing down of America, organized religion and stupid laws that seems ridiculously confining and even demeaning to the thinking population are needed to keep them with a small amount of decorum. They are the sheep that must have clear rules, deep lines in the sand and black and white "rules" where there is no gray areas. These people are just who the government want for they are malleable after being trained up in government schools. Of course it isn't PC for me to say so, then i am being elitist, that is what I was called the other day. And this was by a red neck who hates all other breathing humans except white people and just hates it that i have so many "different" people who hang out at my place. She says I hate stupid people, I tell her I don't I just hate the system that forms so many of them with no ambition past wining the lottery or a lawsuit and expect someone else to take care of them while they sit home watching Springer, Morry and reading the national enquirer to know what is going on in the world. They wave the flag and watch wrestling and nascar and never read a book but love Nancy Grace and have no goals in life past getting to Friday night. They sit and watch life but never jump in a live it or change much more than their underwear. But don't get me started...
  20. I think to be called an abortion his mother should take care of him
  21. you started out well here and while I personally would have loved to have another child (back when I was having children) I had cancer and the choice was no longer available, I wouldn't have had an abortion, but it is not my place, nor anyone else's to tell a woman she can not do so, just like you started this out it is a choice that must be available because it isn't our place or right to do otherwise. No matter what we personally might believe about the end of the fetus life, we have not the right to force our beliefs on anyone else.
  22. got to love the finger slips I answered this on the other topic title I did ask Brandon if he would like to come here and he said he might come have a look so I sent him a link we can only wait to see if he does come I know you would enjoy talking to him he is a smart, funny basically happy guy even if he is also a NASCAR loving, country music fan and a red neck (this is for him in case he shows up, Hey Brandon) .
  23. This is almost off subject I want to tell you about my husbands 2nd cousin He is 22 years old and has cerebral palsy due to being born too early and having head trauma during his birth because he was just so tiny. he is bound to a chair, has limited control of only one hand nothing else just the one hand with that one hand he drives his chair with a joystick controller, same thing with his computer and the joystick controller there it is an arduous task but he loves to have a fantasy life on-line where he is not seen as he is in real life. There isn't anything lacking in his intelligence, he is very smart He is a happy young man for the most part he has Friends who come and get him, they go to concerts, bars, movies and to the beach for spring break a few times I enjoy spending time with him, he is funny and has a great comedic timing that catches many off guard and flies right over the heads of others. He wants no pity wasted on him But he also hurts at the things he can not fathom doing, he wants to be able to control the movements of his head, this frustrates him more than no being able to walk. he wants to control his speech, because he has so much to say and he has to push the words out of his body with such effort, much of what he has to say can be lost via not being understood, or people jumping in to fill the gaps, finishing what they think he was trying to say. He wants to be a husband and father, but says he could not do a sufficient job of either so he will never pursue that road so while this might be pure nature to him it is not natural, he is not unaware of what life could have been had he made it full term, had the Doctor not rushed in from a party and used the forceps just a wee bit too tightly he was monetarily compensated for the "mistake" he has the finest chair, bed and lifts and like all defects his was not made by God, allowed by God nor was he "given to special parents that could handle such a child" good lord that is a great one to hear. In all of life mistakes are made, a genetic code mistake an altered chromosomal mistake a chemically induced mistake an act at birth mistake a drunken doctor mistake They are not God engineered, they are not tests of faith, they are not sins enacted upon the child for the sins of the parents they are just mistakes, not perfect, they just are what they are and unchangeable Brandon knows his is unchangeable, he doesn't pine away at what he lost, but his is very aware of what he can not do (even though I disagree with him on the wife and child thing and at 22 he doesn't know these things yet) and how his life was shorted, he is not bitter or angry about the situation but he is frustrated. his biggest anger seems to come when people say he is special, blessed or when Christians tell him he will be "whole" in heaven if he believes in Jesus. He is whole, he is blesses via his own spirit, personality and intellect, and he is special because he is kind, and caring not because he has a brain disorder. okay blew off some steam here back to work...