How do I replace destroyed documents?

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We realize and appreciate how important Universal Life Church documents are to our ministers.

If your documents were damaged or destroyed due to unfortunate circumstances such as a fire or flood, or in transport during relocation, ULC Online and ULC Seminary can help you with getting your documents re-issued.

The following can be re-issued at a discount to assist with easing your personal hardship, however the full amount in shipping costs will still apply:

  • Course Diplomas
  • Special Titles
  • Degrees

The items you request to have re-issued using our hardship discount must be on record as being previously fulfilled by Universal Life Church Online, ULC Seminary, or from our ULC Headquarters in Modesto, California.

We apologize for this inconvenience, but the following items must be re-ordered as new and are not discounted:

  • Ordination Credential
  • Wallet cards & Badges
  • Press Pass

Instructions to Request a Re-Issue 

Before submitting a request for a re-issue of your documents, please be sure your information in the church records is up to date. This will help to expedite getting your documents to you. We will verify the actual issuance date of any documents through the records offices, but we need to know where to search.

Depending on the documents you request to have re-issued, some or all of the information below may be necessary to fulfill your request:

  • Your ordination date or estimated date.
  • Estimated date of issue for any course diplomas, special titles or degrees.
  • Address is updated in our church records from when you were originally ordained.
  • If you have legally changed your name since becoming ordained, please update this information in our church records.

If you do not have the information or the records are not up to date:

  1. Submit requests to update the church registry or search your ordination date by scrolling to the bottom of our Contact Us page to fill out the request forms.
  2. Once you have the required information for us to re-issue your documents, you will be given an approval. Enter the password given to you to to access the document re-issue request page. Then, use this form to begin the process of getting your documents re-issued to you ASAP.
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