What if there is an item missing from my order?

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Please sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already.

Wallet cards and apparel are often shipped separately. They may arrive at a different time than the rest of your order. (Normally within just a few days.)

To ensure your items arrive in excellent condition:
Some bulky items such as holy water bottles, lapel pins and other accessories may also arrive to you separately. This allows for documents that may be included in an order to stay safe from damage, such as bending or creasing.

There is no additional charge when items are shipped separately.
We offer this service to have your items arrive to you as safely as possible.

If you received multiple Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that all your packages were delivered.

If your packages each show a status of “delivered” and you are unable to locate them, we will not have information or details. Please contact the shipper for further assistance.

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