Rev Ed

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About Rev Ed

  • Birthday 08/19/1982

Helpful Information

  • Gender
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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Opera, sailing, reading, comedy.
  • Grateful For
    A church that accepts me as an individual.
  • Your Motto
    Live life.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Universal Life

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Rev Ed's Achievements

Priceless Being

Priceless Being (14/17)

  1. Hello! I don't know if anyone can help me but I have a quick question. I currently use Windows 7. I wish to group some pictures together and have them play with music in the background. I was able to do so with Windows Movie Maker when I had Windows XP. However this doesn't come with Windows 7. Is there a similar product I can use, or at least another option? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks everyone. It seems to be working now. I just uninstalled it and re-installed it.
  3. I honestly do not know. I went to Google Play and punched in Instagram and downloaded the app that came up. I assumed it would be the right program. It does work at the moment. I find it helps just choosing the picture and then clinking on adding to Instagram and it works.
  4. Hello! I have a question that I hope I can get an answer for. I have an Acer B1-780 Tablet and want to install Instagram on it. Every time I install Instagram, I try to open it and I get a message stating that I should un-install it and re-install it. I do that, and I still get the same message. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. My condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed.