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Not sure what

2 hours ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:



We can be nice.  Creationists are stuck.



There is a raging willful ignorance of creationists that denies them any sympathy. That they are stuck, if they are stuck, where they are stuck, is an issue they alone can rectify. Until then, I see them as clowns and idiots

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50 minutes ago, damnthing said:

Not sure what

There is a raging willful ignorance of creationists that denies them any sympathy. That they are stuck, if they are stuck, where they are stuck, is an issue they alone can rectify. Until then, I see them as clowns and idiots



To my understanding -- behind all that willful ignorance and Bible pounding fervor -- there is fear.  Limitless, horror.  It's all about belief and faith.  Crack it just a little bit, and the whole structure crumbles to dust.  Think of the terror.  Hell and Damnation and all the rest.  You know.  The angry God.  The righteous Judge.  The Lake of Fire.  They believe all that crap.  I can be sympathetic, while holding them in contempt.  There is much there to be pitied.


Minds in bondage, can not stand to see others in Freedom.







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17 minutes ago, damnthing said:

"And It got fiddled with by the devil and all."


"Something to do with noah's flood"

"Do you want to stop believing in me?"

"I really am a bit of a load of all bollocks, aren't I?"



Noah's flood.  Where do we even start?     :birgits_giggle:     

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3 minutes ago, damnthing said:

Well to begin with, there are well established proofs of the flood, dinosaurs, 6000 years...who am I kidding, it's nothing but fever dreams of the addled mind



For the sake of argument, let's pretend that the great flood actually happened.  It rained and it rained and all the oceans of the world overflowed  -- and soaked all the land of the world.  All land every where was soaked in salt water.  You know what happens when you soak land in salt water?  Nothing will grow there.


The waters receded.  (To where?)  All animals everywhere had drowned.  All plant life everywhere had drowned.  Good by oxygen carbon dioxide cycle.  The Earth died.


We can pretend that the air was breathable.  Not that it would be.  Imagine the stench.  Dead animals bloating in the Sun.  All vegetation rotting.  An endless dead bog.  All the plant eaters died for lack of plants.  All the meat eaters died for lack of prey.  Well, there were animals on the Ark.  A losing proposition.


What does Noah do when the Ark comes to rest?  An animal sacrifice.  God does love the smell of burnt flesh.


We haven't even talked about life on the Ark.  Every day, actual tons of poop.  Huge, unthinkable quantities of piss.  Think of the storage for all that food and water.  Do you know how much meat it takes to keep one lion alive?  How much water it takes to keep one elephant alive?  All the animals needed supplies.  And only one window on the boat.  Think  of the methane build up.


How did all the animals get back to their suitable habitats?  Habitats which were destroyed.  Genetic diversity was also gone.


Which part of this whole silly story are we to take seriously?  For even a moment?  It gets worse.  In a few chapters we get -- the Tower of Babel.  World population recovered that quickly?


Of course, if we are talking about real people, India and China have records going back 10,000 years.  Also Egypt.  No mention of the flood.  Like it never happened.



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8 minutes ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:



For the sake of argument, let's pretend that the great flood actually happened.  It rained and it rained and all the oceans of the world overflowed  -- and soaked all the land of the world.  All land every where was soaked in salt water.  You know what happens when you soak land in salt water?  Nothing will grow there.


The waters receded.  (To where?)  All animals everywhere had drowned.  All plant life everywhere had drowned.  Good by oxygen carbon dioxide cycle.  The Earth died.


We can pretend that the air was breathable.  Not that it would be.  Imagine the stench.  Dead animals bloating in the Sun.  All vegetation rotting.  An endless dead bog.  All the plant eaters died for lack of plants.  All the meat eaters died for lack of prey.  Well, there were animals on the Ark.  A losing proposition.


What does Noah do when the Ark comes to rest?  An animal sacrifice.  God does love the smell of burnt flesh.


We haven't even talked about life on the Ark.  Every day, actual tons of poop.  Huge, unthinkable quantities of piss.  Think of the storage for all that food and water.  Do you know how much meat it takes to keep one lion alive?  How much water it takes to keep one elephant alive?  All the animals needed supplies.  And only one window on the boat.  Think  of the methane build up.


How did all the animals get back to their suitable habitats?  Habitats which were destroyed.  Genetic diversity was also gone.


Which part of this whole silly story are we to take seriously?  For even a moment?  It gets worse.  In a few chapters we get -- the Tower of Babel.  World population recovered that quickly?


Of course, if we are talking about real people, India and China have records going back 10,000 years.  Also Egypt.  No mention of the flood.  Like it never happened.



Well see if you're going to apply logic to a religious argument then really, what's the point? Religion by definition is illogical. goD took care of the poop and pee, methane was used to power the ark, and as soon as life recovered from the global flood, scavengers would evolve once again and eat all those dead....oh yea, I see what you mean.


When facts confound fiction, faith

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8 minutes ago, damnthing said:

Well see if you're going to apply logic to a religious argument then really, what's the point? Religion by definition is illogical. goD took care of the poop and pee, methane was used to power the ark, and as soon as life recovered from the global flood, scavengers would evolve once again and eat all those dead....oh yea, I see what you mean.


When facts confound fiction, faith




That is why it's called Faith instead of Facts.  When we have Facts, we don't need Faith.


A god which can not be demonstrated to exist, is irrelevant and meaningless.  Even if that god actually exists, it still doesn't matter.  It follows that arguing about a god's actual existence, is both futile and pointless.  We have no objective, verifiable facts or information about any god.  None at all.  Nothing.  An argument is not evidence.  An argument is -- an argument.  Which takes us to -- So what?





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9 minutes ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:




That is why it's called Faith instead of Facts.  When we have Facts, we don't need Faith.


A god which can not be demonstrated to exist, is irrelevant and meaningless.  Even if that god actually exists, it still doesn't matter.  It follows that arguing about a god's actual existence, is both futile and pointless.  We have no objective, verifiable facts or information about any god.  None at all.  Nothing.  An argument is not evidence.  An argument is -- an argument.  Which takes us to -- So what?





Which is why I have no sympathy for the Christians who insist that their beliefs, unencumbered by fact, be globally accepted as truth and when they are argued with, disagreed with and mocked...which is why I have no use for them. Other than as foils on which to (rightfully) blame all the worlds ill upon

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An addendum:


If God had actually existed, and wanted to remove all evil humans from existence, there were options.

  • A disease.  We have seen for our selves how quickly a virus can kill millions.
  • All evil people could have simply and quickly fallen down dead.  The vultures could have cleaned up the mess and that would have been that.
  • The evil people could simply have blinked out of existence.

These options and others would have been no problem for the All Powerful.  What does God do?  You read the story.  It fails, even as fiction.



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7 minutes ago, damnthing said:

Which is why I have no sympathy for the Christians who insist that their beliefs, unencumbered by fact, be globally accepted as truth and when they are argued with, disagreed with and mocked...which is why I have no use for them. Other than as foils on which to (rightfully) blame all the worlds ill upon



What can I say?  Brain washing indoctrination runs deep.  Further, being mean to them does no good.  I'm not even saying that we should avoid being mean because it's cruel.  Being mean is useless.  They are stuck.  In time, they will become unstuck.  We will have to wait until they are ready.





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On 1/1/2021 at 6:33 PM, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:


What can I say?  Brain washing indoctrination runs deep.  Further, being mean to them does no good.  I'm not even saying that we should avoid being mean because it's cruel.  Being mean is useless.  They are stuck.  In time, they will become unstuck.  We will have to wait until they are ready.



This is true... In fact, the bible tells us that followers of Christ would be persecuted and afflicted, so when we are mocked, it kind of confirms our faith. 

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11 hours ago, Dan56 said:


This is true... In fact, the bible tells us that followers of Christ would be persecuted and afflicted, so when we are mocked, it kind of confirms our faith. 



Hello Dan.  This is not unique to Christianity.  In general, religions thrive on persecution.  Two thousand years ago, Rome made that mistake with Christianity.  Look how that turned out.  I rather expect that without antisemitism, Judaism might have passed, long ago.  It continues to this day.  In modern China, the Falun Gong religion is being viciously persecuted.  The result?  Falun Gong is spreading around the world like wild fire.




It's true.  People who don't understand history, are doomed to repeat it.  Over time, you have frequently suggested that my non-belief is an opposite version of your belief.  You have never understood me.  I have come to understand this great truth.  Opposing religion just feeds the beast.  It is better not to play -- and let it starve.  Since religious persecution -- or just being mean -- is clearly counter productive -- that it does no good -- there is no point.  It is useless.



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