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Everything posted by Fawzo

  1. I think I'd be upset and let little miss blondy sitting at the restaurant. I guess thats why I never got married. I hate all those stupid little tests and games.
  2. ..Fawzo realized he was never going to find the Golden pencil box on his own and needed all his friends from the ULC to help him. So he started rubbing..
  3. I loved the Tao of Pooh...are you going to read The Te of Piglet also?
  4. Yes congratulations and brightest blessings for the whole family!!!
  5. At the library today I picked up 'The secret message of Jesus" by Brian D. McLaren and "Why I am not a Christian" an essay by Bertrand Russell.
  6. ..that the demons will be attracted to the fudge and one may walk freely among the...
  7. Yes it seems the farther back you go the more challenging they are to read. The Rosetta Stone was really tough trying to figure out the hieroglyphics and the pages were so thick
  8. ..then an image of the golden pencil box appeared in Fawzo's half eaten grilled cheese sandwich and then he knew that his quest was true and that he had to..
  9. ..except one which contained golden tea leaves. As Fawzo peered into it a wispy phantom appeared and said..
  10. ..as he crash landed at the bottom of the hole there was no sign of the Grinch or Max but he found himself surrounded by a dozen large mole men who were all holding..
  11. ..Fawzo said never as Max the Grinches dog bit Fawzo's ankle and the two of them jumped down the rabbit hole while Fawzo...
  12. ..but the little blue people would have none of that as she was standing in the middle of the putting green. The leader named Guliver walked up to her and...
  13. .."Has anyone seen a white rabbit with a U.S.S. Enterprise tatto on its rump" the little blue people all began to..
  14. ..small blue people three apples high. Nasa's control center was amazed as their remote camera zoomed in they noticed..
  15. ..the 27 precepts of enlightenment which was kept in the golden pencil box which mysteriously appeared...
  16. Should We Be Allowed To Intentionally Harm Ourselves? Maybe this question can be answered by looking at its antithesis. Should we be allowed to intentionally pleasure ourselves? I think what you answer for one of these questions you have to answer for both!
  17. Currently reading "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi.
  18. ..and when the irate 65 year old cheerleader Ivana Humpalot showed up to get her wig back, Fawzo started...
  19. ..Fawzo's pet owl saw the mutilated deep fried fowl and furiously began to attack his...
  20. ...he didn't tip the delivery guy. He soon found out what a mistake that was because...
  21. George Harrison of Beattle fame for those whippersnappers who have to ask who George Harrison is.
  22. was more than he could eat. Meanwhile the Golden pencil box had mysteriously disappeared and...
  23. ..he was going to show up at each and everyone of their homes and want his laundry washed and a meal of...
  24. ..the fireplace started glowing red and shaking violently and out walked Ann Coulter with a copy of the Patriot Act and she snarled like a rabid dog and said...
  25. .. that Fawrtzy could have a counseling session since he was feeling a bit schizophrenic and needed...