Help With Vaccination Exemption


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I believe it would be a red flag to sign the form myself.. I can argue plenty, but the technicality is getting my clergy person to sign..

some arguments.....

However, my quest to reveal the truth about vaccines to the Body of Christ has shown that His followers have been replacing their faith in Him with faith in modern medicine.

We are commanded to take EVERYTHING to Him. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” ~Philippians 4:6

Once you have reviewed the list of toxins–mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, foreign animal RNA and DNA–and understand intuitively these substances cannot be good for your baby, take your concerns to Him and pray for guidance.

We are also advised to ponder on everything. “Finally, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are right, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things. ~Philippians 4:8

“Whatever things are true”:There are no conclusive irrefutable studies to prove that vaccines are safe. Thousands of parents have requested information on studies conducted on vaccines proving both efficacy and long- term safety only to find they do not exist.

If vaccines are truly safe, then physicians, government administrators and vaccine manufacturers should have no problem providing studies proving vaccine safety and efficacy to concerned parents. Instead, pediatricians tell us we are gambling with our children’s’ lives if we do not allow them to be vaccinated. My pediatrician, for instance, refused to give me a copy of package inserts for each vaccine he intended to administer to my 18-month-old daughter. “The irrefutable studies you’re looking for are out there. Just get on the Internet and look for them,” he told me, obviously irritated that I should question his judgment on such matters as my baby’s health and well-being.

For nearly eight months I’ve been asking CDC to provide me with copies of these “irrefutable” studies because they cannot be found on the Internet. Every time I have requested them, my query has been either ignored or denied. Is it possible “irrefutable” proof that vaccines are safe and effective does not exist? At this point, no evidence exists compelling me to believe otherwise.

“Whatever things are honest”:If vaccines are honestly safe, why did Congress pass a law in 1986 forcing taxpayers (not vaccine manufacturers) to compensate parents for the vaccine-induced injuries and deaths suffered by thousands of vaccinated children every year?

Most states allow unvaccinated children to attend public school and daycares provided each one has an exemption form on file with the school. Why do most public schools and day cares inform parents that their child will be denied enrollment unless he is up to date with state-recommended vaccines?

The fact is every school is obligated to provide a waiver form for parents to sign. Yet, unless parents specifically request their child be exempted from vaccination, school administrators remain silent on the issue.

Honest practice requires honest behavior with honest words. A deceitful practice requires deceitful words and deceitful behavior. There is clearly something deceitful about government immunization programs.

“Whatever things are right”:What is right about allowing the injection of live and dead viruses cultured in aborted fetal tissue into the human body? We Christians are known for our stand against taking the life of an unborn child. Are we to believe that abortion is murder in the eyes of God yet injecting the genetic material of aborted fetuses into ourselves in the name of public health is “right” in the eyes of God? Clearly one cannot believe abortion is wrong and believe vaccines containing the genetic material of aborted fetuses are “right.”

“Whatever things are lovely”:What is lovely about having animal DNA, aborted human fetal tissue and foreign animal viruses, suspended in a cocktail of the most toxic substances known to man, injected into the body so it can find its way into the bloodstream? There are 446 references to “the blood” in the Bible. Throughout the Bible God refers to the sanctity of the blood and the importance of keeping it pure. Would He consider presence of live and dead viruses, foreign human and animal DNA, mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in our blood “lovely?”

“Whatever things are of good report”: The FDA stated that less than 10% of adverse reactions from vaccines are ever reported. Using CDC data, CDC put out two publications on vaccine-induced injuries from 1990-1996. One publication was on vaccine-induced injuries from 1990-1995. They stated there were 45,000 vaccine-injured individuals. More alarming is that this figure is LESS than 1% due to gross under reporting. So, at minimum, 45,000 x 100=4.5 million Americans have experienced adverse reactions to vaccines. This calculates to a minimum of 900,000 vaccine-induced injuries each year from 1990-1995. Vaccines are not “of good report.”

Old Testament

Nearly one million people experience adverse reactions to vaccines each year. The scope of these reactions range from mild to severe to permanent and even death. We are commanded to speak out in defiance of wrong when we are confronted by it. Though found in the Old Testament, the following Scriptures still apply to the church of today:

Ezekiel 3:16“After the seven days had passed, the LORD spoke to me.”

Ezekiel:17 “Mortal man,” he said, “I am making you a lookout for the nation of Israel. You will pass on to them the warnings I give you.”

Ezekiel 3:18“If I announce that someone evil is going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, he will die, still a sinner, but I will hold you responsible for his death.”

Ezekiel 3:19“If you do warn an evil man and he doesn’t stop sinning, he will die, still a sinner, but your life will be spared.”

Ezekiel 3:20“If someone truly good starts doing evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do not warn him. He will die because of his sins—I will not remember the good he did—and I will hold you responsible for his death.”

Ezekiel 3:21“If you do warn a good man not to sin and he listens to you and doesn’t sin, he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared.”

Protecting the innocent

Thousands of Christians are given the warnings from their fellow believers about the dangers of vaccines. It’s time the body of Christ took this to heart. Being responsible about the welfare of our children also means inquiring of Him, who blessed us with our children, about the benefits and/or dangers of vaccines.

My research shows that vaccines are unsafe, ineffective in preventing the spread of disease and not pleasing to God.

Besides making informed and prayerful decisions to abstain from vaccination in our own homes, we also have the responsibility of working against those who insist upon injecting our children with poisons under the false belief or claim those poisons offer protection against communicable diseases.

While the church fights to save the unborn from abortion, the church should also fight to spare the newborns, infants and children from vaccine-induced injuries and death.

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Well for your kids, its actually pretty simple. that's it.

For you, that can be a bit sticky, is vacination a condition of employment (like medical fields)? More importantly, who is your normal clergy? You attend a regular service on sundays? If so that can make your claim weak. If you do not attend another service, and are ordianed by the ULC you are in effect your own clergy (the parish priest doesn't go to another parish to go to church).

For safety infomation take a look at these two links to start: and

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  Dorian Gray said:
Well for your kids, its actually pretty simple. that's it.

For you, that can be a bit sticky, is vacination a condition of employment (like medical fields)? More importantly, who is your normal clergy? You attend a regular service on sundays? If so that can make your claim weak. If you do not attend another service, and are ordianed by the ULC you are in effect your own clergy (the parish priest doesn't go to another parish to go to church).

For safety infomation take a look at these two links to start: and

It's not for children..its for worker..past six years its been optional for civilians, but now they only allow a religious or medical exemption and form must be signed by clergy and then reviewed.

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Since you do not attend a church (a being a specific church) and assuming you are ordained here by the ULC they would be hard pressed to not accept you signing as your own clergy as under 29 C.F.R. PART 1605, the USSC has upheld United States v. Seeger and Welsh v. United States which created the standard of "The fact that no religious group espouses such beliefs or the fact that the religious group to which the individual professes to belong may not accept such belief will not determine whether the belief is a religious belief of the employee or prospective employee."

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I had this at the health department.

they said I had to have a hep and a teburkulosus test. hmm, some spelling huh?

I said I refused on religious grounds. they sent me to the directors office, I showed them my id.

the had me sign a paper saying I knew what I was doing. poof, handed my my health card.

and to this day I have not been shot....

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So, you want your employer to keep paying you but you dont want to do what they need you to do? Why not just tell them that you cant do this and go out and find a new job?

Also, have you considered that the "thousands" (its actually a couple of hundred) of kids dying each year in this country from vaccine complications is a very tiny number compared to the millions who die worldwide each year from diseases that we prevent by vaccine?

Do some kids die because of vaccine related problems? Yep, and that is horrible but the alternative is so much worse.

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I understand dirishi1's position. I personally never have, nor never will receive a flu shot. I cannot even remember the last time I had the flu to begin with, but I also know I few people who have been "under the weather" for a few days after receiving a flu shot. I am also not convinced that they are entirely effective as there are many strains of the flu, and the idea is that the flu shot will protect you from the strain of the flu which is supposed to be the problem in a given year. However this does not stop you from getting another strain of the flu - at least this is how I understand it.

Edited by Rev Ed
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  Rev Ed said:
I understand dirishi1's position. I personally never have, nor never will receive a flu shot. I cannot even remember the last time I had the flu to begin with, but I also know I few people who have been "under the weather" for a few days after receiving a flu shot. I am also not convinced that they are entirely effective as there are many strains of the flu, and the idea is that the flu shot will protect you from the strain of the flu which is supposed to be the problem in a given year. However this does not stop you from getting another strain of the flu - at least this is how I understand it.

The flu vaccine is one I don't get as well. I did get it once, was fine for two years then hit hard. Since then I've decided I can deal with the sniffles for a few days. Right now dealing with an annoying case of Post Nasal Drip, and nothing that just handles it... everything has other stuff, like Acetaminophen for pain, but I'm not in pain. I just got to suck it up and take some NyQuil tonight so I don't drown overnight.

NyQuil, the only medicine that comes in two 'flavors' - Green and Red. It's not Cherry, it tastes like red. But the stuff will knock me out for hours, better than a few shots of hard liquor.

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  • Administrator
  Cascadia said:
Since then I've decided I can deal with the sniffles for a few days.

I'm sure he can too. But this is not only for his protection, it is for the protection of the patients he comes in contact. As a healthcare worker it is not unreasonable to strongly consider it for the safety of those you care for.

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  Cascadia said:
The flu vaccine is one I don't get as well. I did get it once, was fine for two years then hit hard. Since then I've decided I can deal with the sniffles for a few days. Right now dealing with an annoying case of Post Nasal Drip, and nothing that just handles it... everything has other stuff, like Acetaminophen for pain, but I'm not in pain. I just got to suck it up and take some NyQuil tonight so I don't drown overnight.

NyQuil, the only medicine that comes in two 'flavors' - Green and Red. It's not Cherry, it tastes like red. But the stuff will knock me out for hours, better than a few shots of hard liquor.

The flu vaccine changes every year because the strains that go around change. You might've been protected only for two because the strains from the one vaccine remained generally the same and you weren't exposed to the different strain until later. I think flu shots are a waste but in the healthcare field it's better to protect your patients then to risk giving the something that their immune system may not be able to handle at the time.....

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