Happy National Coffee Day, Usa

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I can't drink that high-test stuff. I have to take the light mix.

Actually, I'm coming up on tea season. Once the temperature gets below a certain point, I generally have a pot of tea going all day.

I still need to get up a couple times a night on days off to have a cup of coffee and go back to sleep. If I don't keep my caffeine balanced, I get nasty withdrawal symptoms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet, I just found out that Starbucks has offered me a free coffee on my birthday !!

I'm off for a nice hot cafe Mocha....

wonder if I have to pay extra for my usual triple venti Mocha?

Hope you have a great B-Day my friend!!!!

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I arrive at my work early in the morning and coffee is part of my morning "meditation" in the coffee shop. I read and write every morning over a cup of hot coffee. Later during the day I might have another cup just for fun. :) What is odd is that at home I do not drink coffee.

Hermano Luis

Edited by emalpaiz
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I arrive at my work early in the morning and coffee is part of my morning "meditation" in the coffee shop. I read and write every morning over a cup of hot coffee. Later during the day I might have another cup just for fun. :) What is odd is that at home I do not drink coffee.

Hermano Luis

You just made me smile thinking of an old movie reference based on a reference to an even older television commercial:

In the movie "Airplane," a passenger asks the flight attendant for a second cup of coffee, to which the viewers hear a voiceover of his wife thinking "that's strange... he NEVER has a second cup at home," the tag line for the commercial.

At my night job, it is a running joke between the owner/operator and me that my only benefit here is the free coffee. I do take full advantage of the "benefits package." :coffee::coffee::coffee:

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I wonder what effect if any drugs that are contained and ingested in such things as coffee beans have played in the evolution of man. It amuses me to think that the reason some of our common ancestors evolved a bit farther along then the Neanderthals was because of an addiction.

Maybe a small group of hominds lived near some field of coffee beans or some hallucinogens and their addictions led to the genetic changes that led to we humans.

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Well it has been clearly proven that coffee has prevented many a person from committing acts of homocide or at the very least prevented someone from "going upside someone's head." This is especially true in the customer service sector. If they ever took away the caffeine, the world would need to conduct all business transactions by internet and pick up all packages from secure lock boxes with no human interaction.


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