The Efforts To Protect Our Borders

Hyper Real

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The federal government does not nearly enough to prevent trespassing and way too much to prevent drugs.

Terribly mixed up priorities.

I think the federal government does a laughable bad job in both protecting our borders against trespassing and preventing drugs to cross our borders.

But apart from my opinion I question your logic, if the federal government does not do enough to prevent trespassing how could it possibly do enough to prevent drugs to pass our borders? I mean a trespasser could carry a load of drugs right?

As I understand it the USA-Mexican border is where most of the drugs enter the USA.

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The Federal government is up to their eyeballs in Latin drug and arms trade. One or two agencies cause most of the problems that the other agencies have to deal with. That is the primary reason so many agencies flat refused to fall in under the Dept. of Home Land whatever. They would have to stop what they were doing or let what they were doing become public. I thought it was cute at the time when the president and law makers said that all these agencies would have to merge into Home Land Security and said agencies just flat refused and got away with it. How marvelous can that be?

Edited by Brother Kaman
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Really listen to the dialog presented on "Border Patrol" TY show. The words the agents use is something straight out of an Orwellian Society based on fear and mistrust.

1.) Legalizing marijuana in the US (ten plant, grow your own statute) could shut down over half the income to drug cartels and empty nearly 60% population of US jails....making room for those who've committed real crimes. Make the selling of any drug, over an 1/8 oz. (including pot) a life sentence.

2.) Make the process of those seeking work in the US a working shouldn't take 2, 3 or 5 years for a Mexican National, without a criminal record, to get a work visa. I don't see where it should take more than a couple of days with the technologies we have today. Even if the US had to supply and install/train the technologies in Mexico to do so.

3) Treaties or whatever need to be in place that Mexican Nationals charged and convicted of the crime of bringing drugs into the US do their time in Mexican jails. No cakewalk "cable TV and 3 hots and a cot" US jails.

It's time we got tough on the rough stuff and more accepting of the other stuff....but the current system does not work.

Blessings of Peace,

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Post #4 answers post #3.

Besides drugs should not be against any laws in the US of A.

Hyper is correct that not stopping trespassers does allow drugs to enter. Legalizing drugs would also stop the gang wars in Mexico and sillinesses like "Fast & Furious". It would allow more for treatment of addicts and save countless mistakes and embarrassment to our LEO'S.

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Laws which limit the free flow of goods and services across borders create profit motivations that inevitably lead to organized crime.

Laws which criminalize nonviolent acts inevitably cause some otherwise peaceful people to resort to violence in order to avoid incarceration.

The more effort put into enforcing the laws, the greater these negative effects become.

Because I like neither organized crime nor violence, I support the notions of free trade and open borders- and resent all efforts to "protect our borders".

Edited by mererdog
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Do you think the federal government does enough, too little or too much to protect our borders from trespassing and drugs?

Absolutely they do not do enough, why is the Obama administration suing Arizona for protecting their borders?

Why is the Obama administration giving guns to the Mexican Cartel (Fast & Furious)?

Why are we flooded with illegals?

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Well, it sure didn't take long for this topic to "GO POLITICAL"...

But, then again, the "topic itself" is political.

We aren't supposed to be engaging in this kind of speech here...

...sound familiar to anyone besides me ????? :jest:

I tend to see it as a moral and perhaps ethical issue. What right do we have to say to someone, "No, you cannot go here." It quickly becomes one person imposing their will onto another. Unless that person is directly using their own will to harm another, I cannot see we have the right to tell them where to stand and where to sleep. Which brings me to a sad fact, there are roughly 25 empty homes per every 1 homeless person. Tell me how that is right or good?

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...... there are roughly 25 empty homes per every 1 homeless person. Tell me how that is right or good?

It doesn't seem equitable to me either, but that's another subject. Just because those homes are empty doesn't mean we should import and support all the people needed to fill them. I have no problem with legal immigration of qualified individuals, and see it as a win/win situation for both us and them. Illegal entrants, however, have assumed a privilege to which they own no right, with many (if not most) fraudulently taking advantage of our public education and assistance programs, and instead of contributing to the economy of their host country, parasitically siphoning 60% of their illicitly earned income back to their country of origen.

Edited by Songster
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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you think the federal government does enough, too little or too much to protect our borders from trespassing and drugs?

A little thing like sovereignty in a growing world cannot be overstated, or over-protected. Given the facts and reality of our world, I think it is a silly question that you ask.

Do you own your own home? Do you ever desire to do so? If so, would you not want it protected? Or would you freely allow squatters, ala the Occupy Crowd, to ascend on your property and do as they desire?

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A little thing like sovereignty in a growing world cannot be overstated, or over-protected. Given the facts and reality of our world, I think it is a silly question that you ask.

Do you own your own home? Do you ever desire to do so? If so, would you not want it protected? Or would you freely allow squatters, ala the Occupy Crowd, to ascend on your property and do as they desire?

Not sure why all those counter questions, looks like you are jumping to conclusions.

Take a deep breath my friend, I think you need it.

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Not sure why all those counter questions, looks like you are jumping to conclusions.

Take a deep breath my friend, I think you need it.

So, you did not want people answering your questions???

Odd, I thought you were looking for a conversation on the topic you posted.

Breath deep, the gathering gloom

watch lights fade from every room...

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Well if would have you bothered to read the rest of the thread you would have found out my position on this matter.

But it is clear you only read the first posting and then you assumed what I thought about it and you put your questions accordingly.

That is the truth is it not?

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Well if would have you bothered to read the rest of the thread you would have found out my position on this matter.

But it is clear you only read the first posting and then you assumed what I thought about it and you put your questions accordingly.

That is the truth is it not?

It is true.

I stand corrected. :hi: That is a rare thing, you know!! :rofl:

Nevertheless, you did not answer my questions. But at least now, in this thread, I know why.....

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