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Everything posted by Pete

  1. However, since Dan has backed off a bit things look more possible here.
  2. Nothing is really nothing and as you say it has mass and can be measured.
  3. I thought so. I put it up on tribal too. It explains a lot and confirms the big bang theory and poo poos the idea that all came from nothing. I enjoyed it.
  4. I am adding as I go on tribal. Is it my imagination or has Dan left this part of the forum. If so I may repost here. For me I have always understood a free thinker as someone open to possibilities and science and respects proof. Religion is only open to one possibility without proof.
  5. Of course. You need to register on the intertribal forum and you will find my posts under believe in self.
  6. I know he is ambivalent to any other opinion. It's his or nothing. That is the point I made earlier. There is no definition of free thinker that can describe Dan as he shackled to his dogma and his bronze age book. I just get the feeling that he just wants to silence all but him. I don't want to play. Have you been to the tribal today?
  7. Sorry that should be " belief in self".
  8. "Believe in yourself" For Humanism, Agnostics and Atheists.
  9. Then there is the accusations that agnostics and atheists believe in nothing.
  10. It's hard but it only leads to a elongated debate that goes no where. The bible gets justified no matter what it says. I have switched to ulc intertribal to continue the debate. Please feel free to join us. They have mods there and science can be discussed from an agnostic/atheist/scientific perspective.
  11. Children have "transient objects" like teddies and dolls. It helps them cope with the seperation from their parent figures when learning to sleep alone. Adults have " mental defence mechanisms " that help them cope with threats to their own ego. I have often wondered if these two psychological activities come together in religion when faced with a vaste unfathomable universe and the temporary existence of ourselves and family and friends. Religion brings forward a means of alleviating fears by employing a God to help make sense of that experience and existence. Well that was a view I came to whilst studying psychology for my counselling diploma.
  12. It's a case that creationists see what they want to see and disregard the rest. Dawkins not only said we are made of similar DNA strands but some Gene's are there from earlier developments like insects which have now been switched off. Why would those Gene's even be there if a creator just made mankind separately. Yet, that was totally dismissed. It's just a motivation to justify a belief instead an honest look at the science.
  13. The only way of getting on the UK site is via the admin. We were getting spammed a lot and we got hacked once some years back. I can get people on if you email me. It's very quiet as of late.
  14. I will go to the tribal until its sorted as we are both members. I have opened a thread there.
  15. Universal ministries is back up. Just been reading posts. What about the other forums.
  16. Well there is the tribal, UKULC (it is very slow but it has the advantage of me as an admin), Universal ministries, or some atheist/agnostic forum.
  17. I am looking around at the moment. I want a real agnostic / atheist forum with mods. So we can talk without distractions. If not then its the tribal.
  18. Hi Jonathan and other atheists and agnostics. Do you still go to the tribal forum to discuss things? I was just wondering if there is an alternative to the distractions here.
  19. I just want to come on the forum and not talk to him about his dogma of which I am not interested.
  20. Dan is not engaging like a human being. He is an automatic dogma machine. Thought is not being engaged. He still has not got the message that this is a no religion section of the forum. He will justify anything including murder if his book told him too. I compare it with Chairman Mao's little red book. Believe this book or you believe in nothing he can respect attitude. Pointless.