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Exalted Being (13/17)

  1. There is a prayer at 1:09:00 to break curses off of you and your familiy.
  2. It might go better for you if you discontinue suggesting people who you disagree with are not sane.
  3. Well lets dont cross the line of freindly discourse and start saying that the other is not sane. If you look at whats at stake here, my poistion is the sane position. And dont act as if you are open to objective debate, you are not. Your mind is closed and your poistion is not one that facts or evidence lead you to, its the one you choose. You might start by ackowledging that and stop the theatre that you are coming from some intellectual high ground, you are not, you are coming from a closed minded denial positon.
  4. I would say you are selective in your definition of fear based content. You seem to see warnings of hell and references to hell as some kind of violation of your rights, when it is actually a kindness extended to you in a time where you can actually make a change.
  5. Well, ok, you pay your eletric bill? Do you change the filters in your air conditioner? Do you change the oil in your car/motorcycle engine? Do you also see the Second Law of Thermodynamics as "fear based content?" Seriously, some how you take the necessary steps to keep your lights on, your water on, and your equipment operating, right? Why dont you look at equipment manuals and utilitily statements as "fear based content?" Manuals use "Danger" to describe risk of death and equipment damage. "Warning" to describe risk of injury and damage. "Caution" to describe risk of damage.....what do you do, ignore that because its "fear based content?"
  6. Well, I believe you know this, just as the serpent has corrupted and attempted to corrupt everything from relationships to business, to sex and marraige, he has also corrupted the church where he has been allowed to. The fruits that you are judging by are not Christian values or the fruits of the Spirit. You are judging the works of the flesh in people who claim to be Christian, of which Paul in Galatians 5 says none will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It seems like some people judge Christianity as a whole by those who claim to be Christian but so not even follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess that is conveinent and easy, however apart from Jesus Christ one would have no idea about the danger they are in, or about thier enemy, or that they are even in a war.
  7. There is manipulation of belief, by the serpent, and most people are not even aware of it. He was described as the "more subtle" than any other beast. He is the "accuser." The evidence that he is operating in this topic is the accusations of "threat" and "manipulation" and "fear" and "coersion." The accuser of the bretheren is at work. Im not trying to start trouble or tick anybody off, but we chose to believe what we believe. It is a choice that is made everyday to maintain a belief. It is a choice to view facts and circumstances and draw conclusions. It is heartbreaking to be on the side that I am on and hear the objections and hear the serpent's reasonings being used to cause people to ignore and disregard a message of hope. I suggest listening to testimonies of people who have seen hell and then asking yourself if it will have been worth it if you are wrong. They are very easy to find and they are plentiful. Just check it out.
  8. Does anybody know if is true? Alledged last words. Founder of the Church Of Satan, the famous satanist, Anton Szandor LaVey’s last death bed words were, “Oh my, oh my, what have I done! There’s something very wrong, there’s something very wrong, there’s something very wrong!” Voltaire (1694–1778), an atheist, said, “I am abandoned by God and man! I shall go to hell! O Jesus Christ!” David Hume (1711–1776), an atheist, said while dying in utter despair, “I am in the flames!” Thomas Payne (1718–1799), an atheist, said, “I would give worlds, if I had them, if the Age of Reason had never been published. O Lord help me! Christ help me! Stay with me! It is hell to be left alone!” Thomas Scott (1808–1878), an atheist, said, “Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there is both, and I am doomed to peridition by the just judgement of the Almighty.” Aleistair Crowley (1875–1974), Englands most wicked man, “I am perplexed. Satan get out.” Eternity is too long to be wrong!!! -- This is floating around Facebook, not my work.