Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      Oh yeah, I forgot to add....GO NINERS!! :)

  3. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  4. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  5. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. Blessings of Healing sent your way. Peace and Contentment, Al
  7. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  9. Thank you. Off to the vet for a follow-up appt on the "kids".... and then a visit to one of Gordon and my old fishing holes. Been a loooong night of contemplation and remembering. All I can think of is his weary bride. Married and within minutes a widow. I mean I totally understand the emotions behind such a move, I fully realize neither was fooling the other by "a ring and a vow will fix it all". They too knew each other for many years and Barbara's 30+ year marriage ended in her being a widow about 3 years ago... to this type situation. Just strange how the ♫♪♪carrousel of Life keeps on spinning round, and the painted ponies go up and down♫♫ The things that happen along the path of our Lives seems to test any relationship, whether a friendship, spouse or other...then a death comes along and all that does is seemingly endorse the tests rather than the Life. What's up with that? Thanks again folks, Blessings of Peace,
  10. Welcome to the Forum J-Dawg. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  11. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to the Forum Dave. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  13. Okay, this is beyond any "coincidence", any "in the cards or stars or bones", it's absolutely ludicrous... Last Thursday, 12-29-11 Our cats go to vet for chemical burns from maint crew Saturday 12-31-11 I got notice that one of my buddies on a local newspaper forum passed away from kidney and liver failure after 2 days in hospital...we've met several times for coffee and swapped garage sale junk a few times. Sunday 01-01-12 I get a call from a total stranger that my good buddy down in Idyllwild-Hemet Lake (where we got Hemet and MeShell-as 3wk old kittens) passed away as we were his "Emerg. Contact #" The gal that called was Gordon's new wife, married in hospital by chaplain only minutes before his passing from kidney failure and liver damage. I no sooner gain my composure enough to call mutual friends in Wyoming about our good friend Gordon and no answer, when they call back a few hours later, they were at another mutual friend's funeral (old biker buddy died 12-27-11 from scerosis of liver) and while at funeral today their mix breed dog got into the blacksmith shop and drank a bunch lye/chem/etching water Dave uses in smithing and was DOA when they got home. 3 people I know, 1 very, very close, (Gordon) 1 "good friend" (Gerry) and 1 'more than acquaintance' friend (Gary) oh,'s just hit home all 3 are "G's", the 7th letter 3 pets, 1 dies from drinking chemically laced water, our two= critical burns internally ah, in divinity "3" is a very powerful number, in astrological terms it is significant and there are "no coincidents". So numerically similarities, situation or circumstances surrounding deaths=similarities, pet accident similarities....I mean whoa hey...this is just way too strange things at once and all come to pass by the 1st day of the New Year over the past few days???? Yeah, like I said, Have towel, I'm ready to throw it into the karmic ring as this is is just too much. I sit here in total shock as writing it down so I can "see it all", way too strange for coincidences. I'm a ... ah.... I'm....ah...they are...ah....I mean This is honestly too much to deal with right now, the "coincidences" have my head whirling from the implications and if I did a numerology/cosmic chart on all these ...well... I already know what the outcome would be. It's disturbing at the very least, enough to make a person bonkers on the surface let alone peeling the onion. As far as asking for prayers, hey thank you and I know it'll turn around soon, I'd ask more for prayers to give me an understanding into why so much all at once?? If this is how the year is going to start 18 hours into I really wanting to know how the rest of the year will go? Has been a whoa-hey few days for sure. Blessings of Peace and Hope for understanding, Al PS: Yeah, I'll probably be out/off-line for a couple of days....this is just a real noggin knocker heart breaker
  14. Thanks everyone, it just goes to show nothing is "Free" anymore...was a time we never had to worry about workmen doing crapola like that. I know when I did use that stuff I always warned local folks in the surrounding area. But yeah, Me Shell is doing great but Hemi, that gots the worst of it, is still quite yuk....but hopefully he'll mend soon. Take care all, Blessings of Peace,
  15. Our prayers and well wishes for your friend Nick, Blue. We had a very close friend, many years ago, not mention a word about their advanced uteran cancer. On one hand, we felt a bit betrayed, then, but as we've aged, we also know how we would feel and not wish others to go on for weeks/months/years with sympathy etc. It's a tough call and all outsiders can do is respect their wishes. The fact that you merely wish to tell him of your love for him is admirable. Our prayers are with you as well. Blessings of Peace,
  16. Much to their dismay, I also spent several hundred dollars beyond the $350/vet to enclose the patio. They no longer have the thrill of adventure, but have a secure patio for which to lounge upon for fresh air and will be great in summer for outside as we'll plant half the 3'x15' dirt area to grass. I hate keeping pets locked up, but in today's world, yes, unfortunately I must relinquish my views to their safety. The management will throw a fit over my screening in to the fence, (3' gap between patio roof and fence) so sue me. By the time we leave there will prob be a completely diff bunch at office as one turn over already. I have two words for their insensitive nature towards pets...BM! Blessings of Peace,
  17. We feel terrible! Oh my goodness do Kay and I feel absolutely terrible! Yesterday our Hemi and Me Shell were taken to the vet as they had not eaten for two days and had terrible, horrific breath and drool, starting the day before, that would choke you from the smell. We are angry that our management did not warn us about things, but the ultimate responsibility lands on us to keep a closer eye on our pets. It seems that on Tuesday the cleaning crews here cleaned out the house across from us and used muriatic acid* to clean the driveway. I saw them using the power washer, but it never dawned on me they would be using hydrochloric acid in the water and let it run into the street. Hemi and Me Shell both are gutter water drinkers....yes, when they have Britta filtered water in five bowls around the house, back and front yards!!...silly cats. Tuesday night we realized they didn't eat and Hemi drooled a bit, but he is a drooler anyway...rub his belly and you are sure to get a cup full every time, type cat. Wednesday they didn't eat at morning chow, but it's winter, pets often do slow down on food and all they wanted to do was curl up in their favorite hiding spots but both drooled a lot. But Wednesday night Hemi started showing signs of blood around his mouth and even the drain from his eyes...OMG! we did a careful investigation to notice ulcerations on their lips, tongues and roof of still didn't dawn on us about the acid. First thing yesterday morning I raced them both to the vet and while talking with her about the possible "exposures to chemicals" I recalled the driveway cleaning and called the office from the vets. Thankfully Fena, the gal who "knows it all" at the office answered and told me the crew had indeed used the acid in the power washer. We have never been the type to ignore our pets but we also do not race to the vet over every little symptom. However, from here on out, we are not going to wait to do a full check out of their entire bodies when they show signs of not feeling well, that's for sure. It only takes a moment to thoroughly check out one's pets and while we did "check them", we didn't inspect inside the mouth until the next day...we feel so terrible for making them suffer so. The GOOD NEWS is after a super shot of anti-biotics, a hydration and vitamin shot, a pain shot etc, they both ate a full bowl worth of pate this morning and Me Shell is fast asleep in my lap as I type. Torval drops for pain and something called Sucralfate...a lesion healing substance that coats the sores has them doing MUCH better this a.m. They are back to the vet on Monday for another check up to be sure no intestinal damage was done. I could throttle the management office for not warning us about the workers use of acid, to wit, they only said "not our job to notify everyone of our busy day". Okay. So as usual, the people that cause a problem are not to be bothered with telling anyone what they are doing, fine, I get it, corporate schmucks are corporate schmucks at every level. (The owners of our senior development own several 300+ units like ours) Just wanted to let everyone know about power washer and acid thing as even though I've done it myself, it just didn't ring a bell until at the vet and I never expected workers to just do so without telling people. When we used the muriatic acid at the District, we had to post signs, warning tape and "keep back 200' " notices...guess the private sector is under no such obligation. I'm going to find out. Blessings Be, *
  18. Poodles were the only creatures bred to wear costumes! My aunt (Dad's sis) who passed away in the 80's is thought to have been sent to "Poodle Hell", where she will be tormented for eternity for the ridiculous outfits she made her five different sized Poodles wear...she had three males and two females of "strong lineage" that she bred out. She wondered why my cousin got into so much '72 when he wanted to borrow $800 to buy his first car (he had the other $700-800) she refused because she had to have "Princess Glorivina"...a $1,500.00 tea cup 1972!!! Yes, the Lord does work in mysterious ways as the Princess bred only once, miscarried and passed away a few weeks later from complications...that I believe our Buddhist friends would call karma!! My cousin paid off the van after getting bank finance (co-signed by my wonderful Uncle Charlie who passed last year) and drove it until 1983! Blessings be...leave the real dogs alone mit der costumes und der fancy-smancy schtuff! Ja?
  19. I'm so sorry to have missed this...over two weeks ago Rev. Dreed...things sometimes do fly off the "Recent Activity Board". May the love you showed for your furry friend be acknowledged. I know having to put an animal at rest is never easy, but so often is the right thing to do for mercy and peace. Blessings of Healing to you all.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  21. Welcome to the Forum Uriel. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  22. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  23. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  24. Welcome to the Forum Shawn. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,