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About edcrain

  • Birthday 10/27/1938

Helpful Information

  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    Spoken for
  • Location
    Shepparton Victoria Australia

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    see website
  • Grateful For
    being alive
  • Your Motto
    Honesty in all that I do.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Non denominational

Other Details

  • Occupation
    retired from paid employment, still volunteering.
  • Website URL

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Exalted Being

Exalted Being (13/17)

  1. Old?" "Dumb?" "Simple?" Remind you of anyone? Don't give away all our secrets
  2. Good Point. Lao Tzu lived about 600 BC.
  3. If You are depressed You are living in the past. If You are anxious You are living in the future. If You are at peace You are living in the present
  4. May I suggest everyone READS this forum area! http://ulc.net/forum/topic/14791-forum-policies/
  5. Ministers of religion and child-related work Child-related work for ministers of religion is defined more broadly than for everyone else. For ministers, child-related work is not limited to work involving direct contact with children; any contact with children is enough to trigger the requirement to get checked. For example, ministers who have children present in their congregation, or attend schools or children’s camps are required to hold a Check. The only time a minister does not require a Check is when any contact with children is occasional, and never a part of their normal duties. This might occur, for example, for ministers with purely administrative roles within a church’s bureaucracy. http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check/
  6. You know You are doing the grandparent bit right, if their parents are always complaining about You spoiling them! btw, Welcome back!
  7. Is Storm's Shelter gone now?