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I just finished watching this on-line video at from the Nova series. I found it totally fascinating the realtionship between nature and fractals.

The next few days I'm going to let it run through my head to see if it changes my spiritual model of reality.

The relationship to trees and forests is just blowing my mind away!!!

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  • 2 years later...

I am crazy about fractals--It is like an obsession with me--Why? Because I am crazy I suppose. To me it explains much of existence and God--Now someone will ask--Explain--I can`t--it is inexplicable :crazyeyes: just IS--- Like I am crazy about the ocean and shells-- :dirol:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...this was a circle of whirly gigs and pandimonial blather woggy!....Whew!....not good when half asleep! (Had a bad, bad night with pain and just now crawled out of my coffin chamber) not until really checking out Fawzo's post did I see Sarkany had resurrected this one from way back!....the link didn't work for me.

But I do remember the show from a few years ago and yes, this is among the reasons I firmly believe in the interconnected reality of all in this physical plane. If the similar fractal patterns across the spectrum of living things is so evident, why is it so difficult for some folks to understand the connections we would also have in ethereal planes as well?

Like the fractal organization of cellular matter, from mind blowing patterns to simplistic beauty, wouldn't it make sense that energy would also have patterns and be organized into groupings of similar......

rough morning, sorry for the interruption....I'm gonna have to come back to this...thought just flew right out the window.....

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Seeing we are perhaps back to fractals--I have a few questions .

If a fractal has the tendency to resemble the whole in a microscopic aspect--the microcosm and macrocosm, then wouldn`t it also resemble that of creation? A small piece of a leaf will resembles the entire leaf- a detailed breakdown in structure reveals a design of the entirety. The organism resembles itself, entirely within that tiny bit--no matter how much it is magnified.

This being the case, are we perhaps then not a fractal of God? Perhaps of the Creator`s thought? Is maybe the universe a cell of Source? Are cells, bodies, societies, galaxies, and possibly universes fractals? Does the fractal pattern provide a metaphor of how what seems impossible, actually be possible? Do fractals perhaps provide a connection between all and everything--including ourselves to God/Source or whatever higher power which may exist? Are we separate or are we actually one?

Do fractal imply anything philosophically, spiritually or are simply material expressions of creation? How would Darwinian theory come into this? --I know all questions , no answers form me.

blessings and peace,


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Seeing we are perhaps back to fractals--I have a few questions .

If a fractal has the tendency to resemble the whole in a microscopic aspect--the microcosm and macrocosm, then wouldn`t it also resemble that of creation? A small piece of a leaf will resembles the entire leaf- a detailed breakdown in structure reveals a design of the entirety. The organism resembles itself, entirely within that tiny bit--no matter how much it is magnified.

This being the case, are we perhaps then not a fractal of God? Perhaps of the Creator`s thought? Is maybe the universe a cell of Source? Are cells, bodies, societies, galaxies, and possibly universes fractals? Does the fractal pattern provide a metaphor of how what seems impossible, actually be possible? Do fractals perhaps provide a connection between all and everything--including ourselves to God/Source or whatever higher power which may exist? Are we separate or are we actually one?

Do fractal imply anything philosophically, spiritually or are simply material expressions of creation? How would Darwinian theory come into this? --I know all questions , no answers form me.

blessings and peace,


If you want to travel down that path; be ready for where it takes you.

Fractals are an expression of chaos theory. Order comes from disorder. The process of randomness is what gives rise to fractals. That suggests that there is no guiding force behind existence. None at all. IMO.

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