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About scottedward

  • Birthday 06/24/1974

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  • Location
    Las Vegas, Nevada

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  • Grateful For
    That others know peace, love, and kindness.
  • Your Motto
    Watch where you walk
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    One Of The Hopefui

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  1. I wonder who you think would call him a heretic, and in what context. Am I supposed to read the book to find out?
  2. I think (or believe) our communication problems begin in the United States with capitalism. Too many parents work too long and too hard to care for families they allow X-Box to babysit for them. I think a national educational system is preferable to state run, since states often go broke, and yet our nation is the richest country in the world.
  3. Enemies begin through difference of opinion, does it not?
  4. His greatest weapon was fear, which he knew most criminals were victims of.
  5. I think it is the wish of others to feel special, unique, or of the elite that causes about 96% of the world's problems (as relating to religious intolerance or disagreements) If nobody cared what others believed, we'd have less cause to fight over it.
  6. Okay... 'You don't believe in nothing' is a double-negative. There's more, but nobody likes a smarty-pants.
  7. However, is it a healthy practice to deliberately voice rejection or disbelief when none of it can be proved, regardless? There's a difference between constructive feedback (even from a non-believer) and blatant negativity. Regardless of what was really meant, telling an atheist they believe in 'nothing' usually doesn't end with flowers, children, rainbows, and happy puppies belching sunshine.
  8. I don't think it small, and Dan can rub a few people the wrong way. He has that gift. I might have been one of them, but I can't honestly recall. Here's the thing. A person 100% secure with their convictions shouldn't need to debate whether or not the belief of others is true. If they're belief is absolute in their minds and heart, they'd feel secure enough to have room for additional ideas. They'd be comfortable discussing other beliefs without verbally expressing their skepticism.
  9. I know that others believe what they claim. Shouldn't that be enough?
  10. i agree with you. It very much seems to me that the church of Scientology has become a money-making machine, and I've very little patience for any practice that utilizes belief to make a profit.
  11. I'm not entirely sure if the differences of scope or type should matter, if any of us are able to question motives.