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Everything posted by Zequatanil

  1. Yes--I am sure they are in Hebrew . I find then so beautiful and especially the meanings and what it manifest. Maybe RabbiO is into Kabbalah --perhaps he has some insight for us. Also how general Judaism speaks about them Also if the good Rabbi would tell us what type of Judaism he practices--I personally know a few different branches of denominations.There are a number of breakaway branches --like during the Christian reformation as well as ultra orthodox--I do believe even synagogues are all independent and autonomous. I know people in the Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn movement, he assumed the leadership of what is the Lubavitch movement--I also know some orthodoxs and Hasidics in my circle. I do believe that Synagogue congregations have slight differences and are entirely separate from each other. Maybe RabbiO could please tell us. blessings and peace, S
  2. Do you know your personal angel? Get reacquainted . Tell us who it is This one is mine- . Deus Laudabilis (The laudable or praiseworthy God); לָלָהֵ ( Lamed Lamed Hey ) LaLAHe זַמְּרוּ--לַיהוָה, יֹשֵׁב צִיּוֹן; הַגִּידוּ בָעַמִּים, עֲלִילוֹתָיו- תהילים פרק ט: יב The Book of Psalms Chapter 9:12 Latin Vulgate 9:12 cantate Domino habitatori Sion adnuntiate in populis commutationes eius King James Version 9:12 Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings. לָלָהֵאֵל LaLaHe EL Lelahel – http://www.ucm.ca/en...rth-angels.html You simple have to get to know them personally--the 72 names and how to pronounce them. http://guideangel.com/1.html Blessings of YHWH S
  3. Crzyme--A beautiful list--You reminded me of some that escaped me in the bustle of life--Thank you. and deo gratias-- namaste and light, S
  4. I am grateful for being led here I am grateful for our beautiful garden I am grateful for the rain i am grateful for the seagulls around my me I am grateful for my beautiful memories --for their remembrance I am grateful for today I am grateful to know many of you --It has been a short time, but hey--even a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Please light a candle-- http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/enter.cfm?l=eng blessings, light and love, S
  5. I have always loved Leonard Cohen--I am sure many of you are familiar with many of his writings Two of my favourites are --The book of Mercy and The book of Longing. If you haven`t read it--I feel it is worth reading. Some beautiful thoughts in there--much from his life at Mt. Baldy [media=] I love this new song--well to me he is ageless and timeless. I think I have learnt a few things from him as well as from his lyrics. blessings and light, S
  6. Thanks Ed--I`ll follow your lead. --looks promising. I also found and other post--Official vs Unofficial--which is far too complicated for my pea brain! But I shall try-- blessings and peace, S
  7. As you all know I am really very new here, and even more new regarding the `ins and outs` of ULC. I am trying to learn as much as I can, and I would appreciate some enlightenment regarding a few areas. I am sure that many of you have been here many years and your knowledge of the ULC is invaluable. 1. The Seattle ULC( The monastery.org) totally separate from the Modesto one--under their FAQ they there state there was a split, but not too much under that article--there is something--`Uncovering the truth in Modesto`--though it dosn`t say much, however they seem to state that they are the real McCoy--well in a round about way. And also one perceives that something nefarious was going on, or went on. Their membership is huge, so is their discussion forum. I didn`t want to write to them--as they would simply confuse me. 2. When you are ordained through the Modesto Church--are you recognized by them? Does this group recognize them? --Yes, it seems to be us and them Sad---- 3. Can you be ordained in more places than one--not that I want to--one is enough for me, but just as an inquiry. 4. Is there an actual difference in some form or way from each other?--If yes--what is it? I know that the Modesto one was the first ULC--. 5. Why did they split?--is the 22 million people the total of the two--or just them? Or even some other faction? Are we connected or are we islands unto ourselves? It would be nice if we were connected in some way--22 million is a huge force to let loose in the world-- Well for the time being this is enough as it does address a few important issues--I am sure many of you know the answers--waiting in anticipation--Thank you all. Blessings and peace, S
  8. Well-- I don`t consider myself anything, but my profession is doctor--meaning teacher , thus I hope to be. But I cannot put it more succinctly than Emily Dickinson--to be perhaps a minister for God. Emily Dickinson If I can stop one heart from breaking I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching Or cool one pain Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again I shall not live in vain. namaste, S
  9. In my religion--the Catholic-- the past 25 years there has been an interest in meditation. It is called centering prayer or contemplative meditation. It was brought back into my faith by Fr.W. Meninger a Trappist monk, with colleboration of Fr. T Keating an other Trappist monk--BTW you can find them on u-tube if you are interested.-- who found a little 14century old English book called --``The cloud of unknowing``. It is a very simple modest book, written by --we don`t even know who --there it explains simply how to empty your mind and get connected to Divine Consciousness-God.Meditation has been part of eastern religions for millenia. As Fr. Meninger explains--the knowledge of the little book is one line--in chapter 3-- Lift your heart up to the Lord with a gentle stirring of love--desiring Him only for His own sake and not His gifts. blessings, S
  10. Well--very funny-- Hyper. Fawzo--what on earth are you saying--are you kidding me? Maybe a re-discovery--- Maybe Samantha was from Bewitched from the 60`s.. But wichcraft has been around some time--longer than anything--most religions infact.--may not have been called Wiccan--but names are irrelevant. --but what do you call the stuff Merlin was practicing, Morgana, Druids, Celts and a few others of old. I am sure Atwater Vitki may name a few from his country. As--I from mine--the Magyars--we still have them--just under a different name--the Taltos. They have been around over 3,000 thousand years--from the Sumerians!!!!-Don`t get a Magyar going on this, for I can-- They still practice all kinds of magic and stuff that blows the mind in the 21 st century-- They were the ancient religion of old--Babylon, Phoenicians, Persians and many other lands. Sure--they were pagan religions--but practiced non the less. Now--you don`t have to believe, but exist they did and do.There is more to the occult than is imagined-- blessings, S
  11. absolutely--How very right you are!!--or default of ego=our free will perhaps!Well on demons I am still on the fence--If I would have to give an answer I would say that , that too we create through ego. Thus if you believe--then there are--if not they are not. I am sure many will disagree with there his statement.Also you as well as you have more experience in the elemental aspects of being. But I am sure you could tell us more about your beliefs as a Wiccan--. It is a very ancient religion and there is a lot within organized that is from the ancient teachings. Especially --the Divine Feminine which has always been the focal point of most ancient religions. blessings, S
  12. Gratefulness is the most positive force in the universe-- My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden, For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm: He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree. He has filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He has sent empty away. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy; As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His posterity forever. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen The Magnificat [Latin: magnifies], also called the Canticle of Mary, is recorded in the Gospel of Luke (1:46-55). What are the 6 things you are grateful for?-- I am grateful for my family I am grateful for being allowed on this planet I am grateful for my cats I am grateful for having good health I am grateful for music I am grateful for being so loved by my Cica Light a candle--pass on link below-- http://www.gratefuln...enter.cfm?l=eng blessings, love and with thankfulness, S
  13. This is the original version--I remember this when I was a child. I loved it then, I love it now. I am sure many of you will remember-how time flies--dosn`t it? When my daughter, Laurissa was 1 year old, this is what I gave her--a printed version in an old antique gold frame as a memento of her first birthday--She is grown now, she still has it on the wall, now in her house--a reminder to her and to myself of how fast they grow up--and how precious life is. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmm3Xea512A namaste and peace, S
  14. I am sure many of you have seen this--but one can never get enough of God. http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html with love and blessings, S
  15. I love little baby ducks--- I hope you all like it too . [media=] namaste, S
  16. This one gets the prize---he`s a little rat cherub! He is adorable--I am in love . The squirrels are cute also--but not as cute as this one. blessings, S
  17. A response is till better late than never-- Are you sure they are your clan?--they sure look like my mom`s clan-- Sylvester, Armand and The Fonz. namaste, S
  18. He is so adorable!!Thought I know he is not a mouse, but a kidred spirit of one--He reminds me of a poem by Robert Burns that I learnt as a child-- To a Mouse - A Poem by Robert Burns (Written by Burns after he had turned over the nest of a tiny field mouse with his plough. Burns was a farmer and farmers are generally far too busy to be concerned with the health of mice. This poem is another illustration of Robert Burn's tolerance to all creatures and his innate humanity.) Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim'rous beastie, O, what a panic's in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty, Wi' bickering brattle! I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee, Wi' murd'ring pattle! I'm truly sorry Man's dominion Has broken Nature's social union, An' justifies that ill opinion, Which makes thee startle, At me, thy poor, earth-born companion, An' fellow-mortal! --I won`t bore anyone with more than 2 verses. blessings; S
  19. Ever so cute--and they match in colour to boot I am sure they bring you much love and joy to you and your whole family. Espavo! S
  20. These have to be the cutest images ever. You can perceive the love and tenderness--it simply melts my heart. I have 2 fur kids myself, they are such blessings.Thanks for posting. meeeeeeeow, meeeeeeeeow,meeeeeeeeeeeow! S
  21. Atwater Vitki-- I shall pray a rosary for your Aunt Betty and your family--with God and Our Blessed Mother all is possible! Love and blessings , S
  22. True--confession is not a sacrament. . --it was called the Sacrament of Penance, even some years ago. These days it is called Sacrament of Reconciliation. The sacrament of Extreme Unction--for the dying, was also changed to Anointing of the Sick--which is now the legal term. blessings-- S
  23. Well I think I covered that--beliefs are personal--if no harm done to others--it is perfectly fine. Non of us has the real truth--we just think so. Ideas--that too is personal--we are individuals --there are more roads to Rome than we think, and we end up at the same destination. There is never an answer to truth--only my truth, or yours--, an others maybe just as valid. And--as I said--depends where you are looking the object from--if I am a Jew some Palestinians are terrorists,--if I am a Palestinian --I am a freedom fighter..This is just an example!--I am not making any ideological statements here. blessings and peace, S
  24. I have to add--Also play here is whether it harms any one, or society--if not --then tolerant all the way, especially when it comes to creed/colour or race. namaste, S