Bro. Hex

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Everything posted by Bro. Hex

  1. . Two O'Clock Eastern Wartime by John Dunning a WW2-era mystery
  2. It sounds to me Al, like you already sense that blaming the Dark One wouldn't be completely honest. Al, I would caution against "framing the issue" in moralistic terms. I think that it is more useful to understand depression in terms of mental health, and not in terms "character" or "morality". I suggest that you avoid viewing this as "back-sliding". See response immediately above. Lots of folks do this. I don't find it appropriate unless you can "smell the brimstone". I am pretty sure, from the tone of your beginning, that you already know the answer to this one. Being a good listener isn't easy. Most of us have to really "work at it". Pretty demeaning, as my wife has often forced me to see. Not demeaning at all. It is however cheating yourself out of a fuller participation in your own humanity. I am glad for you Al. .. and even more glad for your wife!
  3. Prince Lyov Nikolayevich Myshkin, From Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"... He exudes a level of compassion that I can only wish I were capable of.
  4. Hi Jon,

    I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you are a participant here. BTW, There is a cat that waits for me, almost every day, in the parking lot at work. He is rarely satisfied if I fail to stop and talk with him, pat his head, scratch his chin, or rub his belly. I am convinced that Patches and I are soul-mates. Species is not an issue.

    Best regards, Sam Nicolosi (H...

  5. Robin, we are all pulling for you, and praying for you. Get well, good buddy.
  6. . Got Values? A leg of hope, a leg of lamb Quick, shut the door, quick, make it slam. Our "way of life" is under threat But we won't torture! (wanna bet?) Well, that's okay, because "the other" is foreign to our ways, another reason is you see, they've got the OIL, we need to free it from their grubby hands, then send them back to roam their sands Send them away, Don't let them stay, because "their kind" don't understand... the values of our noble land.
  7. I like to begin Each New Day with this expectation.
  8. One thing is for sure, risteen, Your advice, "that we should live holy and godly lives" is excellent advice for any year. I shall strive to do just that, throughout this year, throughout 2013, and throughout the intervening years, if I should live that long. Those who follow your excellent advice need have no concern as to what might or might not occur. .
  9. Thanks, for the friendship status Rev. Lacey...and for the Add-A-Friend instructions. I think we are both live-and-let-live people. Glad to be your friend! Hex

  10. Mine too. Gary and your aunt. I will pray for them and for you.
  11. . Can you tell me how to get... ... how to get to "Says-A-Me" Street? Please Big Bird....Say it isn't so!
  12. Well spoken, Br. Blackthorn. A very imaginative and evocative creation story.
  13. I dunno...But I do know that Paul (Mc Cartney) said: Ebony and Ivory, living in perfect harmony... That's sorta the same message, no??
  14. Nope. It is thoroughly in remission. Under control. Doc says I got many good years ahead!
  15. Fortunately L.O., this is not true. While it is terribly sad that you were unable to save the ones that you loved, you are still capable of doing much to help to "save" others. The opportunities are everywhere. You have to WANT to help others...others that you probably don't even know and may not care about. You are still able to let yourself care, which of course will mean that you may very likely "get hurt again"...that is the price of loving, the price of caring once again. I can see a good deal of what we call "character" underneath all of your sadness. It is commendable to "keep on keepin' on" for others, when your heart is not in it. That is an heroic characteristic, and I expect that it will serve you the long run. Miracles happen...but they don't JUST happen. Somewhere along the way someone MAKES them happen. What you have lost will never "be restored" to you, because what you have lost is irreplaceable, is it not?You can't recreate the past, but you can craft a future that is worth requires "letting go" of the past. That "tenuous hold on the world" is your lifeline. You have to USE it to create a new "life worth living", and not knowing you, I have no idea what that will be...and most likely you don't have a clue either. Perhaps if you delve deeply into your past to recall "what sort of stuff used to make you happy", that will give you a clue. But, in any event, you have to work at forging a new purpose for "for those that depend upon you" won't work forever. And besides, you really will be much happier living "for your own purpose" I wish you joy.
  16. Or like the Adult Babies!!! Please don't throw out the baby with the bathwater... Throw out the baby INSTEAD OF the bathwater!
  17. Lightfoot, your work is cut out for you. Its not going to be easy, but you CAN put your life back together. There are people here who will try to help you, but the "heavy lifting" is going to be up to you. Brightest Blessings Hex
  18. This is a most refreshing thread. It seems to be discussing Spiritual Wisdom unfettered by any belief system. Thank you to all who are contributing.
  19. ??? There WERE no "verses" in question. You had not cited any specific verses, and neither had I. So you decide to introduce verses NOW??? And what non-NT gospel are you comparing these to, pray tell ??
  20. Of course it could also be the case that John Hagee is just plain "wrong". If "another gospel" deviates (whatever that means*) it could simply mean that the gospels that we have within the NT are the ones that are in error (or incomplete). Not trying to pick on anyone's views here but we must understand that the bible IS only the words of men... inspired perhaps, but a very human document, none-the-less. * it is such an indefinite thing to say "deviates"...what does that mean anyway? If another gospel "says more" (or less) than what is in the that "deviating"? Or is deviating (as used above) really referring to "contradictions"? If the former definition is what Mr. Hagee was implying, then he is on pretty shaky ground, as everything and anything ever said by any Saint...if it wasn't "quoting the gospels", would be judged as "deviating". This turns "deviation" into a pretty meaningless concept, and renders "The Lives of the Saints" as pretty much irrelevant. I don't know about you, but I am "not okay" with seeing the lives of the Saints in that light.