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Posts posted by Fawzo
Thou art a sage and wise prophet, Fawzo ol' boy.
Well that is one of the nicest things anyone has called me this week lol.......Thank you very much ......in these halls though wise prophets seem common including thineself.
Knowing me, I'd prolly want to use what they first went to the moon in, rather than some type of modernized metal. I'm telling ya, most newer things lack quality in a big way. Sad, it's truely sad. But that's just me. People tell me I'm old fashioned. Go figure! Blessings!
The Ancients had no such vehicles the technology had to be designed, developed and evolved. If we look at the behavior of man when these Ancient Religions were developed, I can clearly decipher that I'm not going to get to where I want to be Spiritually by following any of those paths either. We need to develop a new sophisticated one I do personally believe, that renders the ego useless.
Case in point is my personal observations on Wicca. Within the payh of Wicca one becomes aware of the sublime energies within the Universe, but in most the cases I've seen they try to bend these energies to fulfill their own desires instead of learning to have their being within this energy they try to alter it creating more ripples in the sea of consciousness hiding the prefect face of the Divine amidst all the distortions such actions cause.
God desires Man's Faith and Devotion, and His Reason is beyond the limited capabilities of human intelligence and understanding, The person that places God before themselves will find that they have what they need even if it is not always what they want.
I think it is what they want though. Blissful happiness. Humans just think they can find this Bliss in an ever changing ego projected environment external to themself when it is hidden in their beggars pocket the whole time.
Thank you for the welcome! To say my name, try this: as-das-ee-ay. I agree with you that there are spirits that have power that is not human related. I also believe that humans can learn how to see or feel or hear spirits if they aproach the task with an open mind. I have.
I would, if I knew the mailing system would be around for it. Sadly, I think actually being able to "mail" a letter is going out of business.
As to your statement about Wicca being new. It is new, completely. But witchcraft and other practices that are now being adapted into Wicca have been around for much, much longer! Sometimes, old things and old ways are much better than anything modern can do. I am finding that older things have much better quality than some of the newer things. For instance, I have a car that was built in 1992. No, it doesn't have a navi system, can't park itself and doesn't have onstar. But I am a simpler being and I find that I don't really need all of those thrills to be happy with what I have, what I learn or how I learn it. Blessings!
Try getting to the moon with something old
I am grateful for having been allowed to be. All else lies within that gratitude.
I would agree and add experience to your list.
Seek ye the Divine in all things.
Wicca is a composite of ancient practices, but the statement made was that it was an Ancient Religion and I was merely pointing out the fact that it is not. I am confident that almost every belief system on the planet can lay claim to being born of Ancient Practices, so that statement does nothing to validate or raise any belief system above any other. In my eyes it would do the opposite.....when I buy a new tool or communication device I want something that is the latest technology, so I can communicate in the most effective manner, not something our primate ancestor banged on trees with.
As our ways of communication evolved so did our humanity and as we learn to communicate our emotions and thoughts to others even more effectively in the further we will evolve even further from the unsophisticated brutes that we were and are now.
So when communicating with the Divine I want to explore new avenues of direct communication with the Divine and those other sentient beings around me, not tap on rocks with sticks. Does anyone really want to use an "ANCIENT" typewriter to talk with anyone these days?!?!?!!
Well--very funny-- Hyper.
Fawzo--what on earth are you saying--are you kidding me? Maybe a re-discovery--- Maybe Samantha was from Bewitched from the 60`s..
But wichcraft has been around some time--longer than anything--most religions infact.--may not have been called Wiccan--but names are irrelevant. --but what do you call the stuff Merlin was practicing, Morgana, Druids, Celts and a few others of old. I am sure Atwater Vitki may name a few from his country. As--I from mine--the Magyars--we still have them--just under a different name--the Taltos. They have been around over 3,000 thousand years--from the Sumerians!!!!-Don`t get a Magyar going on this, for I can--
They still practice all kinds of magic and stuff that blows the mind in the 21 st century-- They were the ancient religion of old--Babylon, Phoenicians, Persians and many other lands. Sure--they were pagan religions--but practiced non the less. Now--you don`t have to believe, but exist they did and do.There is more to the occult than is imagined--
Yes Witchcraft has been around for awhile but Wicca hasn't.
absolutely--How very right you are!!--or default of ego=our free will perhaps!Well on demons I am still on the fence--If I would have to give an answer I would say that , that too we create through ego. Thus if you believe--then there are--if not they are not. I am sure many will disagree with there his statement.Also you as well as you have more experience in the elemental aspects of being.
But I am sure you could tell us more about your beliefs as a Wiccan--. It is a very ancient religion and there is a lot within organized that is from the ancient teachings. Especially --the Divine Feminine which has always been the focal point of most ancient religions.
How is Wicca an ancient religion?!?!?! 1950 isn't that long ago. It is a modern pagan religion developed in England in the 50's and 60's by Gerald Gardner
Their thoughts are in my prayers Al. If it isn't not one thing its another sometimes it feels like I'm strapped to a dartboard and the powers that be are spinning it and playing darts.
Funny, I have searched the Internet twice for mongi, and know what, I could not find it anywhere, hmmmm
Without being filled by the graceful Spirit of Mongi one cannot find him or understand his writings in all of nature which permeates the Universe. His followers are called through grace by faith.
Faith is a gift, if you are lacking faith, all you need to do is ask, and believe.
I asked for faith in Mongi and it happened instantly. All Hail Mongi giver of faith and eternal life
Great to hear from you Stormy!!!!
People can be very sincere in their beliefs and be very sincerely wrong.
Have you ever said that in front of a mirror
Stormy you know we all miss you, get your tailbone back in here!!!!!
Or like Christians who reject the bible. Lol
From my standpoint being Christlike and accepting the Bible are two totally different beasts. Marcion who was the first known person to ever create a Canonical lists of Christian Writings, despised the Old Testament and anything associated with it.
Wikipedia Notes:
Marcion rejected the theology of the Old Testament entirely and regarded the God depicted there as an inferior Being. He claimed that the theology of the Old Testament was incompatible with the teaching of Jesus regarding God and morality. Marcion believed that Jesus had come to liberate mankind from the authority of the God of the Old Testament and to reveal the superior God of goodness and mercy whom he called the Father. Paul and Luke were the only Christian authors to find favour with Marcion, though his versions of these differed from those later accepted by mainstream Christianity.
Marcion created a canon, a definite group of books which he regarded as fully authoritative, displacing all others. These comprised ten of the Pauline epistles (without the Pastorals and Hebrews) and Luke's Gospel. It is uncertain whether he edited these books, purging them of what did not accord with his views, or that his versions represented a separate textual tradition.[27]
Marcion's gospel, called simply the Gospel of the Lord, differed from the Gospel of Luke by lacking any passages that connected Jesus with the Old Testament. He believed that the god of Israel, who gave the Torah to the Israelites, was an entirely different god from the Supreme God who sent Jesus and inspired the New Testament.
Marcion termed his collection of Pauline epistles the Apostolikon. These also differed from the versions accepted by later Christian Orthodoxy.
In addition to his Gospel and Apostolikon, he wrote a text called the Antithesis which contrasted the New Testament view of God and morality with the Old Testament view of God and morality, see also Expounding of the Law#Antithesis of the Law.
Marcion's canon and theology were rejected as heretical by the early church; however, he forced other Christians to consider which texts were canonical and why. He spread his beliefs widely; they became known as Marcionism. In the introduction to his book "Early Christian Writings", Henry Wace stated: “ A modern divine… could not refuse to discuss the question raised by Marcion, whether there is such opposition between different parts of what he regards as the word of God, that all cannot come from the same author.[28]
Do a little research on who MIchael Hoffman is and what he stands for before you decide to buy the book.
Thanks for the heads up my friend! I just read on Wikipedia that the guy is an Holocaust denier.
One interesting note there was this though ...."Hoffman supports the Karaites, a Jewish sect who reject the Talmud, as "a group which, historically, has been most hated and severely persecuted by orthodox Jewish rabbinate."[3] According to the back cover of Judaism Discovered, Hoffman contends that Orthodox Judaism has more in common with Babylonian paganism than Israelite Biblicism
The idea of Jews who reject the Talmud blows my mind. Isn't that like leopards rejecting their spots lol
Yes the Talmud is loaded with statements I find very offensive.
Michael Hoffmann II wrote a book with many controversial Talmud references:
In this scholarly and deeply considered work, the author documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees, which arose in Babylon with the commitment of the formerly oral “tradition of the elders” to writing, in the wake of the crucifixion of Israel’s Messiah and the destruction of the Temple.
Basing his findings on authoritative Judaic sources, Hoffman demonstrates that Judaism is a man-made religion of tradition and superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of Biblical law and doctrine.
Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s God is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate.
Thanks Hyper Real I'll have to get a copy of that. I'm interested in knowing if you read that book prior to your conversion?
I agree with you wholeheartedly on this!!--I doubt if any God would embrace or direct killing of its own creation. He would simply do it Himself if He saw fit.
Do read some Talmud quotes about killing and how to treat anyone who is not a Jew, including children of three years and a day--most interesting, frightening to say the least--and they are the chosen ones? By what God? Not by my God. I won`t go into it, for it is not a debatable point and I do not want to offend the good Rabbi.
And I still stand by the fact of difference about the New and Old testament--Jeshua pointed very accurately to the facts of their delusion. Simply my personal opinion also.
blessings and peace ,
I care a lot about quite of the few people here like they are my family. Two of those who I know my opinions rile at times and I respect deeply are RevRainbow and RabbiO.
My quest is not to prove or disprove whether or not their G_d is real, but to convey that what I have experienced from personal experiences is that God is so much more sophisticated and loving then what their religious texts describe G_d to be. I also actually believe that they both have experienced the same thing themselves personally.
I too think the whole message of Yeshua got twisted in the politics. Both he and the John the Baptists were offering redemption of sins for free without the need of killing any of God's innocent creations in the process, simply by Symbolically Baptizing people in water. This would have overhauled the whole Temple System and the guilt complex it had created.
He taught forgive others as God has forgiven you. If you have ought against a brother get your mind right because to do so means you don't recognize the Christ in others and to not to forgive them means you have ought against God himself and since you are both extensions of God that ought you are projecting onto God projects non-forgiveness into your mindset focus as well.
Of course he had it dumbed down for the sophistication level of the general masses, and instead of the church understanding completely what he was trying to convey, they were steeped in the whole sacrificial mindset being of Hebrew descent and merely substituted Yeshua as the ultimate Sacrifice to replace all others and faith in this deed became the basis for Faith in God.
It was a step and maybe even a necessary step in the right direction away from the whole sacrificlal, sin, death and guilt mindset but with our expanded awareness of our Universe and the interconnectedness of all things including our thoughts and actions, it is time we Bronze those Bronze Age Baby Shoes and Put on some Nikes.
Of course. The charge would be "ethnic cleansing" or Crimes against humanity.
Exactly what I believe as well. The only way one could view them as heroes is if one has no regard for life. Even though I am not a vegan the slaughter of all those animals was just as egregious and barbaric.
They were not heroes in my eyes. The men who gave their lives to protect their land and families from destruction and rape from this band of displaced barbarians were the real heroes in the story.
It would shame me to worship any deity who would give forth such commands. The One whom I serve that bears all, endures and never fails anyone has it not in his nature to do such. Only ignorant men who have become so dense as to forget their true nature would command and do such. It is the writing of such men that we see in these BIblical Instances and not the writing of any sophisticated deity I DO BELIEVE and know in my heart of hearts.
It is the fearful hearts of men exhibited in the writing of the Bible that has us owning slaves, murdering our non-believing neighbor and discriminating against one another in all forms of unsophisticated behaviors.
Does God inspire men to create and write and sing and dance and evolve in love and understanding, surely he does in my mind. Did he inspire men to kill their brothers and rape their women and enslave their children, of course not. I recognize the fearful hand that penned such stories and the ego of man looking through a glass DARKLY that is clearly the culprit.
Just my opinion and personal observations, take them for what they are worth. Just as when one approaches any Sacred Text, the words only have the meaning that you give to them. One mans Holy Bible is another mans rubbish.
I agree that God kills, and he commanded his people to kill, but God forbids human sacrifice, he never condoned it and considers it an abomination (Jeremiah 32:35). Jesus voluntarily laid down his life for others; "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).
Yeshua's death was an abomination unto God.....think again.......he also considers it such an abomination that he has the gall to tempt Abraham to do the same thing with his child and stands by and allows Jepthah to make smores out of the young lady.
I do agree though their are scriptures where he does speak against it, for me it is just more stuff to heap on the mountainous pile of contradictions in the Bible.
Well, I interpret it differently. Scripture is not clearly definitive here, but other scripture clearly states that God opposes sacrificing children. Since God condemns human sacrifice, it would be inconsistent to green light this execution. Plus, it would be out of character for Judges 11 to focus on the virgin aspect if that wasn't the ultimate outcome. I mean, how would all those verses proclaiming that the daughter would remain a virgin be relative if they were just going to kill her anyway? No where else do the Jews sacrifice people, a Levitical priest wouldn't do it imo. So I respectfully disagree with you and RabbiO.
God certainly had no problems killing children during the flood, the first born of Egypt, the kids at Sodom and Gomorrah, the little ones Joshua slayed and the 42 rend to pieces by she bears for mocking Elisha just to name a few. Since when does God condemn human sacrifice, he loves it...remember Jesus.
'Nevertheless, anything which a man sets apart to the LORD out of all that he has, of man or animal or of the fields of his own property, shall not be sold or redeemed. Anything devoted to destruction is most holy to the LORD. 29 'No one who may have been set apart among men shall be ransomed; he shall surely be put to death.
Lev 27:28-29 (NASB77)
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword.
Josh 6:21 (NKJV)
I completely disagree with your interpretation of Judges 11, Jephthah's daughter was not sacrificed but remained celibate the rest of her life "he had vowed:and she knew no man" (verse 39). Yes, A&E died to eternal life when they sinned. Sin separates us from God, its his rules, but our choice. If you want access to the Tree of Life, just don't sin............ Its sooooo simple
And twice before Dan you have been shown clearly that your assumptions are highly unlikely. RabbiO even gave you some information from the Midrash last time you made that claim.
How likely is it that the women of the village went every year to memorialize the event if they were only lamenting the girl giving herself to the temple. That would be something to celebrate not lament and did they go every day of the year for all the young women who offered themself to the temple, of course not that idea is preposterous, they went and lamented becuase the girl was burned dead by her father.
I responded to the question; "So then Dan it is still morally fine with God if we kill off whole nations of people who don't believe" Your examples reverted back to old covenant law, all of which applied to the Israelites. God had a divine purpose to be especially strict by forbidding idolatry. Even then, only a remnant of his people remained to usher in Messiah. I agree, God brought the hammer down when his people turned to other gods. But my answer was 'No' because we are under the new covenant now.Dan if something was morally wrong in the eyes of God then it should be morally wrong in the eyes of God now, since accoding to you he never changes, but your very words above show that he does change. One would hope God's level of sophistication highly exceds that of we humans who are evolving and becoming more sophisticated and more aware of just how morally corrupt some actions are.
I not only read it, I understand it.. I wasn't justifying smashing children's heads against rocks, and neither was God. God did not order it, so he doesn't need to justify anything. That was my point.The action is described as Righteous, what signifies that something is Righteous is that it pleases God. The action is deemed as pleasing to God and within the parameters of his will. THAT IS THE POINT PERIOD.
It has been a great honor being named a compassionate mentor. Not wishing to sully that designation I have been silent, for the most part, while G-d has been vilified, Jewish scripture has been vilified, Jews have been vilified and more. Well, I guess I'm going to have return my secret decoder ring and mentor badge. If I, who have stood up in defense of other people, defense of their spiritual paths, defense of their rights no matter their sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, skin color or politics, will not stand up for myself, for my people, my scripture and my traditions, then I do not have the right to call myself or to present myself as a rabbi.
Think for one moment how silence and looking the other way allowed the Holocaust to occur and lets here you roar. Careful though we don't want anything to happen to our beloved Rabbi and his less then perfect health.
Questions About Ulc -Modesto Vs. Seattle?
in * Welcome - ULC Minister's Introduction Junction *
I certainly agree with you on that. People over there are even afraid to speak up when someone is getting railroaded out the door. Tolerance is not one of their better points that is for certain.