Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. In Argentina, it is just as likely he could have been German...
  2. John, your site says that you group does not allow you to hold ULC membership.. "We do not allow for dual-membership with any other jurisdiction, as we feel that an Old Catholic Paulist Priest must dedicate his entire service to the faithful through the Old Catholic Order of Paul the Apostle. As our Lord stated, “No one can serve two masters”. (Matt 6:24)"
  3. Al, I think you pointed out, just because I can go in just about any tattoo shop and get a Harley Logo tattoo, that doesn't make it right now does it? Just because you can do it, doesn't make it right. Etiquette is no more than one pre and one post nominal and that the pre and post do not repeat themselves. You will also find this in many of the style manual for publisher and universities writing labs. They don't like alphabet soup before and after people's names. Heck if I used ever pre and post nominal I am entitled signature block would take up half the page! For Amy, I'll let her know, after all, I am the Vice President of the Seminary, don't want her give out bad info .
  4. The proper way is to use either Dr. or Rev. before the name. If you use Dr. you do not use the post nominal for the degree after (outside of a medical context) the name. You generally should only use one pre and one post nominal. Are their folks that that break those rules? Yep! Are they hard and fast? That depends on who you ask! Will someone look down their nose at you for improper use of pre/post nominals? I am certain there are! Use your good judgment, understand what you are doing and just as importantly who you are doing it around, so you know the kind of reaction you will illicit. Roll in to a meeting of at the Harvard Club in NYC with a law degree from Montana State and except a warm welcome, you might be shocked.
  5. +1 That is the biggest "problem" that most of the other groups have is that there is a lot of muddy water of "which ULC" is which. Which in turn goes back to my RCC, ICC, ICU, OCC, etc example.
  6. Reading the Historical Kirby is great, and sometimes scary and at times sad. Reading about his support of a young Jim Jones and Jonestown...sigh...
  7. Irregular might be a question of perspective.
  8. Corey, I think there might be a, for lack of a better term, "market" for a ULC source of valid (even if irregular) line of apostolic succession, for those that value it.
  9. Swamp, The cases our founder won, would be the very same cases that would be used by these other groups to validate their existence. The Zimmerman/Freeman issue is a legal issue between a single church body's (ULC Monastery) internal corporate issue. In this case, the new "International World Headquarter" is for a new and different organization with a similar name as "our" ULC. This is no different then the various break way groups of any other major religious group. Their claims aren't "false", misleading...that can be argued they are are muddying the waters that they are the same ULC founded by Kirby and not just an off shoot. Good luck proving that in court. None of their pages clearly state they are in fact the original Universal Life Church founded by Kirby Hensley.
  10. Pinned is not the same as locked. a pinned topic means that it stays (or is pinned) at the top of that particular forum sub section and does not fall down the sorting as it normally would based on date of last post. Locked means that it cannot be posted in further. A topic can be pinned, it can be locked, or it can be pinned and locked. With regards to the "world hq" that has been discussed several times here on the forum. As for legal action, there really isnt much that the HQ in Modesto can do. It is no different then all of the Independent Catholic Church, Old Catholic Church, etc, etc, etc that are out there.
  11. Assuming that he is passing the ordinations to the HQ in Modesto, he is doing nothing against the ULC HQ's rules in that they authorize thier minister's to ordain others (and submit the records back to the HQ). Basically the site (assuming the ordination part is passed back) operates no differently then this site or the ULC Seminary. (disclosure: I am a moderator here at and the Vice President of the ULC Seminary).
  12. While .co is technically Colombian, it is actually now a common domain for company to have a "shorter" domain name. Notable examples are twitter ( and google (
  13. Sam, That is the address listed on the domain registration that I linked to. -DG
  14. Here is the way I view it. I tolerate that Westboro Baptist has their views on various topics because they have a right to those view, regardless of if I agree with them or not....I do not accept their actions that infringe on other's rights to believe and be different from Westboro's ideals.
  15. That is correct. They all are internet branches of ULC Monastery.