Question For Polytheists Here

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I was being snarky.

I guessed that. It seemed worth responding anyway. I have seen far too many arguments between Atheists -- who don't define the God they don't believe in -- and theists -- who don't define the God that they do believe in. So much heat and so little light.

Don't most Atheists believe that Absolutely EVERYTHING came from Absolutely NOTHING, which just seems Absolutely CRAZY to me :)

That is the position taken by Prof. Hawkings.


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I guessed that. It seemed worth responding anyway. I have seen far too many arguments between Atheists -- who don't define the God they don't believe in -- and theists -- who don't define the God that they do believe in. So much heat and so little light.

That is the position taken by Prof. Hawkings. :dirol:

Too trippy....last night I had one of my "really weird" dreams in which a fellow in a strange wheel chair was the focus. I've sat here for a couple hours this morning trying to place a name on him as I just knew I had seen this guy before. Lo and behold a Bingo! = Prof. Hawking. The name just completely slipped by conscious thought and then I drop in here trippy.

The details don't matter, but he was trying, again and again to run his chair off a cliff, out of jet-liners, off buildings all sorts of various attempts at "ending it all" of which I and some unseen person were trying to keep him from doing it. It was like our job or duty or such to keep this one person in check and from accomplishing his desired goal. One of those ultra real, very visceral dreams. Very odd choice of character though as I don't recall anything to do with Hawking since a Science Channel special many months ago.

Well I can certainly get on with my day now! :dirol:

Blessings Be,

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Too trippy....last night I had one of my "really weird" dreams in which a fellow in a strange wheel chair was the focus. I've sat here for a couple hours this morning trying to place a name on him as I just knew I had seen this guy before. Lo and behold a Bingo! = Prof. Hawking. The name just completely slipped by conscious thought and then I drop in here trippy.

The details don't matter, but he was trying, again and again to run his chair off a cliff, out of jet-liners, off buildings all sorts of various attempts at "ending it all" of which I and some unseen person were trying to keep him from doing it. It was like our job or duty or such to keep this one person in check and from accomplishing his desired goal. One of those ultra real, very visceral dreams. Very odd choice of character though as I don't recall anything to do with Hawking since a Science Channel special many months ago.

Well I can certainly get on with my day now! :dirol:

Blessings Be,

In the dream you should have just rolled him out of his chair :0

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In Haitian Voodoo the loa are indeed worshipped or "served," but being a sorcerer (bokor) instead of a priest (houngan), I do not worship the loa. I work with them. The loa are sometimes called the Voodoo "gods", but they are also like ancestor spirits. Some Voodooists become loa themselves after death. (That's what I'm working on, I would love to be one of the Barons :skull: , spirits associated with sorcery and death, but also with life and fertility.)

Goals are good. :read:

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