Do I need a Letter of Good Standing?

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A Letter of Good Standing is a notarized document issued from ULCHQ in Modesto, California. (Universal Life Church Headquarters.)

The requirements for preparing the document are different for each state. The staff at ULC Headquarters is aware of what is required for you to register with your state to officiate weddings.

Please note that most states do not require this document.

If your state or county does not require a Letter of Good Standing, a request to the church to provide the document may be declined in order to service those whose states require them.

It is a very labor-intensive task, as each letter must be meticulously prepared according to requirements that vary widely for each state. Few states require the documents to be notarized, but the first and best place to check if you need a Letter of Good Standing is with your County Clerk’s Office.

If your state requires the notarized document:

  • Contact ULC Headquarters office in Modesto with your request.
  • Please make every effort to do this well in advance of the marriage date so as to avoid delays and disappointment.
  • The church does not charge for this service in order to allow everyone to fully participate as a ULC minister without cost.
  • The church will arrange to have the document notarized for you, however there is a $15.00 fee for the notary service.

Any voluntary donations you choose to make to help with the cost of providing this service will be sincerely appreciated.

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