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About ThunderChickenCoast2Coast

  • Birthday 01/08/1966

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  • Location
    Kalamazoo, Michigan

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  • Interests
    Growing tomatoes.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Family Worship Center Church of God

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  1. You should name your church or group to reflect it's belief system laid down in it's by-laws or Statement of Faith.
  2. Ha, ha... you are correct Scott. So to direct it back on track... The Bible tells the people at that time to stone witches, sorcerers [and many more].... We do not do that in today's day and age because we put people in jail for breaking those types of laws. But we do "stone" {electric chair, lethal injection...} murderers. Sometimes justice is swift [here on earth], and sometimes they are never caught [here on earth] and seemingly get away with those things. But God states in the Bible--- "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the Judgment". So many may get away with witchcraft and things of that evil nature their whole lives but once they die God will judge them. Only Jesus Christ can wash away those sins and make you "as if you'd never sinned" in God's eyes.
  3. That is incorrect... but only because you seem to be giving [some] credit for Biblical writ to [fallible] man. God is the Author of the whole Bible. Man has no authorship in the Bible at all. If he did then it would not be infallible, but fallible [because man is fallible]. In it's autograph form it is infallible.
  4. So? Because people abused the Bible does that make it untrue? Since there is no authority higher than God who would He appeal to? God can only swear by Himself.
  5. Steven King authored books but the printer prints them. Man copies them. God Authored the Bible because He said He did. If you want to believe that He did not then that is your choice. Awesome, you've just propped up HItler's proclamation that murder was legal. Also slavery is okay in your worldview. Try passing that off on the South Side of Chicago. And pedophilia is also okay in your book because that society says it is okay. Do you see how ludicrous and inconsistent your position is? Man cannot form a basis for morality because he is sinful. Only God's Moral Standard is unchanging and applies to all equally.
  6. Drive as far as we can and then fly in from there. But I haven't been there is a few years. My uncle Lee has a cabin up there and the Frenchmen come down here to Michigan every year to hunt deer on our farms.
  7. The only time that I troll... is when I am in Canada fishing for Pike and Walleye.
  8. And how is truth established? What is an unchanging foundation for truth? It can't be man because man lies.
  9. Since there is no one Higher than God who would He appeal to? He can only appeal to or swear by Himself.
  10. There is no "debating" on God's existence. The Bible says in Romans chapter 1 that EVERYBODY knows He exists because of His creation. It matters not that man has corrupted His creation because of Adam's disobedience. None of these things change that God is... and that He created everything. All this because He says so. That means You can yell at me or prove me wrong in certain areas but just because you beat me at a debate or I am proven ignorant or an idiot... does not mean God does not exist and that He loves you.
  11. God is the Author of the Bible... because God says so. You can choose to believe Him.... or not. Yours or anyone's unbelief does not change God.
  12. It's not God's fault when somebody asks to be healed and they aren't [and they have to resort to medicine.There is nothing wrong with medicine]. I myself am a prime example. I believe in healing... yet I am not healed: I still have IBS and Celiac Disease. What am I doing wrong? Well... it's partly a lack of faith, and some unbelief. Whatever the cause is for someone not being healed... it's not God's fault. If someone asks God for physical healing in their body and He DIDN'T heal them.... He would be lying when He said "Ask, and you shall recieve." And God is not a man that He should lie. So you first have to realize that the fault for your not being healed, everytime, all the time, is not God's fault. The fault always lies with fallible humans. If you ever read any the the Gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John in the New Testament of the Bible, you will find that when Jesus healed people, He always healed them all. And when He couldn't [heal them] it was because of their unbelief. They thought He was just a man... Mary and Joseph's son. They couldn't recognize or believe His deity and therefore His power to physically heal ANY disease or sickness. A prime example is the one of the woman with the issue of blood. MANY people were touching Jesus but only the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus in faith... and she received her healing.
  13. If you can't heal your own cold/flu then you are "lord" of nothing. I am just pointing out the obvious [inconsistencies] in your statements.