Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. May she recuperate quickly so you two can get on in Life. My wife and I know well the sting of such news as well as with proper treatment things can and do turn around. We will continue our prayers for her speedy recovery! Many Blessings of Healing and Contentment, Al
  4. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  5. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  7. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  9. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  10.' all the people sang...."♪♫all the young dudes...♫♫" ...... <<<Yes. Well, actually no. Sort of. Define "experienced". Yes, absolutely! That's screwball nutz!>>> Pick an answer, any answer and I could point ya towards a post that explained in detail what the person had "witnessed". From "visions and dreams" in the Bible to "manifestations and calls" from many personal Book of Shadows, people have had experiences beyond the everyday 3D world we currently inhabit. Are they all "real"? Well, we'd have to explore thousands of years of human psychology to fully answer that. When I was studying "seiðr" (Nordic majik) I read with great interest many "experiences" and "tales", I even had a few myself while working on my personal formulas and calls during my Workings. I was really battling my Yrmin-Drighten at the time over his assessment of my being the "One" to continue in his footsteps. Several of his "henchmen" were supposed "Masters of Majik" and their stories of 'majik works' were rather fantastic tales. Were these personal experiences "real"? Yes, of course, they were to me. One such event as an all encompassing, black "cloud-like" manifestation coming up the stairs to my office and then filling the room. In the middle of this "cloud" were like mini lightning bolts, sparkles and then the neon red "eyes" appeared. These eyes then charged at me in an aggressive manner and all I could think was there is no way to stop this 'thing' from getting me. And then, I called on Tiw, Thor and Odhinn to honor my galdor (prayers/rune casting) of the past, as that was where my heart lay, and poof! The menacing black cloud was gone. After this experience, and settling down a bit, I asked my live-in gal-friend if she had witnessed or heard anything. "Naw, not really, but the house did get so cold for a few minutes I thought I'd have to light the (wood) stove." While she didn't "see" anything, the mere fact the entire house got so cold was an indicator something "real" was happening (or an odd weather event just happened to coincide with my visual event). Whether the black cloud really filled my office or was simply an induced "vision", I don't know, but it was as real to me as sitting here now typing. The labels of "hallucination", "manifested vision" or "dream-state" could all explain what really happened. Of course the other explanation could cover it as well...."it really did happen!" I keep myself open to any and all possibilities, as I believe we all should. Just because something seems to be 100% Tom Foolery to us, does not mean it can't be 110% absolute reality to someone else...and/or of course vice versa....but that's just my take on the subject. I mean I've never been "abducted by aliens" either, but that doesn't mean the 100's of other claims to that effect are all pulling our leg! Blessings of Peace,
  11. Mein Göt! Das einsVideo, posted by the Bishop, ist zeine schrecklich tatto! Das Militär her un herren peinlich sollte! Das ist nichts gut, nine, das ist tatto verbötten en das werlt!! Auchdulieber, meine fruend, nichts on showing off zuch bad ink!!* And I agree, syncro-sign was very cool! Even sent it to my daughter and she's already responded with a "Cool daddo" and to "send thanks to Br. Devon for the link". Just got text message..."Now I gots me that silly song stuck in my head!!! Greeeeeat! I gotta go work in 15 minutes!" Blessings Be, *I'm sure my Deutsch is terribly ragged and sloppy as it's been decades since conversing, but the gist..."OMG! those guys have some TERRIBLE tattoos!" I only saw one "decent" one.!!
  12. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. See how dem paper calendar thingies get e'vybody corn fused? Every day is "Earth Day" as far as I'm concerned! I saw a flyer the other day at our Hobby House stating "Earth Day BBQ! Monday 4-8p!" so yesterday afternoon I get this big whiff of BBQ smoke in the office window (down wind about 200' from Hobby House) and then "Oh Yeah!" hit me bean. Several minutes later the smoke is so thick I'm cacking in my office! Then as I went out to the store last night, 2 large garbage bins overflowing with paper plates, plastic table cloths, tin-cans etc etc and yes, even recyclables, are sitting in front of the HH on the street. Wind gust and poof....stuff goes flying across road into parking lot. Grateful, I know that's not your idea of "Loving your Mother" (Gaia) but it got me to thinking....did anyone else at that BBQ see the "insult" to the day as I did? Less than 20 people made enough trash in 4 hours as 2 entire households do in a week! I think some people come up with any excuse to party!! We planted some wild flowers along the back fence in a private, silent acknowledgment. Blessings of Peace,
  14. Welcome to the ULC-dot-net Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Welcome to the ULC-dot-net Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  16. A tear forms, when I read, of the norms, regarding the rede. A smile then starts, one side, then the other, when looking into their hearts, of friend, sister, brother. How without them, I'dve had so few days, of a declared anthem, expressing our ways. A smile then starts, one side, then the other, when looking into their hearts, of friend, sister, brother. Their happiest hours, Were ours. Blessings of Healing and Contentment my friend,
  17. You and your entire family and extended family remain in our prayers. We understand the toll of what your mil is going through can take on everyone concerned. We have also been battling the "quitting" of cigs and find our primary physician to be of ZERO help...just orders and prescriptions we do not want. Chantax is not covered by our insure so she's presc. one that our co-pay is more than Chantax by itself. We hope to have joined the ranks of ex-smokers by summer...but it starts with a new doctor...1st appt next week! Anyway, you've done a remarkable job of keeping things "right" Murph and I'm sure that has had an enormous impact on your entire family. Keep it going! Blessings of Peace, Al & Kay
  18. I, for one, really appreciate this summary of "majik" as it pertains to what most Pagans believe regarding the practice. "Changing consciousness" is precisely what I was taught and adhere to. I realize this completely shatters the ideal many "playgans* " hold, but I'm honestly not too worried about getting zapped by their fireballs! Overall, Fr. John, I think you did a wonderful job on your web-site..... it's a keeper! Blessings of Peace, * term used in another topic that I've come to really enjoy
  19. Hi Amanda, I see you already use the link I go to for most questions regarding the "law" about others states so I'm afraid I may not be up to par to give you further help. However, perhaps you should just call, or stop by, the County Clerks office where you are going to perform your ceremonies. Most of the time talking to them will get you direct, rather than filtered answers. I've known of cases where even different clerks in the same office have varied interpretations of the "Law" - one being far stricter, based on personal bias, than others - even though "Law" is suppose to be 'blind'. Hopefully someone with some knowhow will jump in here. Blessings of Peace,
  20. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  21. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  22. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  23. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  24. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al