Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to our family of friends! We hope you'll share your Spiritual Journey with us as we share ours with you. Many Blessings of Peace, Prosperity and Contentment, Al

  2. Rev V- The links you posted would surely get someone on the road to the LDS Church, I have nothing for or against that at all, it is an individual choice after all. What I wanted to comment on was what the Syllabus stated in the online course link you posted: An underlying assumption of this course is that the four Gospels are reasonably accurate accounts of the Lord's ministry among men in the flesh. .... Why is it so important to study the Gospels? They are not biographies, since each covers relatively few days in the Savior's life. They are instead the testimonies of the authors. Each of the four Gospels testifies of the gospel; that is to say, each Gospel bears witness of the "good news" or the "glad tidings" of Jesus Christ, his life and teachings, his crucifixion and resurrection. Joseph Smith stated, "The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company [1976], 121). Why, then, should we study the Gospels? So that we may learn about the Savior, grow to love him, and learn how to follow and obey him. In doing these things, we may ultimately come to know him, for, as he stated, "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). While many folks have their own, personal opinion of the LDS Church, frankly I wish the "Prophet" Smith's words would be taken to heart by more of the mainstream sects of Christianity, especially about who and what the Apostle's were...authors of their personal testimony....not "eyewitnesses" many seem to regard them as. Just an observation. Thanks for providing the info to Lordie as per her request...we are a community here and that is indeed how help each other. Blessings of Peace,
  3. Hui! Aloha, Ray! So you no find da'kine kahuna where you stay eh? Yeah brah, I understand dat. I'm a transplant from California to Maui and back to Cali...unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. I see in your signature you are familiar with ho'oponopono and what a blessing that has been in my wife and my life. There is a Buddhist mission, the Jodo, on Maui that was a very special and awesome place for us, and, no, there are not many ULC ministers listed on any island...what I can say tho was that the good Rev. Hara at the Jodo was phenomenal (if he is still there) Honolulu is like any big city in the world, full of hate, violence and in reality is not the Hawaiian Spirit at all. Maui or the Big Island, if you enjoy conveniences, or Lanai or Kaua'i for the "away from it all" and the more traditional kama'aina type folks. We enjoyed 8 wonderful years on Maui and knew several kahuna that suited our situation well...if you can, escape over to Maui and go to Makawao (Up Country) and gently ask around for "da kine kahuna for da spirit o' Maui" and hopefully you can get hooked up with a lady they recommend. She was about 55-60 when we were there so add 10 years to that, but you'll see a wonderfully charming older gal, bright colored moo-moo's, feathers in a clutch or on her armband and she can direct you to either her own services or those of someone that may suit you better...that is how we found the kahuna that helped us for 5 years. There was (still is?) a shop about the middle of Makawao main street that had "Lomi Lomi Massages and Ho'oponopono" on the window....good place to start asking...hint...hint (I didn't see a website for the shop listed or would have posted it). It's individual and why I will not recommend just one's all an avenue of journey, of Self, of knowing what fits you the best...there is no one answer or kahuna for everyone. You are probably also aware that 'pono is a process, not a destination, that takes a person on their individual journey through life. It's the small steps, one day at a time type thing and as one thing heals in your life, so will the next and the next and the next and...and...! Many Blessings of Peace, Aloha, Al
  4. Ray- First off, thank you for being open about what's going on around and with you. Sometimes it helps just to get it all out so that others know what's going on. I have to agree with Pete, it is not always selfish to look after one's Self first. Quite often it's the best thing we can do for everyone. If you are looking to discuss this issue here, there are a few "mentors" available in this area of expertise and I'm sure they'll pipe in as time allows. You've already heard from one in post #2! And again, welcome to the crew. I'm sure as time goes on the info you seek will come along. Blessings of Peace, Al
  5. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  7. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  9. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  11. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  16. Naturally, each and every situation like this is unique. The case in our family was totally created in the mind of the dieing by years of manipulation of facts by another family member. He had completely confused facts and events regarding an individual causing the outrage. For years his outward anger covered up his internal hurt. After the reconciliation was made everyone could tell he passed a week later truly happy and grateful that forgiveness had been exchanged. This situation of forgiveness is the first thing the 'living' think of surrounding that uncle's passing and how truly wonderful the whole situation was/is/will be. I go back to what Von said in #1....a gentle "nudge" is the position the minister should make, far different than making decisions for the patient or demanding that reconciliation be made. Quietly find out the misgivings. Ease information from pertinent parties. Gently offer up choices to the one passing. Delicate and graceful situation not a gang-buster riot act that upsets everyone. Blessings of Peace, PS:/edit: and yes Pete, I agree to accept the patients final word, but often quiet conversation about completely different subject can get them to ask about reconciliation. Gentle spirit and quiet reserve is what called for here, absolutely agree the patient has "final say".
  17. Having had to deal with this situation and as suggested above, a little behind the scenes research into the "why" of the matter may be in order. The hospice patient and the one on the outside are the only two that truly matter. Leave it between those two. While gathering information you may need to talk to friends and family, but they are not the issue. Being an effective (compassionate and understanding) liaison between those two, if accepted by the person passing, is IMHO the only two who have a say in the matter....yes your mention of a "gentle nudge" is your only responsibility and everyone else can simply stay out of the matter. Blessings of Peace and prayer be with you in this dilemma.
  18. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  19. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  20. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  21. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  22. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  23. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  24. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  25. I been told there's a gal, named "Roxanne" I believe, that you might find downtown to handle your organ dilemma Bishop... Blessings of Peace, ..and you didn't say nutter about the peanut butter!