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Hello, my names Michael, I’m 27 years old and I’d like to try something a bit different than the standard church organization. We can do real good in this world if we organize ourselves properly. This thought would also bring all those who frequently attend church to build a much stronger bond by being a real part of the community. It would also likely bring in those either on the fence of joining or people who don't yet feel God.


All I’m trying to do is improve the way we do things and church is just one of the avenues to do so. Imagine if everyday various sessions were held, community meals given full of cheap nutritional food grown and cooked by our local communities(perhaps even fellow members) yoga/a new style of physical fitness allowing for a healthier user base. Then there are the luxuries such as cars, housing and stuff. We could greatly improve every aspect of church to more than just attending sunday for “worship” because our faith in God is always, not just sunday and I think God would enjoy seeing us work together to improve not just our community but those less fortunate than us as well. We can produce more with less waste by being smart so we can help bring the rest of the world out of poverty. One step at a time.


If you’d like to hear more or provide input to this thought process please contact me! I hope we can help out those around us without forcing our beliefs down their throat because that’s just wrong. We are just a shoulder people can lean on and if they so happen to choose to embrace God as we do, then we’ll support them with open arms regardless of their faith. I believe this way we can get more people to believe in God because we’ll be showing that we do, in fact, care. With automation becoming the norm(for some reason it’s not being pursued to keep people working), we need to change the way we conduct ourselves in order to keep our faith alive.


Contact information

If you contact me through these means I’m willing to exchange phone numbers in order for us to debate through live conversation. for google hangouts/docs/email on for text messages

@macro_mx1 on twitter just because it's popular

@_x_ on mastodon a cool new version of facebook that isn’t for profit

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5 hours ago, cuchulain said:

what you describe has been done numerous times.  Have you ever heard of the Jonestown massacre?  You should look it up.  The basic premise was much as you describe.


The Jonestown massacre was a suicide cult. What I'm describing is going headfirst into automation so we can reap the benefits of an easier life.

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2 hours ago, cuchulain said:

Life isn't easy in my experience, but good luck.

Of course life isn't easy; people just don't help each other. I could easily produce 10x than what I'd need to survive but there isn't a point to do that when I only get paid enough to live off of. We can work together to out produce our needs and then give the leftovers to others in need. It's not fair being stronger than other people, yet weak to help them out.


Not everyone is equal, some can produce less, some aren't as smart, there's so much varying factors involved that it's impossible to decipher what is best for this world. I do know that what we are currently doing is wrong because a large percentage of people are living in poverty sifting through our trash to produce goods when we can easily build factories or schools for them to thrive. It's not hard building a house; the problem is knowing how to build one and having the correct materials to do so.

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The idea of automated help gives me pause.  There are too many things that seem like they could easily go wrong with automated help, unless I am misunderstanding and you don't really mean you are going automated?  I don't think I have your ideas down, or there is a disconnect somewhere.  Your first statement said nothing of automation, it talked of people helping each other(which describes perfectly a commune, by the way), to make life easier.  I referenced the Jonestown massacre because it seems relevant to commune style religious communities, which I and others often refer to as cults.  There are a variety of religious cults that have attempted the commune lifestyle over the centuries, none of them seem to have had much success, and I was merely curious if this is indeed what you are referring to, the commune style base.  As I said, it really seems like there might be something missing on either my end or yours, information wise, and I don't want to jump to conclusions about what you are attempting so I am simply asking for clarification.

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On 12/31/2018 at 5:05 PM, schuchmx said:


The Jonestown massacre was a suicide cult. What I'm describing is going headfirst into automation so we can reap the benefits of an easier life.

But it didn't start that way, by a long shot. Virtually none ever do.

And, btw, consider this, at one time, every religion may have been considered a sort of cult until it gained acceptance of a greater populace.

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I tend to think all religions are cults, by the definition.  Most people take umbrage with that, but it isn't meant to impugn anyone or anyone's beliefs, merely to point out that they are all cults by the definition of the word.  Social acceptance from cult to religion relies strictly on a logical fallacy, argument ad populum.  Many believe it, so it's no longer a cult.

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4 hours ago, cuchulain said:

I tend to think all religions are cults, by the definition.  Most people take umbrage with that, but it isn't meant to impugn anyone or anyone's beliefs, merely to point out that they are all cults by the definition of the word.  Social acceptance from cult to religion relies strictly on a logical fallacy, argument ad populum.  Many believe it, so it's no longer a cult.


By definition, a cult is a specific sect of a religion or the worship or veneration of one or more specific figures within a wider religion.  It has nothing to do with how many people accept it or take part in the cult worship.  For example, the cult of Athena Polias was the central cult of the city of ancient Athens with thousands of worshipers among the population, not some fringe group, but is still considered a cult by historians and anthropologists within the wider religious practice of Athenian polytheism.  


The Roman Catholic church still uses the term cult to describe the veneration given to specific saints, some of which also have thousands of followers.


It’s only relatively recently that the word cult has taken on a connotation of fringe extremist groups such as the community of Jonestown.

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46 minutes ago, LeopardBoy said:


By definition, a cult is a specific sect of a religion or the worship or veneration of one or more specific figures within a wider religion.  It has nothing to do with how many people accept it or take part in the cult worship.  For example, the cult of Athena Polias was the central cult of the city of ancient Athens with thousands of worshipers among the population, not some fringe group, but is still considered a cult by historians and anthropologists within the wider religious practice of Athenian polytheism.  


The Roman Catholic church still uses the term cult to describe the veneration given to specific saints, some of which also have thousands of followers.


It’s only relatively recently that the word cult has taken on a connotation of fringe extremist groups such as the community of Jonestown.

Okay. But my original response still stands. Jonestown did not start as a "suicide" cult. It only became that in the very end.

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Via the dictionary...cult, a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.  


The worship of Jesus fits perfectly, but since its popular is called a religion.


Religion, a particular system of faith and worship...much similarity.

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