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Everything posted by Seeker

  1. Smoke from ancient peat Malted grains, clear spring water. Uisge Beatha: Slainte! And to answer the question in the thread title - haiku is the plural.
  2. How about "belua"? Or "laestrygones"?
  3. Thouroughly deserved, bless you both. Congratulations.
  4. Most of what was there I had seen previously on sites like physics911.
  5. Jimmy Lindsay fan here. Check out Children of Rastafari if you don't have it already.
  6. Casting the net a little wider... Robert Pirsig - Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance Brian Bates - The Way of The Wyrd Starhawk - The Spiral Dance Irving M Copi - An introduction to Logic.
  7. Yes indeed. I actually blindsided our GM into giving our paranormal detective agency the twilight zone theme as a 'phone number!
  8. Just finished re-reading The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick.
  9. I am a huge SF fan - I have literally thousands of SF books, so picking out faves is difficult. I'll list a bunch of authors and a good book or 2 by them - other stuff by them is usually good too. Brian Aldiss - The Canopy of Time. Poul Anderson - The Rebel Worlds Piers Anthony - Macroscope. Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man. LLoyd Biggle Jr - Monument James Blish - Jack of Eagles. (Also check out "A Case of Conscience", a rare theologically based SF novel). David Brin - Startide Rising series. John Brunner - The Shockwave Rider. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game & sequels. C J Cherryh - Serpents Reach, The Faded Sun trilogy Richard Cowper - Twilight of Briarius, and the White Bird of Kinship series. P K Dick - The Man in the High Castle Gordon R Dickson - The Way of the Pilgrim, The Dorsai series. Samuel R Delany - The Jewels of Aptor Alan Dean Foster - Into the Out Of, and the Spellsinger series. M.A. Foster - The Morphodite Robert Forward - Starquake Randall Garrett - Too Many Magicians (One of a kind - a locked room mystery in a world of magic.) Harry Harrison - Deathworld Robert Heinlein - Citizen of the Galaxy Frank Herbert - The Dosadi Experiment Robert Holdstock - Mythago Wood Colin Kapp - The Wizard of Anharite + Short stories - the unorthodox engineers. Stanislav Lem - The Star Diaries C. S. Lewis - Out of the silent Planet/Perelandra/That Hideous Strength. Anne McCaffrey - Crystal Singer Ursula Le Guin - The Dispossessed, and the Earthsea series. Larry Niven - Neutron Star Niven & Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye. Andre Norton - Plague Ship, the Witchworld series. George R.R. Martin - They Dying of the Light, A song for Lya. Walter M. Miller Jr - A Canticle for Leibowitz. Frederic Pohl & C.M Kornbluth - The Space Merchants Jerry Pournelle - King David's Spaceship Kim Stanley Robinson - Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy. Bob Shaw - Orbitsville Robert Silverberg - A time of Changes Clifford Simak - City Norman Spinrad - Songs from the Stars Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age (* - probably my favourite SF book). Theodore Sturgeon - To Here and to the Easel Bruce Sterling - Involution Ocean Of Mena and Monsters - William Tenn Jack Vance - The Languages of Pao. Vernor Vinge - The Witling, A Fire on the Deep Ian Watson - The Jonah Kit Charles Williams - The Place of the Lion John Wyndham - The Kraken Wakes, Jizzle. Jane Yolen - The Cards of Grief Timothy Zahn - Spinneret Roger Zelazny - The Traveller in Black I'm sure I've missed a bunch which I would put in there if I could think of them. Should be enough to get you going, though. Happy reading!