Jonathan H. B. Lobl

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Everything posted by Jonathan H. B. Lobl

  1. I want to find out about the alien's religion; or even if they have religion at all. Jonathan Lobl
  2. Yes, now I follow your line of reasoning. God as the ultimate trickster. The world was created old. If Adam had cut down a thick tree, it could have rings showing it was hundreds of years old. If Adam had dug into the ground, he might have found "ancient" fosils and bones. God has indeed been clever in deceiving His creatures. This line of thought does not fill me with piety. Jonathan Lobl
  3. If we take the events as mythology, they didn't actually happen anyplace. If we take the Garden of Eden as literal history -- well, why not. There is nothing in the Bible, that I know of, which actually states that these events took place on Earth. I will have to go back and read those chapters again. Jonathan Lobl
  4. This is true. Once we take Adam and Eve as literal history -- it is true that God could put their descendants on other planets, there-by spreading Original Sin throughout the Cosmos. An omnipotent God could even change the DNA of these people; to make them native to the various worlds -- while keeping their Original Sin intact. The theology would be consistent. Is that what you meant? Jonathan Lobl
  5. If we take the Garden of Eden as literal history; it follows that the people of North America -- being Human -- are born to Original Sin as the descendents of Adam and Eve. Are you suggesting that the people of Rigel 5 are desceded from the same Adam and Eve? If they are geneticly Homo Sapien; a case might be made for this. If the people of Rigel 5 have no genetic relationship to Homo Sapiens -- then no. They could not be descended from Adam and Eve. I am working with the assumption that the people of another world woud belong to a different species. If they are of the same species, my train of logic would be derailed. Of course, the people of a different species and world could have a completely independent Fall from Grace. In that case they would have an independent plan for salvation. That plan for salvation would have as much application to Earth as being saved by Jesus would have to Rigel 5. Jonathan Lobl
  6. The historic structure of Christianity makes it impossible for an ET to be Christian. The basic theology is that the "Old Man" (Adam) fell from grace. The "New Man" (Jesus) restored us to grace. Unless the ET is descended from Adam and Eve -- not possible -- he does not participate in original sin. It follows that ET does not need to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus. The entire structure of the theology is nullified. Jonathan Lobl
  7. Different religions of Earth would react differently to a real ET. A Buddhist monk could talk to anybody -- Human or ET -- about the nature of suffering and the need for enlightenment. A Wiccan could talk to anybody about being in harmony with nature. What could a Christian say to an ET? You must be saved by the Blood of the Lamb? That would fly like a lead balloon. Jonathan Lobl
  8. Just send yourself an e-mail. It's <> If it goes through, it's working. Jonathan Lobl
  9. Drat. My next question was, "Where do I enlist?" Such is the great sadness that is life. Jonathan Lobl
  10. What is the ULC Army? I didn't know we even had one. Jonathan Lobl