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Everything posted by RevBogovac

  1. I don't want to be an @$$, but I have to ask: What is that hope based on? As RabbiO already said; they have not been around for over 8 years...
  2. This is really a bit below par. The measurements in physics are clearly described and reproducible. If I wish I can actually do the measurements myself, but I choose not to because I trust the system of scientific publication after peer-review (up to a certain point). What measurements are you (mererdog) suggesting we do of God?
  3. You are comparing apples and oranges (or physical instances [horses, swans et cetera] with physical phenomenons [the speed of light in a vacuum, the freezing point of H2O et cetera] if you wish). And I suspect you are doing it on purpose to cloud this discussion. Too bad.
  4. This would be the diagram to set it up: Set up would look something like this: Not overly complicated. So; yes, we can measure the speed of light... The only thing left for discussion is the precision of the measurements (how long is a metre, how long does a second take et cetera). But it seems a bit silly to me to compare the results of empiric studies with subjective beliefs...
  5. Huh?!? AFAIK Evanson et al measured the speed of light in 1973 using lasers... Twentieth Century Physics, Volume 2, IOP publishing / AIP press.
  6. Good to hear Von, I'm a IT Quality Manager and have been "at it" for some time too (early 80's) and I must say that from my perspective the world isn't that black/white; yes, companies (in general) are inclined to "stimulate consumption" (it's more noticeable in "white goods" where the washing machines and fridges form the 60's and 70's were made "to last" and now adays companies make them deliberately to lesser quality standards as to "stimulate" consumers to buy replacements earlier on. But having said that I also type this on an MacBook Air (early 2014) and my wife still uses an Iphone 5S (late 2013), and they're still going strong. As far as the "replacement" item; yes, I was aware of that. Dutch consumer laws are pretty strict and still "they" are allowed todo so, as long as it is an "exact replacement". I understand tat too; it is a lot cheaper to have a "standard" procedure than to custom replace everything that comes in. This is good business practice, and as long as it is an "exact" replacement (or better, as Dutch law demands) I see no problem with that... (And you wouldn't either, as "ignorance was bliss"... ) Having been through that "proces" once, I must admit I was more satisfied with the overall service (getting a working Macbook back with all my apps, pictures and working files) than being overly concerned about the materials "in hand"...
  7. How much time did that cost you (including "learning" how to do that)...?
  8. That is nice to hear, you're quite welcome!
  9. Maybe it's somewhat of an "interplay"; let me illustrate: if you are a "nice" person, people will be more inclined to help you... Get's to the point of a chicken/egg discussion; which came first? Were (those) people helpful to begin with or did you persuade them to help you because you were nice to them....? The one thing I do "know" is that you have to start with yourself if you want to "improve" the world. So start by being a nice person most of the time, and probable (at least I like to think) most people would like to help you. At least, that's the way I choose to look at the world. My perception, yes. Have I been "burned" (was I nice to people who eventually harmed me)? Yes, several times. But "on average" most of the time it was a pleasant "two-way-street". And if nothing else, I - at least - have my own - pleasant - perception of the world around me...
  10. That says more about American education than about any religion... That depends on your definition of crazy. In the mean time the (drastic) increase in longevity suggests the world is getting more safe...
  11. Then you seem to be closing your mind to the bigger (historic) picture; "religion" has been on the decline since the "Age of Enlightenment". But yes, "history" does not unwind linear but more like a wave. And yes, at the moment "Religion" seems to be in an uptrend. Stil historically a lot lower that before the aforementioned "Age of Enlightenment" though...
  12. Then you're not paying attantion (at the right "numbers, the "big" picture)... "Religions" are (and have been) loosing ground every day (as they should, in my opinion). A nice resource might be: "The Global Religious Landscape" report by the Pew Research Center.
  13. I would like to invite you (all) to watch my favourite scene from Dr. Quantum: "Flatland" (how to explain the third dimension to a two-dimensional being). It basically explains how I feel (like Dot) better than a whole bunch of my words would:
  14. Thank you, and yes; as a martial arts practitioner I have learnt a lot about Buddhism too and have taken a lot from it. But I still "label" myself a "christian" (agnostic, but still with that "label". It's as I said: So it's just "easy", "safe", "clear" et cetera... The world still "thinks" in labels. we can be all "above that" and all, but in the end, that's how it still works... we all use "labels". I'm open to shedding them, certainly... but they're not gone yet. And as you say: improve the world, start with yourself! (Or, as Mahatma Gandhi said it: “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”)
  15. I, as an "agnostic orthodox christian" - for one, would like to try to "persuade" you back into being that "liberal Christian" again: first let me differentiate between Christianity, the "organisation", which I do not feel a lot (of positivity) for; Christianity the philosophy which I like very much (but you have to be careful to differentiate between the "teachings of Christ" (whereupon a lot of our modern society is based on: equality, democracy, compassion et cetera) and I am quite grateful for (and see the Old Testament and most things "after good Friday" as the previously mentioned "moralising story-books"); and, Christian "society", which - in the end - "we" (here in the "West") are (still!) part of (but I do see changing in the future, somewhere...).
  16. I can imagine, but you will have to find the path through that for yourself... I myself try not to take it all too literally (basically why take life too seriously, it's not like you're going to survive it, right?)... Just remember the"children's stories" we tended to tell our children here in the West (the "basic" Grimm and Andersen line); just how gruesome are they when you think about it!?! Wolfes/Witches eating children and blood and gore everywhere... Gruesome, just gruesome... but they actually did have a "moral to the story" and a "function": listen to your parents, don't go out in the dark alone wondering off the roads et cetera... Were those stories "true"? Should we still tell them to our children in today's age? If you look at the movies that were made out of these stories the past years it were more or less movies intended for adults... still nice stories though.
  17. I know, unfortunately... That is a terrible decease where there comes a time when one can only hope and pray for a quick resolution. We continue to pray for you and yours in these undoubtedly tough times.
  18. I consider myself an agnostic orthodox christian. That's simply who I am. As you I was "raised" that way, and tried to "fight it" but am at ease with it now. Especially because I have also come to appreciate the "social" aspect of it. It's not that much that I "literally" believe everything from the bible (how's that for an orthodox christian?), I simply can not know (agnostic, right?) but I am part of that social group and feel (more or less) comfortable in it. It has a function; safety, comfort, coherence, help et cetera... so therefore I can handle it.
  19. This is so true too... I have been on the verge of death (actually over it; I "flatlined" in the intensive care and "they" luckily revived me), I have been in war twice ('91 & '94) and I have been in (at least) 3 (severe) motorcycle accidents. I thought I was a "tough nut to crack". Right up to the point when my oldest daughter fell and stayed lying on the floor unconscious... I couldn't even remember the emergency phone number (the equivalent of the US's 911, in Europe that's 112). Just froze. But that still doesn't change the "average"... and on "average" one is always his own best asset. But fortunately we have people around us (or, at l east, we should have) for those "outlier" moments.
  20. True, but you asked what the best asset available would be. And that is always one's self... Fortunately, yes; we are social beings and (most of the time) work well together. That cooperation, however, still starts with the individual(-s).