In the pending Worst Case Scenario


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If society breaks beyond recovery... if their is a nuclear war... if there is a world wide cyber attack ( you get to select your own most convincing end to life and order as we know it).... what then?


a) :giveup: :help2: 

b)  i have no fear because I live righteously, with faith.... so I can face anything

c) i have no fear as I know whatever happens is beyond my control 

d) I am investing in ammo & armament 

e) I am investing in toilet paper and water

f) other (please elaborate)

g) pot is legal where I live... i’ll be :smoke:fine, dude





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1 hour ago, Brother Kaman said:

I am 70 yrs old. I have no fear of death. I don't care. But finally, maybe for the first time in ages, just maybe, only the strong will survive and thereby a stronger humanity will emerge.

First, congrats on making it to 70 years old with a sense of balance intact.


I concur no fear of death.... some flinching on my part... in hopes it is not prolonged and painful death for me....but the actual death part is not an issue.   (Dying the process causes hesitation.... what does or doesn’t happen after the last breath is a non-issue:))


Just curious... does a stronger emergence of humanity mean physically stronger?




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1 hour ago, VonNoble said:

First, congrats on making it to 70 years old with a sense of balance intact.


I concur no fear of death.... some flinching on my part... in hopes it is not prolonged and painful death for me....but the actual death part is not an issue.   (Dying the process causes hesitation.... what does or doesn’t happen after the last breath is a non-issue:))


Just curious... does a stronger emergence of humanity mean physically stronger?




I would think that physical strength would be part of it.

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