Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  4. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  5. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  7. I know first hand the JW are usually a very kind and generous group and I have enjoyed getting to know several on a deep, personal level. My only angst is the "we're right, you're wrong" attitude concerning their religion...even the one's I know personally have a bit of heartburn over the 144,000 but they all admit it keeps them working hard to be one of that number. And hey, when a teacher is faced with being a forgotten number in a third world country as expected they would take help from any source willing to give. The Guatemalans are a hearty and robust crowd and I don't suspect they will allow any missionary to just waltz in and lay down the religion, but if it serves a means to an end I would think teacher, parent and child alike would grab hold and hang on to any sort of help...they can argue out the conversions later but one has to be alive to argue out the details later don't ya think? Desperation put people in a precarious position that few of us truly understand. Taking help from one source when no one else offers is also a big part of the picture. and just my 2¢ as well... Blessings of Peace,
  8. Welcome back and to your Home Coolhand. I'm certain the wife and family especially are happy so... Welcome home! Blessings of Peace,
  9. I believe Keystrikr is referring to the animosity from the break off groups that separated from the original ULC and then had the gall to call themselves the "original" or "real" ULC. What kind of attacks, were you referencing Keystrikr? Quite often the public perceives the ULC as a bunch of "Wanna Be" ministers of the Bible. The reality is a good portion of Members simply get their officiant documentation in order so they can legally marry a family member of friend or in a few cases have the legal right to offer pastoral counseling. The two version are confused by the public because they 1.) never took the time to learn the difference between the reasons and 2.) are so stuck in their own thinking they refuse and refute anything not IN that boxed in line of thinking. Witch Hazel, I'm certain Key will chime in as well to clarify, but I know what it's like waiting for answers and saw you were still online as of a few minutes ago. Blessings of Peace,
  10. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  11. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  16. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  17. I'm certain most are familiar with Albert's statement: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a rather persistent one" In light of androids having/not having a "soul", perhaps Mr. Einstein's words apply to the "AI" reality/soul as well? Blessings in Light,
  18. That is precisely what we did...went to see "Age of Ultron" in a pre-release party episode in Merced. Thor was up to his usual grand self. Other than that I'm not going to say a word about the plot ...other than the 3d version was okay, but my guess is the standard IMax (at $6 less) would have been just as good if not better due to the 3d glasses never fitting correctly. But overall, well played by all and up to usual Marvel Productions standards. So whether it was Beltane or just a Thursday...all worked out well here and the celebratory mode was exciting! Blessings of Peace,
  19. This is something that, as of yet, science/medicine have not been able to prove beyond a reasonable least no hard fact data that can be reliably duplicated or objectively compiled. However, having said that to qualify... ...I believe we have souls. I believe we have souls based on the fact science/medicine can explain 99.99% (speculatively speaking) of our biological body, yet that illusive, inter/non/multi?-dimensional, impossible to fully describe thing some folks call "the spark of Life" exists. That ethereal aspect of Self lies within and even the most enlightened people can not fully explain it. Forget explaining it to the satisfaction of doctors, psychologists, scholars and people far more learned than I am, it can't be explained even on the most rudimentary and layman's level. So just like "God", "gods", "Creator" and religion per sé, it boils down to belief. The "21 gram Experiment"- though admittedly possibly flawed- is about as close to any proof we may ever have of the souls' existence. I write and speak as if the soul exists because I believe it does....and I suppose that's the best I can offer at this point. Blessings of Peace,
  20. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al

  21. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al

  22. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al

  23. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al

  24. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al

  25. Welcome to the ULC forum! It is our sincerest wish you find topics and information useful to your personal search for Spiritual Truth, on whichever path that may be. We hope your time spent with us becomes a true investment in your Self. Blessings of Peace, Al