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  RevRainbow said:
Bring it on!

(According to my faith, we dont know the time but we have been getting signs for the last 2000 years!)

If you include Daniel as some do it's even longer than that. Luckily the sign isn't a red light or yield!!!

I think a good question would be for thousands of years man has felt that the end was near. WHY?

His gut feeling has been wrong for so long why believe it now. If one believe the Temple of Solomon has to be rebuilt first then he is going to be waiting thousands of more years too.

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  nestingwave said:
Here are two names that will help you do that: David Wilcock and Dr. Jose Arguelles. Daivd has the most complete references of anyone I know of concerning documented changes now taking place, not just on earth, but throughout our entire solar system for anyone who still doubts that major changes are already happening.

I checked out those two names and came up with some pretty bizarre stuff. The Law of Time website is pretty confusing to me, although extremely interesting. There's a lot more that I'd like to learn about from that site (especially since I discovered they are in southern Oregon). However, although the material was more accessible on David Wilcock's page Divine Cosmos something just seemed odd about it, or maybe something about the tiny text was off-putting, I don't know what.

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  emalpaiz said:
I learned when I was very young that the past has substance, but no reality; that the future has no substance and no reality; that only the present has substance and reality. I do not think that anyone can see into the future.

Hermaon Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

You are so right hermano. The only thing predictable are probabilities, just as the seasons are predictable. But as soon as one tries to peer into the future, the future changes because the future is not set in stone.

Learning to live in this present moment and not project ones consciousness into an interpretation of the past or a supposition about the future, is living spiritually. Neither the past nor the future is real. The past is merely our impartial INTERPRETATIONS of what happened and the future is our IMAGINATION about the future. NOW IN THIS MOST PRESENT MOMENT is where the Divine energy is manifesting not in either of those unreal scenarios.

2012 described in an empiracle manner is simply this: astronomers have discovered that our solar system is now coming into allighment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are energies never encountered before pouring out of the MW ecliptic. All matter in our solar system IS being effected, including our DNA. What does this mean? CHANGE. Like the seasons change. It is NOT the end of the world anymore than a seasonal change is the end of the world. The energies are so intense that TIME LINES will be effected. Scientists are just now learning about TIME and TIME LINES from their many decades of contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. Most folks have no idea about these things at this stage. However, the lid is now off the UFO/ETI coverup and many many interviews and statements are coming out. YOU WILL NOT GET THIS INFO FROM CNN, FOX CBS etc. Why? Simply because the majority of the people will NOT understand it and react in FEAR. However, the time has now come for disclosure because big changes are just ahead.

Even the angels in heaven don't know what will transpire. However, at the deepest level of consciousness of the human race, we have sensed this coming change for millenia. Just like one can smell the thunder storm long before it arrives.

For some this is terrifying. For others it is hope. Depending upon how one interprets these signs.

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  bsawtelle said:
I thought that maybe the beginning of the election in 2010 could be the start of it all.

It is right here and now. On the one hand growing chaos. On the other a fresh new vision. This is what happens when a civilization crumbles and a new one rises up in its place. The new one now rising up based upon cooperation is hard for many to see at present because they are so focused on the old one, based upon greedy competition and self interest, as it disintegrates. Some would rather cling onto that sinking ship and go down with it. Others are confused. However, some are already starting to live an entirely new paradigm.

Some of those already starting to live an entirely new paradigm are right here on this forum. They rejoice, as little by little they become increasingly focused upon the Universal Life. I hope everyone understands that I am not speaking of any man-made structure whatsoever.

The outcome for each of us is entirely dependent upon our own inner intentions - whether we only wish to serve our own self interests or want to serve the highest good of all.

In any emergency both "heros" and "cowards" become clearly known to all. There is a very thin line between these two orientations depending on how clear one is about WHO and WHAT they are.

Yes - I said 2010. This year's election started in Jan of 2007 after all.

This present cosmic convergence (peaking in 2012) transcends politics. And politics as usual is finished and in its vicious death throes. All you can expect from that sector is growing confusion as those who are greedy and want to control others become increasingly locked in a power struggle among themselves to the death.

This war is already underway and has been for some time.

Since physically and energetically our DNA is being effected due to the outside growing intensity of the before mentioned cosmic energies now bathing us due to our solar system's convergence with the Milky Way Ecliptic, our CONSCIOUSNESS undergoes changes at the same time. For those rooted in unreality, selfishness, illusions and ambitions of personal power over other beings, fear and panic rules. For those use to letting go and letting God, no problem.

So, this present convergence can be viewed as very negative or highly positive or somehwere in between, depending on what we bring to it in our undestanding and basic inner intention.

All things are coming to a head and at the same time the chickens are coming home to roost. Every cause has an effect and every effect becomes a cause. This is simply how our universe impartially operates through its endemic law.

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Okay. The link above is for those who really want to know and understand what is happening.

Some of you are already somewhat familiar with WingMakers. The person "James" who originated that very famous internet site has always remained anonymous. However, recently Mark Hemple (the webmaster for WingMakers, Lyricus and the new Event Temples) has released two of the three interviews he had with "James."

I highly suggest that you download the MP3 interviews with "James" from the link I give you above and listen to them carefully. He has the most comprehensive insights I have disocvered yet about the meaning of this.

Even more so than David Wilcock.

Although he would never say this, "James" is undoubtedly a very great teacher and represents the extraterrestrial intelligences (the Elohim) who have been interacting with humankind on planet earth since the very beginning.


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  • 4 weeks later...

If you look in too the mayan calander it dose not tell the world will end , It tells that time will stop or change . No whey or how did it say it is the end my friend .

The mayan's are readers of the star's and so far not one bad read from them . Here is where it gets weird if you go to the nasa site it will show on the 21 of dec 2012 . the sun the moon and earth will be lined up with each other and yes the black hole . do we move on to a time of no time . such as the bible says or so many other texts read . only time will tell .

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  warner said:
If you look in too the mayan calander it dose not tell the world will end , It tells that time will stop or change . No whey or how did it say it is the end my friend .

The mayan's are readers of the star's and so far not one bad read from them . Here is where it gets weird if you go to the nasa site it will show on the 21 of dec 2012 . the sun the moon and earth will be lined up with each other and yes the black hole . do we move on to a time of no time . such as the bible says or so many other texts read . only time will tell .

I would think a few credit cards might be maxed out. I'm going to avoid the rush though in case the credit card companies catch on and drop limits and start spending in 2010.

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I've listened to quite a few theories on this subject, but I wonder if maybe the experts working on the calendar during Mayan times either died or was in some other way of not completing it? I simply throw that out there because in my line of work (technical support) often the most simplest of answers left unexplored.

My thought on it all is that in 2012, the sun will rise, some chaos from people panicking may play out, but at the end of the day the sun will set, the moon will rise, and all will be the same as it was before hand. It takes a long time for thought to change. Perhaps mankind will be intelligent enough to use such an event to help usher in that new thought, but in all it will be just another day.

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  Cascadia said:
I've listened to quite a few theories on this subject, but I wonder if maybe the experts working on the calendar during Mayan times either died or was in some other way of not completing it? I simply throw that out there because in my line of work (technical support) often the most simplest of answers left unexplored.

My thought on it all is that in 2012, the sun will rise, some chaos from people panicking may play out, but at the end of the day the sun will set, the moon will rise, and all will be the same as it was before hand. It takes a long time for thought to change. Perhaps mankind will be intelligent enough to use such an event to help usher in that new thought, but in all it will be just another day.

The present convergence of our solar system with the Milky Way Ecliptic is not a theory but a scientifically proven fact. If one was curious and followed the links already given there would be no doubt. Much research is being carried out concerning this. Our entire solar system is now undergoing an increasing bombardment of very unusual energies never before experienced. That is the reason for the big changes now taking place on every planet in our solar system and also the Sun, not just earth. NASA probes confrim this.

The peak of this convergence happens to be December 2012, not just according to the Mayan calander but present scientific study.

The meaning of this is no mystery. The Mayans knew exactly what it meant. The end of an old era and the beginning of an entirely new one.

There will be big changes. Those who think "business as usual" will be quite surprised.

This is happening at this most present moment. Right now.

Coincidently the UFO/ETI disclosure is now well underway. See the video interviews of Project

Camelot. This is not just some fly by night occurance but has a very long history. This is the biggest paradigm change of consciousness in the entire history of planet earth. Every culture on earth has had it in their prophecies using different metaphors. Those who simply cannot get past the "end of the world" scenario may indeed find that to be true for them. The most ancient description of it is "The End of Days." It has to do with a big time shift due to the intense energies we are undergoing due to the convergence. Time is speeding up as the energy increases. A part of the new energies now being experienced are worm holes present in the Milky Way ecliptic. These effect our overall time-line. Discovering time, time-lines, worm holes, dark energy and matter, quantum energetics, electro gravitic force, how human consciousness evloves and human DNA, and several items are what the UFO/ETI disclosure is all about.

Those who wish to just guess and speculate are welcome to do so. Many simply cannot handle these things at this point and that's fine. The entire old paradigm on the planet is finished forever and a new one where peace will reign about to begin.

The next few years will be tumultuous indeed.

Our unified focus in the aftertime, after this present dream-time which for some is already a nightmare, will be to undertake exploration of the multifarious worlds of time and space along side our extraterrestrial friends and relatives.

No, it is not "heaven." Only the next step in our evolution. A "punctuated equilibrium." Many are fearful as they were when Columbus set out to find the new world. Others have great hope. I am in that second category.

Peace be upon the earth and among all beings.

Edited by nestingwave
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  • 4 weeks later...

Through my years I have had preachers try to predict the end of the world. All of them were wrong because they didn't understand what they were reading. People keeping looking in the US for the anti-christ and things to happen here. The way I understand the readings, the signs will come from the Middle East. So, scientists can predict all they want along with the news media. They were wrong about all of the other stuff. Naustridomus was proven wrong if you read his writings. I believe it boils down to wait and see. If it does, it does. If it don't, we keep right on going just like we did yesterday and will do tomorrow. Just my opinion :cheers:

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  Pastor Rebob said:
Through my years I have had preachers try to predict the end of the world. All of them were wrong because they didn't understand what they were reading. People keeping looking in the US for the anti-christ and things to happen here. The way I understand the readings, the signs will come from the Middle East. So, scientists can predict all they want along with the news media. They were wrong about all of the other stuff. Naustridomus was proven wrong if you read his writings. I believe it boils down to wait and see. If it does, it does. If it don't, we keep right on going just like we did yesterday and will do tomorrow. Just my opinion :cheers:

The end of our civilization is not the end of the world, only the begining of a far saner civilization on this planet.

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The end of the world story is a commonly recurring theme in most religions. The best reason I can come up with why this happens is the Cosmic Calender. The Mayans had theirs, no doubt, but all cultures on earth can point to their own.

Before modern man demystified most of the western world, one of strongest connections to the "end of the world" was more an agricultural observance or festival. They welcomed the end and bid the past fair well.

The main problem we have with an "END TIMES" message today is how far removed we are from the above concept.

I have a dear friend, whom can not wait for the "Rapture" to happen, and I explained the agricultural observance or festival idea; right along with a strong argument about interpretation of scripture, and the people which wrote them. He still found comfort in the idea of the world being judged by fire.

I think the key word her is comfort. A person...everybody wants to feel good.

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