Rev. Troy Natereli

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About Rev. Troy Natereli

  • Birthday 01/20/1972

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  • Location
    Inverness, FL

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Honorable Friend

Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. Hope you all are having a Glorious Day!!!!

  2. Well it took almost a year to make the required amount of replies and questions. It has been a informative time. I thank you all so very much, I am learning from you all from the posts and realy feel like you all have become part of my family. Thank you.
  3. Desecration of human remains, um, eww. That is something I could never agree with.
  4. Oh Yes I would like to down load it to my phone but cant from here.
  5. Rev Rainbow, I normally wouldn't have watched the video, but Praise God I did. If that was your son, he is AMAZING! I do not know his story, but I do thank you for allowing us to see how his light shines.
  6. Wishing the Lord would give me more direcction.

    1. RevRainbow


      don't wish, ask for it.

    2. Zequatanil


      by you asking the question --He already has!

  7. welcome to the forum :) hope to see you around.

    1. Rev. Troy Natereli

      Rev. Troy Natereli

      Thank you, sorry it took me so long to answer you back.

  8. I notice I get alot of strange looks when I wear my collar. I think most see a tatted person with a collar and it offends them.
  9. Stay strong my friend. I myself passed my 2yr mark this month. I still crave them from time to time. I wonder if that ever goes away. But I have to keep reminding myself of why I quit. You are doing GREAT!!! Dont give in .. and if you do dont be to hard on yourself. Just stop again it took me 5yrs to finnaly stop. I can tell ya it is the hardest thing you will ever do, but the rewards are many. Good Luck buddy.
  10. I agree, My heart goes out to those affected. May god work quickly to help sooth the pain and scars.