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About SisterSalome

  • Birthday May 24

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North East, USA

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  • Interests
    Superstring Theory, Quantum Physics, Classical Physics, Mathematics, Phenomenology, Neuroscience, Psychology, Ontology, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Computer Programming, Biology, Microbiology, Astronomy, Drawing, Drafting, Music Theory, Culture Studies, World History, Mystery Schools of Metaphysics, Comparative Religion, Symbolism, Backyard Science, Healing Modalities, Coffee and more.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation

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  • Occupation
    Bodywork Therapist

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  1. I backed away from the forums in 2016-ish. But I still visit sometimes.
  2. Hello ~ I retired from my bodywork business for 12 years. Wonderful work! Nice to meet you here. I joined the ULC in 2004 while I was a therapist. I added another dimension to the work.

    1. Satyam


      Nice to meet you Sister.  Hope You are still here!

      Hope to hear from You!


    2. ChristLight


      Here I AM! Back again in the seminary, How about you>

  3. Maybe it's being a girl or being sensitive or whatever, but I'm still doing the ministerial thing, but no more forums and making friends. For what. Not friendly.
  4. Decided to stop posting here. Really feel put off by being accused of analyzing everyone and everything when I was just trying to make interesting threads for people to engage with so the forum was active.
  5. Thought I'd visit you back and say hello. Thanks for the welcome. :)

  6. Aside from conducting wedding ceremonies, are there other services you conduct as a Minister? What's the various things that are possible with Ministry? I read somewhere that in some states Ministers still need a letter of Recommendation, so I know some of you provide that recommendation to other Ministers. But what else? What's the scope of potential activities a Minister can be involved in: both ceremonial and administrative?
  7. I sense discomfort in your opening statement and this final one. I'm not trying to put anyone in a box. I invited others to put themselves in a box if they so desire for simply the sake of us finding common grounds with each-other (if any) and for fun. I got that sentiment sadly, from Jonathan that is inferring I am attempting to label others when clearly I've only been attempting to label myself (and invited other to label me and invited others to label themselves if they so desire). Anyone who does not wish to participate in a thread I make, feel free to ignore it.
  8. What do you mean by I made it clear that my goal was not to be useful? I was saying what's useful to me may not be useful to you AND I do think it's useful. I'm also not sure what you mean by 'urge' to chart, graph and define 'everything'? I was not aware my urges were being analyzed. I'm sure I've not tried to chart, graph and define everything; neither in general and certainly not here.
  9. We are irreconcilable, dear Jonathan (not really)
  10. I deeply respect Stephen Hawking but I'm vigilant. I definitely hear him out though. He is brilliant. However, he has been proven wrong about many things he's said about the universe. He has been wrong about black holes, and predicted we'd never encounter anything Higgs-like, even the big bang (and all related theory) might be valid math but could still prove unsound crap. He's almost as famous for losing bets as he is for making them. He also warns us to be afraid of aliens, and while declaring there is no god; neither presenting his evidence for the existence of aliens (which I don't disagree with but his maths on this were never published that I'm aware of) nor calculates for the premise that in the majority of cases, god(s)=aliens by very definition The god of all Abrahamic religions would most certainly qualify as an extraterrestrial being. Or even a more advanced and evolved humanoid from our distant future who went back in time? His view sounds a lot like Genesis and I don't think anyone realizes it, with beginnings and aliens, and of upcoming extinction events, and so on. Why is he always warning us? Watch out for hostile beings! Escape the planet! I love and respect Hawking but it seems his anti-theism is more than mere atheism. It crosses me that he seeks to prove a god is not needed for things to come about, but still thinks in biblical cosmology. And even the notion of a god particle annoys him. The concept, the word, the idea offends him. Would he become irate if he saw a cross hanging on a wall? He's always debating this non-god's non-existence when nobody really is looking for him to do anything but physics. Carl Jung would have interesting things to say about that. I adore Hawking. Seriously seriously seriously. None of this is to discredit him as a contributor to physics and M Theory. But alas, I am vigilant.
  11. Is the graphic you customized your embosser with on the Wedding Words and More Disc?